Grand Mesa


brochure Grand Mesa - Birds
Legend Status codes Abundance categories C Always present in moderate to large numbers in the appropriate habitat and season. F Always present, but in smaller numbers, in the appropriate habitat and season. U Resident and partially migratory species. Nests in region in summer. Many withdraw in fall, and others migrate to our region to winter. A population is present all seasons of the year. Annually occurs in small numbers in the appropriate habitat and season, but is missing from much apparently appropriate habitat. R WR Winter Resident, migratory species that winters but does not nest in our region. Occurs irregularly in small numbers in the habitat and season, and is frequently absent entirely throughout the season. Species on the periphery of their normal ranges. S MI Migratory species that neither nests nor winters in the region. It may be present during the breeding season but is a non-breeder. Occurrence is sporadic and normally unexpected. Species outside their normal ranges. PR Permanent Resident, non-migratory breeders. SR Summer Resident, migratory species. Nests in region in summer and most return to their winter grounds. RE SM Spring Migratory species that passes through the region in the spring. FM Fall Migratory species that passes through the region in the fall. VI A Visitor species is one that occurs irregularly. and unreliably. Seasons Defined for migratory species by birds’movements; defined for resident species by the calendar. Wi Winter—For migrants, that period when the species is on its wintering grounds; for resident species, December-February. Sp Spring—For migrants, that period when the species is moving from its wintering grounds to its nesting grounds; for residents species, March-May. Su Summer—For migrants, that period when the species is on its nesting grounds; for resident species, June-July. Fa Fall Migration—For migrants, that period when the species is moving from its nesting grounds to its wintering area; for resident species, AugustNovember. Spring and Fall migration windows These windows represent the dates for the bulk of migration through the region. Aberrant dates have been disregarded. When available, dates for resident migrant species are given. Dates for casual species reflect few observations, and they should not be considered limiting. 1-12 a-d W B January though December. First week of the month through the fourth. Present during the winter. Present during the breeding season BC ird t s i l k c he Birds of Western Colorado Forest Service Lands Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Brown-capped rosy-finch © Glenn Walbek. Used with permission. This list was researched and compiled by Coen Dexter W S S F ST i p u a Spring GNATCATCHERS Blue-gray Gnatcatcher THRUSHES Western Bluebird Mountain Bluebird Townsend's Solitaire Swainson's Thrush Hermit Thrush American Robin MIMIDS Gray Catbird Northern Mockingbird Sage Thrasher STARLINGS European Starling PIPITS American Pipit WAXWINGS Cedar Waxwing WARBLERS Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler Virginia's Warbler Yellow Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler "Audubon's” Yellowrumped Warbler "Myrtle” Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Gray Warbler Townsend's Warbler Grace's Warbler Ovenbird MacGillivray's Warbler Hooded Warbler Wilson's Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall TANAGERS SR U U U 4d-B RE R U F U SR C C C 3b-B RE U F F F SR R R R 5b-B SR U C U 5a-B RE R C C C FR FR SR U U U 5c-B R R R 5a-B R R R 3c-B B-10b Western Tanager B-10c SPARROWS Green-tailed Towhee Spotted Towhee American Tree Sparrow B-9d B-10c B-9b B-9a B-9c PR S U U U SR F U F RE U U U U SR MI SR SR MI F R F F S F F R F F C F S S 4d-B 5a-5c 4d-B 5a-B 5b-6d SR S C F C 4d-B B-10b 8c-10a B-9c B-9b 9a-9d B-11a MI U U 4d-5c 9d-10d SR MI SR SR U U U 4d-B B-9d S U 5a-5d 8c-10a F F F 5a-B B-9a S 6a-7a SR MI SR SR U F U 5b-B S F F C 5b-B S S S 5c-B Chipping