Barr Lake


brochure Barr Lake - Birds

Bird Checklist of Barr Lake State Park (SP) in Colorado. Published by Colorado Parks & Wildlife.

Towhee Finch ___ Green-tailed ___ Rufus-sided ___ Spotted ___Gray-crowned Rosy Finch ___ Purple Finch ___ Cassin’s Finch Um Vm Um Sparrows ___ Cassin’s ___ House Finch ___ Lesser Gold ___ American Gold ___ Common Redpoll ___ Pine Siskin ___ American Tree ___ Chipping ___ Clay-colored ___ Brewer’s Rs Cw Am Um Um ___ Fox Sparrow ___ Field ___ House Sparrow ___ Vesper Sparrow ___ Lark Sparrow Rw Vm Ap Cm Us Crossbill ___ Black-throated ___ Harris’ Sparrow ___ Savannah ___ Grasshopper ___ Song ___ Lincoln Vm Rw Um Rs Cp Um Junco ___ Swamp Rw ___ White-crowned Cw ___ White-throated Rw ___ Red Crossbill Warbler ___Golden-crowned Um ___Golden ___ Ruby-crowned Ruby Cm ___ Audubon’s ___ Myrtle Vm Vm Gnatcatcher ___ American Redstart ___ Common yellow-throat Cs Vw Cp Vm Rw Cw Thrush Vm ___ Blue-gray Blue ___ American Robin ___ Gray-cheeked Gray ___ Swainson’s ___ Hermit ___ Wood Woo ___ Varied ___ Bluebird ___ Gray Catbird ___ Northern ___ Dark-eyed ___ Oregon ___ Pink-sided ___ Slate-colored ___ Gray-headed Cw ___ Evening Grosbeak ___ Rose-breasted ___ Black-headed ___ Blue ___ Chestnut-colored Vm ___ Lapland Uw ___ McCown’s Vm ___ Northern Rw Rm Rm Um Vm Bunting ___ Snow vm ___ Lazuli ___ Indigo ___ Lark Um Rm Us ___ American ___ Bohemian ___ Cedar ___ Northern ___ Loggerhead Ap Cs Rw Cp Starling Cs ___ White-eyed White ___ Bell’s ___ Solitary ___ Orchard ___ Baltimore ___ Bullock’s Rs Vm Cs Um Um V Vm ___ Yellow-throated ___Pine ___ Palm ___ Bay-breasted ___ Blackpolled ___ Black & White Vm Vm Vm Vm Rm Rm Uw ___ Worm eating ___ Ovenbird ___ No Waterthrush Vm Rm Rm Rw Rw ___ Kentucky ___ Connecticut ___ MacGillivay”s ___ Hooded Warbler Vm Vm Um Vm ___ Wilson’s ___ Yellow-breasted ___ Townsend’s ___ Yellow-rumped Am Rm Um Cm Shrike ___ Red-winged ___ Yelllow-headed ___ Rusty ___ Brewer’s ___ Brownheaded Cowbird Oriole ___ Chestnut-sided Rm ___ Magnolia Vm ___ Black-throated Blue Vm ___ Blackburnian Vm Waxwing Vm As Rm Um Rs Pipits ___ Bobolink ___ Common ___ Great-tailed ___ Blue-winged ___ Golden-winged ___ Tennessee ___ Orange-crowned ___ Nashville ___ Virginia’s ___ Northern Parula ___ Yellow Thrasher ___ Sage ___ Brown ___ Long-billed Long ___ Curved-billed Curved Field Notes: AP Vm Cm Um Vm Vm Grosbeak Cardinals Grackle Rm Mockingbird Longspur Blackbirds Kinglets Vw Uw Vm Vm Rm Cm Rm Rm Vm As Tanager ___ European Ap ___ Summer ___ Scarlet ___ Western Vm Vm Um Vireo Vm Vm Um Cardinal ___ Yellow-throated Yellow Vm ___ Plumbeous Kingbird ___ Northern ___ Cassin’s ___ Western * ___ Eastern BIRD CHECKLIST Vm Rm As Cs All sightings of species marked Very Rare on this list and all species not on this list should be documented. Notify the Park staff as soon as possible or contact the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory at 303-659-4348. 