Rocky Mountain ArsenalBisons |
Bisons at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Colorado. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
American Bison at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge - July 2018
Since reintroducing the American bison (Bison bison) in
2007, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife
Refuge (Refuge) has played an important role in the
conservation of this iconic prairie species.
Bison have dark brown fur and horns that can grow to 2
feet in length. They have a hump on their back and stand
between 5 and 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder. Bison are the
heaviest land animals in North America, with bulls (males)
weighing up to 2,000 pounds and cows (females) weighing
up to 1,200 pounds. They usually live between
12 and 20 years and are often referred to as buffalo,
though this name is incorrect. True buffalo are native to
Africa and Asia.
Bison are fast and agile animals. They
can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per
hour and jump more than 5 feet high.
These abilities, combined with their
massive size and horns, make them
formidable opponents to predators.
Grizzly bears and wolves are predators
of bison, although these species are
not found at the Refuge.
faster and returning nutrients to the soil. Bison also push
seeds into the soil with their hooves, encouraging new
grasses to grow.
Social Life
Cows, juvenile bulls, and calves (young bison) live together
while mature bulls remain alone or form small bachelor
herds throughout most of the year. Bulls only join the
larger herd during the rut (mating season), which peaks in
July and August.
Bulls bellow at each other and fight using their heads or
horns during the rut to establish dominance. Some bulls
wallow (roll in dirt) to demonstrate their strength.
Wallowing has the added benefit of removing molted fur,
deterring flies, and creating low spots that serve as
seasonal wetlands.
After a pregnancy lasting 9 to 9.5 months, cows give birth
to a reddish-brown calf weighing between 30 and 70
pounds. Calves can walk within an hour of birth and are
fiercely protected by the entire herd. If calves are in
danger, adult
bison will form
a circle around
them. During
calving season,
please give the
Bison eat between 15 and 30 pounds of grass each day
animals extra
and move continuously as they forage, sometimes walking distance with
up to 20 miles to find enough food. Grazing bison help
your vehicle.
keep prairie plants healthy and diverse. They break up
dead plants with their hooves, helping them to decompose
Population Decline and Conservation
An estimated 30 to 60 million bison once roamed North
America until overhunting caused their population to
dwindle to about 1,000 in the mid-1880s. As a result, the
government and private landowners intervened.
Punishments for poaching bison were strengthened and
bison recovery efforts were initiated on the National Bison
Range in Montana and other public lands. Due to these
conservation measures, bison populations began to
increase and there are now more than 500,000 animals in
North America, the majority of which are privately owned.
To promote the continued conservation of bison, the
Department of the Interior launched the Bison
Conservation Initiative in 2008. The goal of the initiative
is to restore bison to their ecological and cultural role on
appropriate landscapes by maintaining herds on public
lands and controlling disease. The initiative seeks to
ensure that bison are free of cattle genes and have high
genetic diversity as well.
Bison Recovery at the Refuge
In support of the Department of the Interior’s bison
conservation efforts, 16 bison were transferred from the
National Bison
Range to the
Refuge in March
2007. The herd
has since grown to
more than 180
animals, largely as
a result of calves
being born at the
Refuge. A small number of bison from other refuges were
also added to the herd to ensure genetic diversity.
Refuge staff will continue to expand the size of the bison
enclosure until approximately two-thirds of the Refuge is
bison pasture. As a result, the Refuge will be able to
support about 200 bison.
A roundup of the bison is conducted annually in the late
fall or winter to ensure the health of the herd. Genetic
information is collected by
taking blood, fat, and tail hair
samples and microchips are
implanted in the calves at the
base of their ear. Microchips are
similar to barcodes on products
at the grocery store. They
individually identify the bison
and retrieve information about
the specific animal when they
are scanned. Bison to be sent to other refuges are
separated out during the roundup.
Viewing Opportunities
The bison herd at the Refuge may be viewed by taking the
Wildlife Drive Auto Tour. While driving through the bison
pasture, please remain in your vehicle as bison are large
and unpredictable
animals. Pull off the
road completely if
stopping to view
these burly animals
and observe posted
30 mph speed limit
as bison and other
wildlife may be
crossing the road.
Learn More
To learn more about the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge please visit
refuge/rocky_mountain_arsenal/ or call the Visitor
Center at 303-289-0930. The Refuge is open seven
days a week from sunrise to sunset and is closed on
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day only.
The Visitor Center is open Wednesdays through
Sundays from 9 am - 4 pm.