Barr LakeBrochure |
Brochure and Map of Barr Lake State Park (SP) in Colorado. Published by Colorado Parks & Wildlife.
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Waterfowl Hunting
C O L O R A D O PA R K S & W I L D L I F E
Waterfowl hunting is permitted only during the legal,
regular waterfowl seasons and only on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. This activity is restricted to blinds located
north of the dam, and registration is required. One
specially designed blind is available for physicallychallenged hunters. Contact the park office for
current hunting restrictions and information. Call
1-800-846-WILD for reservations.
No other hunting or trapping is permitted in the park.
arr Lake State Park provides a sanctuary for both
wildlife and humans. It is a unique place to pause
and re-create a kinship with nature’s world.
A major prairie reservoir of over 1,900 acres forms
the heart of this 2,715-acre park. The lake is lined
with cottonwoods, marshes and aquatic plants, and its
southern half has been designated as a wildlife refuge
to shelter animals and a number and variety of birds
unequalled elsewhere in Colorado.
Barr Lake
State Park
Recreation at Barr Lake State Park takes forms that
harmonize with nature. It is a park to drive to, not to
drive through.
Channel catfish, small and
large-mouth bass, rainbow
trout, walleye, bluegill and
wiper are among the species
that have been stocked at
Barr Lake by the Colorado
Parks and Wildlife. Review
the current Colorado Fishing
Regulations for special
restrictions. A valid Colorado
fishing license is required.
Visitors may boat, fish, hike, bicycle, horseback ride,
participate in nature study, bird watch and, in winter’s
snows, cross-country ski.
In the late 1880s, Barr Lake was an elite outing area for
sportsmen from Denver. It was touted as the “finest
fishing area in the west.” Later, pollution almost ruined
the lake. Thankfully, laws and controls that have been
in effect since the 1960s helped to stop the flow of most
pollution into the lake.
First Aid
Since the early 1900s, Barr Lake has been known as a
premier bird-watching area. Approximately 350 species
of birds have been seen at the lake, making it famous on
a national and international basis. Recently, it has gained
fame for hosting one of only a few successful bald eagle
nests on the front range.
Emergency first aid is available from park rangers.
Persons needing assistance should return to the park
entrance station. If staff is not available dial 911 for
police, fire or rescue personnel.
Barr Lake State Park
13401 Picadilly Road • Brighton, CO 80603
(303) 659-6005 • Fax (303) 659-5489
Funded in part by Great Outdoors Colorado
through Colorado Lottery proceeds.
Barr Lake is co-managed for irrigation and recreation.
The lake is owned and operated by the Farmers
Reservoir and Irrigation Company (FRICO). The
Denver-Hudson Canal, which runs along the eastern
edge of Barr Lake, is owned and operated by the
Henrylyn Irrigation District. Each company owns the
respective land under the lake and canal, the water in
them, and the irrigation control structures around them.
Presently, the water in Barr Lake is stored and used for
downstream irrigation purposes while recreational uses
are secondary. The water in the canal by-passes the lake
and fills Henrylyn irrigation reservoirs downstream.
Colorado State Parks opened Barr Lake State Park
in 1977 and manages recreational activities through
perpetual easements with FRICO and the Henrylyn
Irrigation District.
Park Passes
All visitors entering a Colorado
state park are required to display
a current Colorado State Parks
Pass, issued by vehicle, on their
auto windshield.
A daily pass is valid from the
day purchased until noon the
following day. An annual pass is valid at any Colorado
State Park. For annual pass holders who own more
than one vehicle, multiple passes are available for a
reduced fee. Passes are available at the park entrance
and Nature Center. Daily passes are also available at the
self-service station.
Colorado residents 64 years of age and over qualify for a
special Aspen Leaf annual pass, available at a discounted
rate. Colorado disabled veterans displaying Colorado
Disabled Veteran (DV) license plates are admitted free
without a pass.
Park Regulations
Barr Lake State Park is maintained for your enjoyment.
These regulations are enforced to protect you and the
natural resources of the park.
1. The park is open daily from 5 am to 10 pm.
2. P
ets must be kept under control and on a leash no
longer than six feet. Pets are not permitted in the
wildlife refuge.
3. Drive and park in designated areas only.
4. No swimming or wading is permitted.
5. Build fires only in provided grills.
6. N
o one is permitted on the dam face or other
irrigation structures due to safety hazards.