4348. Written details on the sighting and a description of the birds would be very appreciated. Special thanks to Dave Rhoades, Mike Carter, Bob Andrews, and Tony Leukering for their assistance in developing this checklist. Barr Lake State Par Park Revised Feb. 2012 BARR LAKE STATE PARK DATE _______TOTAL TOTAL SPECIES ______ WEATHER___________________________ TIME IN FIELD ______________________ OBSERVERS _________________________ ________________________________________ Bird Checklist Barr Lake State Park This checklist contains the names and indicates the occurrences of the 346 species of birds (the most for any area in Colorado) that have been sighted at and near Barr Lake over the years. Birders have been flocking to Barr Lake since the reservoir was created in the 1880’s. Field records of bird sightings date back to this time. Several prominent ornithologists, including Robert Niedrach, Alfred Bailey, and Robert Rockwell, explored the area seeking to document the rich variety of birdlife. Breeding Species ___ Snow Goose * Current or recent breeder ___ Ross’ Goose # Historic breeder, no longer ___ Brant breeds in the area. ___ Canada Goose* ___ Wood Duck* Rm Rm Rm Ap Us Loons Cp ___ Pacific Loon ___ Common Loon Grebs ___ Pied- billed * ___ Horned ___ Red-necked ___ Eared ___ Western * ___ Clark’s Located in what was short grass prairie, the lake is an oasis for wildlife offering a unique combination of grassland, forest, lake and marsh. Please help protect this valuable habitat. Pelican ___ American White For more information, please contact: Cormorant Barr Lake State Park 13401 Picadilly Road Brighton, CO 80601 303-659- 6005 Abundance (in proper habitat and season) A – Abundant: Will see most days in proper habitat In proper season. C - Common: Likely to see. Occurs regularly in proper habitat and proper season. U – Uncommon: Possible to see. Occurs annually, But not seen regularly. R – Rare: Occurs infrequently. May not be seen on an annual basis. V – Very Rare: Fewer than 10 records, unlikely to see. Should be sought in designated areas. E – Extirpated: No longer occurs in the area. OCCURRENCE m– MIGRANT: Expected only in the Spring and Fall. P – Permanent Resident: Found at all seasons. S – Summer Resident: These species may also be Seen in the Spring and Fall. W – Winter Resident: May also be seen Spring/Fall. V Rm Pelican Cs Cm V Cm Cs Rm ___ Northern Pintail* ___ Blue-winged Teal* ___ Cinnamon Teal ___ Northern Shoveler* ___ Gadwell* ___ Eurasian Wigeon Vm Cp Cs Cs Cp Cp Vm ___ American Wigeon* Cp Cs ___ Double- crested * Cs ___ Neotropic V Wading Birds ___ American Bittern* ___ Least Bittern# ___ Great Blue Heron* ___ Great Egret ___ Snowy Egret ___ Little Blue Heron ___ Tricolored Heron ___ Cattle Egret* ___Green Heron ___ Black Crown Night Heron* ___ Yellow-crowned Night Heron ___ White-faced Ibis ___ Green-winged* ___ American Black Duck ___ Mallard* Us Vs Cs Rm Cs Vm Vm Rm Vm ed Cs Rm Us ___ Canvasback# ___ Redhead* ___ Ringed-neck Cw Cp Duck ___ Greater Scaup ___ Lesser Scaup* ___ Harlequin Duck Uw Rm Cw Vm ___ Broad-winged Hawk ___ Swainson’s Hawk* ___ Red-tailed Hawk ___ Ferruginous Hawk ___ Rough-legged ___ Golden Eagle ___ American Kestrel* ___ Merlin ___ Prairie Falcon ___ Peregrine Falcon ___ Gyrfalcon Sandpiper Vm Cs Vm Cw Cw Uw Cp Uw Uw Rm Vm Grouse, Quail ___ Chukar E ___ Ring-necked Pheasant* Cp ___ Greater Prairie Chicken# E ___ Northern Bobwhite E Rails & Coots ___ Oldsquaw Vm ___ Black Scoter Vm ___ Surf Scoter Vm ___ White-winged Scoter Vm ___ Common Goldeneye Cw ___ Barrow’s Goldeneye Vm ___ Bufflehead Cm ___ Hooded