Eleven Mile


brochure Eleven Mile - Plants
C O L O R A D O PA R K S & W I L D L I F E ❑ Brittlefern Discovering Plants ❑ Field Horsetail ❑ Smooth Horsetail MOSS ❑ Little Club-moss AT ELEVEN MILE STATE PARK SUCCULENTS ❑ Ball Cactus ❑ Prickly Pear Cactus GLOSSARY OF TERMS Prickly Pear Cactus HELPFUL HINTS 1. Bring your eye to the plant, never bring the plant to your eye. Picking wildflowers is prohibited on public lands, and for good reason. Millions visit these lands and if everyone took home a bouquet, many species would disappear from the park forever. 4229 County Road 92 • Lake George, CO 80827 719-748-3401 • cpw.state.co.us ❑ Blue Penstemon ❑ Fendler’s False Arabis ❑ Field Sagewort ❑ Mapleleaf Goosefoot ❑ Machaeranthera ❑ Meadow Thistle ❑ Miner’s Candle ❑ Narrowleaf Goosefoot Flower – the reproductive structure of many plants ❑ Pinnate Tansymustard Forb – A broad- leaved, non-woody plant that dies back to the ground after each growing season ❑ Rocky Mountain Beeplant Grass – an annual or perennial herb with a round, hollow stem ❑ Spreading Fleabane (daisy) Herb – a narrow-leaved, non-woody plant. ❑ Winged Buckwheat Perennial – A plant that lives at least three years, usually flowering and producing fruit each year Eleven Mile State Park ❑ Bigelow Aster Biennial – A plant that lives two years, usually flowering and producing fruit in the 2nd year Moss – a non-vascular plant; able to dry up and then begin photosynthesis again immediately upon getting water 3. Take along a camera to photograph species that you can’t easily ID in the field. ❑ American Chamaerhodos ❑ Glasswort Lichen – a composite of an alga and a fungus 2. A field guide to plants will be helpful, as this is merely a checklist. NATIVE ANNUAL & BIENNIAL FORBS Annual – A plant that lives one year Fern – an ancient, vascular plant that reproduces by spores LICHENS ❑ Lichen This list is intended to represent the most commonly found plants at Eleven Mile and Spinney Mountain State Parks. Let us know if you find species not listed here. s ef oot FERNS af G Maplele ❑ Pygmyflower Rockjasmine ❑ Roundfruit Yellowcress ❑ Seablight ❑ Whitlowwort ❑ Yellow Sweetclover Spreading Fleabane INTRODUCED ANNUAL & BIENNIAL FORBS ❑ Burning-bush ❑ Denseflower Pepperweed ❑ Early Stickseed ❑ Field Pennycress Shrub – A perennial broad- leaved, woody plant, typically multi-stemmed and less than 15 feet tall ❑ Flixweed Tansymustard Succulent – a plant with fleshy, water-storing stems or leaves ❑ Ironweed Tree – a perennial woody plant with a single stem (trunk), generally at least 15 feet tall ❑ Mexican Tea ❑ Horseweed ❑ Lady’s Thumb Smartweed ❑ Russian Thistle ❑ Thyme-leaved Spurge ❑ Wormseed Wallflower SEEM1204 -PDF-07/14 cpw.state.co.us oo Horseweed ❑ Littleflower Alumroot ❑ Tansy Aster ❑ Plains Bluegrass ❑ Alkali Aster ❑ Marsh Felwort ❑ Wallflower ❑ Purple Reedgrass ❑ Arrowgrass ❑ Meadow hawksbeard ❑ Western Yarrow ❑ Saltgrass ❑ Beard-tongue ❑ Meadow Lousewort ❑ Wild Buckwheat ❑ Bessey’s Stickseed ❑ Microseris ❑ Wild Tarragon ❑ Bigelow bottle Gentian ❑ Milkvetch (locoweed) ❑ Wildspikenard False Solomon’s Seal ❑ Slimstem Muhly ❑ Bladderpod ❑ Moss Campion ❑ Blue Flax ❑ Mount Elbert Goldenrod INTRODUCED PERENNIAL FORBS ❑ Sun Sedge ❑ Bodin Milkvetch ❑ Mountain Strawberry ❑ Branched Blue-eyed Grass ❑ Nodding Onion ❑ Parry Bellflower ❑ Colorado Rubberweed ❑ Pasqueflower ❑ Common Mare’s tail ❑ Pasture Sage ❑ Creeping Nailwort ❑ Plains Indian Paintbrush ❑ Desert Sandwort ❑ Platte River Milkvetch ❑ Diamond Milkvetch ❑ Pretty Draba ❑ Drummond Campion ❑ Prickly Gilia ❑ Dwarf Columbine ❑ Pussytoes ❑ Englemann Fleabane er bb Ru Colorado ❑ Rocky Mountain Iris ❑ Fendler’s Ragwort ❑ Scarlet Gilia ❑ Fieldmint ❑ Sea Milkwort ❑ Fringed Sage ❑ Sheep Cinquefoil ❑ Golden Smoke ❑ Shore Buttercup ❑ Groundsel ❑ Showy Fleabane ❑ Gumweed Aster ❑ Silky Locoweed ❑ Hairy Golden Aster ❑ Silver Thistle ❑ Harebell ❑ Silverweed ❑ Hooded Ladies’ Tresses ❑ Siskiyou Aster ❑ Horse Cinquefoil ❑ Skeletonweed ❑ Kitten-tail ❑ Slenderfoot Willowherb ❑ Lanceleaf Bluebells ❑ Small-leaf Geranium ❑ Large-leaved Avens ❑ Spotted Saxifrage ❑ Laxmann’s Milkvetch ❑ Little Gentian Lanceleaf Bluebells ❑ Perennial Sow-thistle NATIVE SHRUBS ❑ Birchleaf Mountain Mahogany False Buffalograss ❑ Douglas Rabbitbrush NATIVE PERENNIAL GRASSES ❑ Gooseberry Currant ❑ Horsebrush ❑ Kinnickkinnick ❑ Rubber Rabbitbrush ❑ Alkali Sacaton ❑ Sand Bar Willow ❑ Arizona Fescue ❑ Shrubby Cinquefoil ❑ Baltic Rush ❑ Spanish Bayonet ❑ Beaked Sedge ❑ Trumpet Gooseberry ❑ Blackcreeper Sedge ❑ Wax Currant ❑ Bottlebrush Squirrel Tail ❑ Winterfat ❑ Elk Sedge ❑ Wood’s Rose ❑ Foxtail Sedge ❑ Junegrass NATIVE TREES ❑ Mat Muhly ❑ Douglas-fir ❑ Montana Wheatgrass ❑ Engelmann Spruce ❑ Mountain Muhly ❑ Mutton Bluegrass ❑ Needle-and-thread Grass ❑ Northern Reedgrass ❑ Parry’s Oatgrass ❑ Pine Dropseed American Red Raspberry ❑ Viscid Rabbitbrush ❑ Blue Grama Grass Sunbright ❑ Common Juniper ❑ False Buffalograss ❑ Alkali Cordgrass ta oun Rocky M t ea Wh ❑ American Red Raspberry ❑ Agassiz Bluegrass ❑ Spurge ❑ Sunbright ❑ Snakeweed ❑ Annual Muhly ❑ Richardson’s Geranium ❑ False Dandelion ❑ Common Plantain NATIVE ANNUAL GRASSES ❑ Redwool Plantain Slender ❑ Tufted Hairgrass NATIVE SUBSHRUBS ❑ Swamp Sow-thistle Plains Indian Paintbrush ❑ Slender Wheatgrass ❑ Common Dandelion Blue Grama Grass ❑ Ciliate Willowherb we ed ❑ Pale Evening Primrose ❑ Scribner Needlegrass ❑ Western Wheatgrass ❑ Canada Thistle ❑ Oreocarya Blue Flax ❑ Calcareous Cryptantha ❑ Easter daisy ❑ Butter-and-eggs in Iris ❑ Broom groundsel Western Yarrow gr ass NATIVE PERENNIAL FORBS ❑ Limber Pine ❑ Ponderosa Pine ❑ Quaking Aspen INTRODUCED TREES ❑ Willow Quaking Aspen

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