7. H
unting and trapping are prohibited. (Exception:
see the section on “Waterfowl Hunting” for
8. C
ollecting any living or dead plants or wood or
collecting any animals (wildlife, insects, etc.) is
9. I n the wildlife refuge, in addition to the other
park regulations, these special restrictions apply:
boating, fishing, pets and fires are prohibited.
Visitors must remain on designated trails.
Barr Lake State Park
North Entrance
Bruderlin Stone House
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Enviromental Learning Center
Bergman Barn
Work Area
(No Park Access)
Park Entrance
& Ranger Station
Picnic Area
Bird Banding
Niedrach Trail
Fox Meadow
The Niedrach Nature Trail, which begins near the Nature
Center, is a short loop trail leading from the main trail
through an open field, along the lake shore and across a
short boardwalk over the lake.
Self Serve Fee Station
Nature Center
(This trail closed 1 hour
past sunset to 1 hour
prior to sunrise)
Only sailboats, hand-propelled craft and boats
with electric trolling motors or gasoline motors 10
horsepower or less are permitted on Barr Lake.
Boats are allowed only on the north half of the lake.
The wildlife refuge is separated from the boating area
by a line of buoys. A boat ramp is located adjacent to
the north parking lot. Swimming, wading and diving
are prohibited.
Barr Lake State Park has three picnic areas with tables
and grills and a new reservable group picnic area,
Meadowlark Picnic Pavilion, adjacent to the Nature
Center, call (303) 659-6005 for more information.
Nature Study
At the southwest end of the lake
is the new Rookery- view Trail.
This seasonal trail (closed, if
posted) ends at a gazebo giving
great views of the rookery and
various raptor nests.
Barr Lake State Park offers the nature enthusiast a
remarkable opportunity to observe all types of wildlife,
including coyote, deer and such dramatic birds as white
pelicans, great blue herons, cormorants, egrets, ducks,
grebes, owls, eagles and hawks. Over 350 species of birds
have been seen at the park.
Hikers are encouraged to use
binoculars and spotting scopes to get a closer view of
the wildlife. Several wildlife observation stations have
been constructed at particularly good viewing locations.
These are small shelters providing screening for the
viewer and shelter from the weather.
The Nature Center is located near the south parking
lot. Funds from the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Adams County Open
Space were used to construct the Nature Center, as well
as many of the park’s boardwalks. Visitors to the center
can see displays about the park’s wildlife and have their
questions answered by a naturalist. Center hours vary;
call (303) 659-6005 for hours and information about
upcoming programs.
The road across the top of the dam (Crest Trail) is open
to hikers and bicycles but not to horses. Horseback
riders can use the lower trail below the dam. The Crest
Trail is closed completely on waterfowl hunting days
(Wednesdays and Saturdays from October through
February). Visitors are not allowed on the dam face or
on any irrigation control structure.
Bicycles and horses are permitted on the main trails but
not on the boardwalks. Bicyclists are encouraged to use
bikes with thorn-proof tires because the trails are not
paved and thorns are prevalent. No motorized vehicles
are permitted on the park’s trails.
Archery Range
(No Park Access)
An 8.8-mile trail follows the perimeter of the lake.
Shorter walks may be made to various boardwalks
extending into the lake. An easy 1.3-mile walk from
the Nature Center brings visitors to the Gazebo
Boardwalk where there are excellent views of the bald
eagle nest and rookery.
The short Prairie Welcome Trail circles east from the
Nature Center into the prairie for a little over one mile
including two sections and four trailheads each featuring
“Prairie Welcome Trail Self-guided Experience” guides in
the trail guide box.
(Closed to Public)
Park Trails
NOTE: Trail users may encounter personnel/ equipment
from two irrigation companies, FRICO or Henrylyn, at
various locations around the park. Please be courteous
Park interpreters and volunteer naturalists offer
interpretive programs and guided walks enabling visitors
to learn about all aspects of the park from its history to
the plants and wildlife that make it such a unique area.
The park serves as the headquarters for the
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (RMBO). RMBO’s
goal is bird conservation through research and education.
Its staff operates banding stations in the park and offers
public programs. They can be reached by calling their
office at (303) 659-4348. Visit their web site at