Grand Mesa

Regged Wilderness

brochure Grand Mesa - Regged Wilderness
Wilderness Guidelines 1. Maximum party size is 25 heart beats, this is a maximum of 15 people and includes pets and stock. Larger groups tend to do significant damage to trails and campsites. 2. Locate campsites, campfires and recreational stock at least 100 feet from lakes, streams and trails. Vegetation and soil adjacent to lakes and streams are sensitive to disturbance. Camping away from trails adds to a visitor’s sense of solitude. 3. All dogs, except for working stock dogs, guide dogs or dogs used for legal hunting, must be restrained on a leash and or under direct verbal control of the dogs’ owner or handler at all times. All pets must be on a leash in the Oh-Be-Joyful drainage. Pets are not a natural part of the wilderness and their presence can disrupt wildlife. 4. No motorized vehicles, motorized equipment, motorized boats or other forms of mechanical transport, such as mountain bikes, within the Wilderness is allowed. 5. Landing of aircraft or dropping of materials, supplies or persons from aircraft is prohibited. 6. Stay on the trail when possible. Shortcutting switchbacks creates a path which channels water and accelerates erosion. 7. Pack out everything you bring in and any other trash you may find along the way. 8. Use pack stoves, especially in areas of heavy use. If a campfire is necessary, make a small fire without rocks around it. Make sure your fire is dead out and erase all signs of fire when you leave. 9. Bury human waste at least 100 feet from lakes and streams and 6 inches deep in the soil so it will decompose naturally. 10. Wash at least 50 feet from lakes and streams and use biodegradable soap. The Raggeds Wilderness encompasses almost 65,000 acres on the Gunnison and White River National Forests. Elevations within the Wilderness range from 7,000 to over 13,000 feet. Over 90 miles of constructed trails are available for both foot and horse travel through sometimes rugged terrain. Weather for the area can vary greatly; but generally you can expect cool mountain climate with scattered rain showers throughout the summer months. Normally, the Raggeds Wilderness Area is snow free from July to September, but conditions depend on the elevation and amount of snowfall each winter. Lower elevations from around 7,000 to 8,500 feet may become snow free by early June, but some creek and river water levels tend to be high. The annual precipitation varies from 25” to 40”. Some points of interest in the Raggeds are Dark Canyon, Ragged Mountains, Marcellina Mountain, Mount Justice, Treasury Mountain and Oh-BeJoyful Pass. Wildlife includes elk, mule deer, black bear, bobcat, mountain lion, coyote, snowshoe hares, Golden Eagle and other small species. Streams are inhabited by native cutthroat, rainbow, brook and brown trout. Ruby Anthracite Creek The Raggeds Wilderness Area For further Information write or call us at: Gunnison National Forest Paonia Ranger District P.O. Box 1030 403 N. Rio Grande Ave. Paonia, CO 81428 (970) 527-4131 White River National Forest Sopris Ranger District P.O. Box 309 620 Main Street Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 963-2266 For any questions or comments please contact: Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, White River National & Gunnison National Forest Forest Supervisor’s Supervisor’s Office Office 2250 Highway 50 P.O. Box 948 Delta, CO 81416 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 (970) 874-6600 (970) 945-3229 1. TH Sopris Ranger District TH 2. Paonia Ranger District Personal Safety is a constant consideration in the Wilderness. Wilderness users face inherent risk of adverse weather conditions, isolation, physical hazards, and lack of rapid communication. Listed below are some important safety concerns: Giardia is a microscopic organism found in water which can cause diarrhea, nausea, weakness and a fever. Chorine and Iodine are effective, but boiling your water for 5-10 minutes will kill the organism. Hypothermia is a lowering of the body’s core temperature which can lead to death. Symptoms include shivering, tiredness, slurred speech, and disorientation. Prevention—Keep the victim warm and dry and give hot liquids if possible. Do not give the victim any alcoholic beverages, get professional medical assistance immediately. This map is not intended for use as a trail map. US Geological Survey 7 1/2 minute topographic maps show the level of detail needed for wilderness travel use. You can buy these maps at most sporting goods stores or directly from USGS at: US Geological Survey Denver Federal Center P.O. Box 25046 Denver, CO 80225-0046 TH 3. The following maps cover the Raggeds Wilderness: Chair Mountain, Marble, Paonia Reservoir, Marcellina Mountain, Oh-Be-Joyful, Snowmass Mountain 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principles of Leave No Trace: Plan Ahead & Prepare Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces Dispose of Waste Properly Leave What You Find Minimize Campfire Impacts Respect Wildlife Be Considerate of Other Visitors TH The Raggeds Wilderness Trailheads 1. Raspberry 2. Yule Creek 3. Anthracite 4. Horse Ranch Park Emergency Contacts: Delta County Sheriff’s Department: (970)874-2000, Gunnison County Sheriff’s Department: (970)641-8000, or 911. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA;s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice & TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider & employer. Raggeds Wilderness Area All motorized and mechanized equipment is prohibited by law in Wilderness Areas. This includes but is not limited to: bicycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATV’s, hang gliders, drones, chainsaws, game carts, and wagons. Seven Principles of Leave No Trace » » » » » » » Plan Ahead and Prepare Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces Dispose of Waste Properly Leave What You Find Minimize Campfire Impacts Respect Wildlife » » » » » Travel Responsibly Respect the Rights of Others Educate Yourself Avoid Sensitive Areas Do Your Part Be Considerate of Other Visitors Raggeds Wilderness Regulations Large groups cannot exceed 15 people per group with a maximum combination of people and stock not to exceed 25 per group. Please do not short cut switchbacks in the trail. Camp at least 100 feet from all lakes, streams, and National Forest System Trails. There is a 14 day camping limit. Campfires should be at least 100 feet from all lakes, streams, and National Forest System Trails and are not allowed at or above tree line. If planning to highline or hobble your pack or saddle animals, do so at least 100 feet from all lakes, streams, and National Forest System Trails. All hay and feed pellets must be certified weed free on all National Forest Lands. Only tie horses to trees for brief loading and unloading.. All dogs (except for working stock dogs, guide dogs, or dogs used for legal hunting) must be restrained on a leash and/or under direct verbal control of the dogs’ owner or handler at all times. Dogs must be leashed in the Oh-Be Joyful valley.

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