Florida CavernsBrochure |
Brochure of Florida Caverns State Park. Published by Florida State Parks.
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Florida State Parks
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Recreation and Parks
History & Nature
The park’s caves have a long and interesting
geologic history. Sea levels were much higher
then today. The southeastern coastal plain of the
United States was submerged. Shells, coral and
sediments gradually accumulated on the sea floor.
As sea levels fell, these materials hardened into
limestone. As the acidic groundwater dissolved
crevices just below the surface, cave passages
large enough to walk through were created.
Dazzling stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone and
other fragile cave-drip formations were created
over thousands of years by a similar dissolving
process by naturally acidic rainwater. The park’s
bluffs, caves and springs are called karst terrain.
Blind cave crayfish, cave salamanders, three species of cave roosting bats live in these caves.
Florida Caverns State Park has ten distinct natural
communities: upland glade, upland hardwood forest, upland mixed forest, floodplain forest, floodplain swamp, alluvial stream, spring run stream,
aquatic cave, and terrestrial cave. Some of these
communities are greatly influenced by their elevation above the Chipola River. The floodplain forest
is characterized by bald cypress, tupelo, swamp
chestnut oak, lizard’s tail and spider lilies. Just
above the floodplain is one of the best examples
of an upland hardwood forest in the state. Visitors can walk among huge spruce pine, white ash,
Florida elm, southern magnolia, American beech,
black walnut and needle palms.
Florida Caverns State Park
3345 Caverns Road
Marianna, Florida 32446
(850) 482-9598
Park Guidelines
Florida Caverns
State Park
Underground Florida
Hours are 8 a.m. until sunset, 365 days a year.
An entrance fee is required.
All plants, animals and park property are
protected. Collection, destruction or disturbance
is prohibited.
Pets are permitted in designated areas only. Pets
must be kept on a leash no longer than 6 feet
and well behaved at all times.
Fishing, boating, swimming and fires are allowed
in designated areas only. A Florida fishing license
may be required.
Caves other than the tour cave are closed to the
public, except by permit.
For camping information, contact Reserve
America at (800) 326-3521 or (866) I CAMP FL
or TDD (888) 433-0287 or visit
Florida’s state parks are committed to providing
equal access to all facilities and programs.
Should you need assistance to enable your
participation, please contact the ranger station.
Alternate format
available upon
request at any
Florida state park.
State Parks
Created on 8/14
National Gold Medal Winner
Florida State Parks - “America’s First Three-Time Winner”
Real Fun in
Florida Caverns State Park is a 1,300-acre
sanctuary bordering both banks of the spring-fed
Chipola River. The park’s primary attraction is its
spectacular cave tour. Many visitors simply enjoy
the abundant beauty of the spring and summer
wildflowers throughout the park and the refreshing
appeal of the Blue Hole Spring.
Guided cave tours, are offered Thursday thru
Monday except on Christmas and Thanksgiving
days, provide an exciting opportunity to view
cave formations such as stalactites, stalagmites,
draperies, flowstone, soda straws, columns and
rimstone pools. Visitors can learn about the
geology, wildlife, and history of this cave system.
The park offers visitors two networks of nature
trails. The short, scenic Visitor Center Trail
winds its way through towering hardwoods and
limestone bluffs above the river floodplain. The
Upper Chipola trails offer 6 miles of exploration
for hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders in
the woodlands along the sparkling Chipola River.
The historic visitor center features an extensive
display of maps, exhibits, historic artifacts and a
video tour of the Florida Cavern. Downstairs, the
park’s concession is the staging area for guided
cave tours and offers refreshments, souvenirs,
trail maps and other information about park
facilities. The park also offers fishing, picnicking,
camping and canoe rentals. Stables and
equestrian camping facilities are available for
visitors who bring their horses.
Florida Caverns park is located
three miles north of Marianna on
State Road 166.