Sparrow Brewer's Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Lark Sparrow Sage Sparrow Lark Bunting Savannah Sparrow Fox Sparrow Song Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Harris's Sparrow "Rocky Mountain" Whitecrowned Sparrow "Gambel's" White-crowned Sparrow "Gray-headed" Dark-eyed Junco "Pink-sided" Dark-eyed Junco "Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco "Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco Snow Bunting WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall Fall CARDINALS SR U F U 5b-B B-9d SR U C U 4d-B RE R F F F B-9d WR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR RE SR MI WR 10d-W B-10d B-9d B-10c B-9b B-10c B-9c B-10c B-9c F U F F F U R S U R U C F S S S S C F F U R S F U F C U C F F U R S U R C F S S W-3d 4d-B 4d-B 4b-B 4d-B 3a-B 5a-B 4a-B 4b-B 4a-B B-11d 10a-W W-5b 10c-W W-5b SR R U C U 5a-B WR U U B-10c U 10a-W W-5a RE R F C F WR C F F 9d-W W-5a WR C C C 9d-W W-5a WR U U VI S U 9d-W W-5a 12d-W W-3b Rose-breasted Grosbeak MI R S R 4d-5d 8d-12c Black-headed Grosbeak SR F F U 5a-B B-9a Lazuli Bunting SR F F F 4d-B B-8d BLACKBIRDS Red-winged Blackbird Western Meadowlark RE S U U U SR U U U 3b-B B-11a Yellow-headed Blackbird SR B-9d Brewer's Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Bullock's Oriole SR C C SR S R R SR C C SR S S F R C S Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Black Rosy-Finch Brown-capped Rosy-Finch Pine Grosbeak Cassin's Finch House Finch Red Crossbill WR WR RE PR RE PR RE U W-4d 11a-W U W-4d 11a-W U F F 4a-B B-11b U F White-winged Crossbill RE R R R R Evening Grosbeak Common Redpoll Pine Siskin Lesser Goldfinch American Goldfinch RE VI RE SR RE S S S 4b-B 4b-B 4c-B 4d-B 5a-B B-10d B-11b B-8d B-8d FINCHES U F F F U R F U U U F F U F U F F U U F F U R S F C C R R F U U F S W-2d 11b-W C R 5a-B B-10d U OLD WORLD SPARROWS House Sparrow PR R R R R B-9d B-10a B-9b 3 WS S F ST i p u a Spring GULLS Franklin's Gull Bonaparte's Gull Ring-billed Gull California Gull Herring Gull MI MI MI MI MI Sabine's Gull F TERNS Forster's Tern Black Tern PIGEONS & DOVES Rock Dove Band-tailed Pigeon Eurasian Collared-Dove Mourning Dove OWLS Flammulated Owl Great Horned Owl Northern Pygmy-Owl Long-eared Owl Boreal Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl NIGHTJARS Common Nighthawk Common Poorwill SWIFTS Black Swift White-throated Swift MI MI PR R SR PR R SR SR PR F PR U RE U PR U RE U SR SR SR SR U S R 3d-5c 8b-10c R R 4b-5c 10d-11c U R U 3a-5d 9d-11d U R U 3d-5d 8c-11c R R 3d-4d 10c-12a S R R R U R F F F U U U F 9a-10d R 4d-5d 8d-10b R 5a-6a 8b-9c R U R F F F U U U F WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall R U 4a-B B-9c R F F 4d-B B-10a F U U U F F C C 5d-B B-10c U F F 5a-B B-9d U U U 5d-B B-9d F F F 4a-B B-10b WOODPECKERS RE S U U U SR R F R 4c-B B-9d Red-naped Sapsucker SR B-10d Downy Woodpecker PR F F F F Hairy Woodpecker PR F F F F Three-toed Woodpecker PR U U U U Northern Flicker PR U C C C FLYCATCHERS Olive-sided Flycatcher Western Wood-Pewee Willow Flycatcher SR SR SR R U R 5c-B U C U 5c-B R R R 5c-B B-9b B-9c B-9a Hammond's Flycatcher SR R U U 5b-B B-9b Gray Flycatcher SR U F U 4c-B B-9b Dusky Flycatcher SR U C U 5b-B B-9b Cordilleran Flycatcher SR U F U 5b-B B-9b Say's Phoebe Ash-throated Flycatcher SR SR U U U 3c-B U U U 5b-B B-10a B-8a Western Kingbird SR U U U 4d-B B-9a SHRIKES Northern shrike WR S S S W-3d 10d-W VIREOS Gray Vireo SR S S 4d-B B-9a Warbling Vireo SR FM SR F F F 4d-B B-9b S R 5b-5b 8c-10a F C F 5b-B B-9c Red-eyed Vireo MI S S S 5b-7a 9a-10b Plumbeous Vireo Cassin's Vireo HUMMINGBIRDS Blue-throated Hummingbird VI Magnificent Hummingbird VI Black-chinned Hummingbird SR S S 7c-9a S S S 5c-5d 7a-9b F F F 4d-B B-9d JAYS & CROWS Gray Jay PR F F F F Steller's Jay PR F F F F Calliope Hummingbird Broad-tailed Hummingbird U U 7c-9b C C C 4d-B B-9b Western Scrub-Jay PR F F F F Pinyon Jay PR U U U U Clark's Nutcracker PR F F F F Black-billed Magpie PR C C C C American Crow Common Raven PR C C C