Merganser Um ___ Common Merganser ___ Red-breasted Merganser Rm ___ Ruddy Duck* ___ Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Raptors ___ Tundra Swan Vm ___ Trumpeter Swan Vw ___ Greater Whitefronted Goose Rm ___ Blue Goose ___ Cackling Goose ___ Whistler ___ Turkey Vulture Um ___ Ospry Rm ___ Bald Eagle Cp ___ Northern Harrier Cp ___ Sharp-skinned Hawk ___ Cooper’s Hawk Um ___ Northern Goshawk Vm ___ Red-shouldered Vm ___ Yellow Rail ___ Virginia Rail* ___ Sora* ___ American Coot Cranes ___ Sandhill ___ Whooping Crane Plovers ___ Black-bellied ___ American Golden ___ Snowy ___ Semipalmated V Us Us Cp ___ Greater Yellowlegs ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ___ Solitary Sandpiper ___ Willet# ___ Spotted Sandpiper ___ Upland Sandpiper# ___ Whimbrel ___ Long-billed Curlew# ___ Hudsonian Godwit ___ Marbled Godwit ___ Ruddy Turnstone ___ Red Knot ___ Sanderling ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper ___ Western ___ Least ___ White-rumped ___ Baird’s ___ Pectoral ___ Dunlin ___ Stilt ___ Buff-breasted ___ Ruff ___ Short-billed Dewitcher Um ___ Long-billed Vm Dewitcher ___ Common Snipe* Terns Cm Cm Cm Um Cs Vm Vm Nightjars ___ Great Horned* ___Common NighthawkRm ___ Snowy ___Common Poorwill Rm ___ Burrowing ___ Spotted Um Cm Cm Rm Cm Hummingbirds Swallows ___ Calliope ___ Broad-tailed ___ Rufous ___ Purple Martin ___ Tree* ___ Violet-green ___ Northern Roughwinged Um Vm Cm Vm Vm Rm Cm Up Vm Rm Aw Cs Pigeons & Doves Uw Vm Vw Vm Vm Vs Us Vm Rm Vm Kingfisher Vm Vm Owls ___ Barn ___ Eastern Screech* Vm Um ___ Little Gull ___ Black-necked Stilt Rm ___ Bonaparte’s Gull ___ American Avocet Us ___ Ring-billed Gull ___ California Gull ___ Herring Gull ___ Thayer’s Gull ___ Glaucous Gull ___ Black-legged ___ Sabine’s Gull Vm Us ___ Black ___ Chimney Vm Vm Cm ___ Rock Dove Cp ___ Band-tailed Pigeon V ___ Mourning Dove As ___ Eurasian Collared Ap ___Rock Pigeon ___ Least ___ Black ___ Black-billed ___ Yellowed-billed Swifts ___ Wilson’s Phalarope# Cm Rm ___ Red-necked Rm Phalarope Um Vm ___ Red Phalarope Ca Um Stilts & Avocets Vm Vm Um Rm Um Um Vm Vm Jaegers, Gulls Ap ___ Pomarine Jaeger Rm ___ Parastic Jaeger ___ Franklin’s Gull ___ Piping ___ Killdeer* ___ Mountain Cuckoos ___ Caspian ___ Common ___ Forster’s Rs Rp Up Vm Us V ___ Long-eared* Rw ___ Short-eared Rm ___ Northern Saw-whet V V C U U Jays, Magpies & Crow ___ Belted * Up Woodpecker ___ Scrub V Rm ___ Pinyon Vm Rs ___ Clark’s Nutcracker V ___ Black-billed Magpie Ap Vm ___ American Crow Up ___ Common Raven V Rm ___ Lewis ___ Red-headed ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ___ William’s Sapsucker ___ Northern Flicker * Cp Flycatcher ___ Scissor-tailed ___ Stellar’s Jay ___ Blue Jay Chickadee ___Black-capped * Vm ___Mountain ___ Olive-sided Um Nuthatches ___ Western Wood-Pewee ___ Red-breasted ___ Alder Vm ___ Pygmy ___ Willow Um ___ White-breasted ___ Gray ___ Least ___ Hammond’s ___ Dusky ___ Cordilleran ___ Eastern Phoebe ___ Say’s Phoebe ___ Vermillion ___ Ash-throated ___ Great Crested Vm Um Um Cm Rm Vm Us Vm Vm Vm Vm Up Cp Rw Rm Vm Rm Creeper ___ Brown Uw Wrens ___ Bewick’s ___ Marsh ___ Winter ___ Rock ___ Canyon ___ Carolina ___ House * Vm Rp Vm Um V Vw As

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