C PR C C C C Rufous Hummingbird KINGFISHERS Belted Kingfisher F SR F F C RE R U U U 7a-9b LARKS Horned Lark Lewis' Woodpecker Williamson's Sapsucker U F U 4a-B WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall SWALLOWS Purple Martin Tree Swallow Violet-green Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Barn Swallow Fall RE U F F F SR SR SR R U R 5c-B C F C 4a-B C C C 4c-B B-9b B-9c B-9c SR SR SR SR U U U 4c-B R R 4c-B C C F 4c-B F F F 4b-B B-9b B-9b B-9b B-10b CHICKADEES Black-capped Chickadee Mountain Chickadee Juniper Titmouse PR F F F F PR C C C C PR U U U U BUSHTITS Bushtit PR U U U U NUTHATCHES Red-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch Pygmy Nuthatch RE U U F U PR F F F F PR F F F F CREEPERS Brown Creeper RE U U F U WRENS Rock Wren Canyon Wren Bewick's Wren SR U U U 4b-B RE S R R R RE R R R B-10c House Wren SR B-9c DIPPERS American Dipper PR F F F F KINGLETS Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet RE R U U U RE R F C F U C U 5a-B 2 WS S F ST i p u a Spring GEESE Snow Goose MI R R R W-3c Ross’s Goose Cackling Goose MI R R MI R R Canada Goose PR U C C C 11a-W R W-3c 11a-W R 10c-12a 3a-4a SWANS Trumpeter Swan Tundra Swan VI S MI S R W-3c R W-3c WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall 11d-W 10d-W GROUSE Greater Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse White-tailed Ptarmigan Dusky Grouse Sharp-tailed Grouse TURKEYS Wild Turkey PR PR PR PR PR S U R F S S U R F S S U R F S S U R F S PR U U U U LOONS DUCKS Gadwall RE U R U U 3b-B American Wigeon RE U R U U Mallard PR U C C C Blue-winged Teal SR U U U 4b-B B-10b Cinnamon Teal SR F F F 2a-B B-10c Northern Shoveler RE S U U U 3c-B B-12a Northern Pintail RE S U U U 2b-B B-12a Green-winged Teal RE U F F F Canvasback RE S U S U 3b-B B-12a Redhead Ring-necked Duck RE S F R F 2d-B RE U F U F B-12c Lesser Scaup RE U F U F 3b-B B-12b Surf Scoter MI 10c-11b White-winged Scoter Black Scoter Bufflehead Common Goldeneye MI MI MI WR U Barrow's Goldeneye Hooded Merganser PR R R R R WR R U S U W-4c Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck RE R F F F R S S U C R R S U C 3d-5b 4d-4d 3a-5c W-4d MI R R 3c-5a RE S U U U 3c-B B-12a 10c-12c 10c-11c 10b-12c 11a-W 10c-W 10d-12a B-12a Red-throated Loon FM Pacific Loon Common Loon FM MI S 10c-11c R 10a-11d U R U 4b-5b 10c-12a GREBES Pied-billed Grebe RE S F U F 4a-B B-12b Horned Grebe Eared Grebe Western Grebe Clark's Grebe MI SR SR SR R R 3c-4c C U C 4a-B C U C 3b-B S S S 4b-B 9d-11d B-11c B-12a B-11c PELICANS American White Pelican MI R R R 4c-5d 8a-11d CORMORANTS Double-crested Cormorant MI WS S F ST i p u a Spring Fall R R R 4b-5d 8b-11d HERONS Great Blue Heron Great Egret RE S U U U 3c-B B-11d MI S S 4d-6b 9d-10d Snowy Egret Black-crowned Night-Heron MI SR S S S 4c-6b 8c-10a S S S 4b-B B-10c IBISES White-faced Ibis MI U S U 4b-B B-9d VULTURES Turkey Vulture SR F F F 3d-B B-10a California Condor VI S 8d-8d Fall HAWKS Osprey Bald Eagle Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Northern Goshawk Swainson's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle SR RE RE RE RE PR SR RE RE WR PR U S U F U U U F U U U F S U F FALCONS American Kestrel Merlin Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon RE MI SR RE R U S U C C C U U W-3d R R R U U U RAILS Virginia Rail Sora American Coot SR S R R R SR U F U 4b-B B-11a RE R C F C 3c-5b 9c-11d CRANES Sandhill Crane SR F U F 3a-B B-11d PLOVERS Killdeer SR U U U 3c-B B-10b AVOCETS American Avocet MI S S S 3d-B B-11b SANDPIPERS Greater Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Least Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Wilson's Snipe Wilson's Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope MI S S 3d-5a MI S SR F F F 4d-B MI R R 4c-5b MI R SR S F F F 3d-B MI S S S 4c-B MI S S 4d-5d U R R S U U S U U U U U F S U 4a-B U U F U U U 4a-B F S U W-3c F F B-10c B-9d 10d-W 9b-W 8a-11b 8a-9d B-10d 7d-10a 8a-10b B-11d B-9d 9a-11a 1

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