Arkansas Headwaters

Safety Brochure and Maps

brochure Arkansas Headwaters - Safety Brochure and Maps

River Safety and Etiquette at Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (RA) in Colorado. Published by Colorado Parks & Wildlife.

Arkansas River Tips • Launch Launchwindows windowsfor foroutfitters outfittersininmost mostsections sections are arefrom from8:30 8:30am am––3:30 3:30pm pmwith withthe theheaviest heaviest use use between 10:00 Beat between 10:00 amam andand 2:002:00 Beat thethe crowds! crowds! Try launching before aftertimes. these Try launching before or after or these • times. In the Numbers section from Granite to Railroad • In the Numbers sectiontrips frommust Granite to RailBridge, all commercial launch before 12:00Bridge, pm at Granite and before pmlaunch at the road all commercial trips2:00 must Numbers. before 12:00 pm at Granite and before 2:00 pm • atInthe theNumbers. Royal Gorge all commercial trips must the Royal Gorge commercial trips must • In launch between 8:30allam and 4:00 pm. launch between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. • Float fishing and whitewater boating can co-exist. • Float fishing whitewater boatingand canconsider coLaunch earlyand or late to avoid crowds exist. Launch early or sections late to avoid crowds and utilizing less traveled of river. utilizing sections ofriver river. • consider Pull in behind theless lasttraveled boat. Commercial • Pull behind Commercial tripsinare run inthe 10 last boatboat. maximum groups.river trips are run in 10 boat maximum groups. • Private boats do not have launch windows. • Private boats do not have launch windows. River Safety C O L O R A D O PA R K S & W I L D L I F E always changing. changing. Be Be • The The river is powerful and always familiar conditions, including water familiarwith withcurrent current conditions, including water level leveland andweather. weather. sectionof ofriver riveryou youare areboating. boating. • Know Know the section andexperience experiencemust mustequal equalthe theriver river • Your Your skills skills and and and its its conditions. conditions. want to to scout scoutaarapid, rapid, • Don’t Don’t be bashful – if you want scout possible. scout a rapid rapid ifif possible. awareof ofriver river“features” “features” – both • Know Know and be aware – both natural natural and and man-made: man-made: holes, wrap rocks, unundercuts, rock sieves, horizon lines across dercuts, rock sieves, horizon lines across thethe river, river, low dams head dams as significant low head as wellasaswell significant rapidsrapids and and “strainers” inriver). the river). “strainers” (trees(trees in the yoursurroundings. surroundingsThis , thisincludes includes • Watch Watch your the the weather. weather. ofyour yourlimitations limitationsand andthose thoseofofyour your • Be Be aware aware of fellow boaters and of your equipment. fellow your equipment. • Always consider the consequences anaccidental acAlways consider the consequences ––an cidental swim is always a possibility. swim is always a possibility. •• Boating alone isisnot notrecommended. recommendedTwo . Twoorormore Boating alone more boats are safer. boats are safer. in your your party party should should know knowfirst •• You You and and everyone everyone in irstand aidCPR. and CPR . What you get hurt? aid What if youifget hurt? forself-rescue self-rescueand andthe therescue rescueofof •• Be Be prepared prepared for others occur. ItItisisup upto toyou you others should should an an accident accident occur. and boat to to be be able ableto tohelp helpeach each and everyone everyone in in your your boat other. other. involved in inan anaccident, accident,please pleasereport reportitit •• IfIf you you are are involved to: to: River Safety and Etiquette at AHRA Have a great time on the Arkansas! Have a great time on the Arkansas! Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area PleaseReport Report all Accidents Please Accidentsto:to: 307 W. Sackett Avenue • Salida, CO 81201 Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area For current information on all of your Colorado State Parks visit us online at Arkansas Headwaters Headwaters Recreation Arkansas RecreationArea Area © CPW (719) 539-7289 • E-mail: 307 W. Sackett Avenue • Salida, CO 81201 (719) 539-7289 • E-mail: (719) 539-7289 (719)Sackett 539-7289 307 West Avenue, Salida, CO 81201 307 West Sackett Avenue, Salida, CO 81201 In case of emergency, call 911 Safety Gear •• Wear Wear aa properly-sized properly-sized personal flotation lotation device de(PFD) designed for whitewater riverriver use. use. (PFD) designed for whitewater vice •• Helmets Helmets are a must for all canoeists, kayakers, stand-up stand-up paddleboarders paddleboarders, and and river river boarders and they for rafters. rafters. they are recommended for equipment.Carry Carry aa •• Always Always use use good, quality equipment. first PFD, aa spare spareoar oar first aid and patch kit, an extra PFD, or and bow/stern bowor paddle, a pump, a bailing device and stern line. rescue Have rescue gear: rescue ropes/throw line. Have gear: rescue ropes/throw lines, a lines, knife, carabiners and a whistle. knife,acarabiners and a whistle. possible cold coldwater waterswim swimand andchanging chang•• Dress Dress for a possible ing weather. Wear or fleece (no cotton). weather. Wear pile pile or fleece (no cotton). Protect Protect withfootwear sturdy footwear that won’t your feetyour withfeet sturdy that won’t come off come off in the river. Carry extra synthet-ic in the river. Carry extra synthetic clothing, food clothing, and and water. or drysuit drysuit –– and and wear wear ititwhen when •• Bring Bring a wetsuit wetsuit or conditions merit. Hypothermia is a risk any timeof conditions a risk any time of the year while boating on the river. the year while boating on the river. • All persons swimming in designated whitewater parks within the AHRA must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved type I, III or V PFD. • All occupants of inner tubes, air mattresses and similar devices to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved type I, III or V PFD. Allpersons occupants of inner tubes, airswimming mattressesin and •• All under the age of 13 similar devices to wear a U.S. Guard the Arkansas River within theCoast AHRA mustapproved typeCoast I, III or V PFD. wear a U.S. Guard approved type I, III PFD. swimming within designated white• or AllVpersons water parks all persons the age of 13 • All boats mustand be labeled withunder the owners name and swimming anywhere in the Arkansas River within address. In addition please add your phone number. AHRA must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved • All boats must have a US Coast Guard approved wearable PFD. type I, II, III, or V PFD for each person on board. • All boats must be labeled with the owners name and address. In addition please add your phone number. • All boats must have a US Coast Guard approved type I, II, III, or V PFD for each person on board. Colorado Law Requires Colorado Law Requires In case of emergency, call 911 Visit Bureau of Land Management For current informationaton all of your Colorado State Parks visit us online at Visit Forest Service Visit Bureau of Land Management at at 01-17-20 SEAR1205_PDF_6/15 Be River Safe, Wear the Right Gear! River Ethics • The river draws many different kinds of people. • You can help minimize the damage rafts and feet do to the shoreline by They are enjoying what they are doing as much as you are enjoying what you’re doing. Please be respectful of others. Pinnacle Rock ~ River Station River Station ~ Lake Pueblo Total length of section is 19.1 miles Total length of section is 32.7 miles RIVER STATION stopping only at wellused sites or rocky areas. • At low flows, boaters should alert anglers to their presence in a quiet and courteous manner. If possible, avoid floating through the water being fished by an angler. • Please keep noise to a respectable level – for wildlife, nearby homeowners and others enjoying the river. • The river passes through areas of private property including railroad tracks and right-of-ways. Don’t trespass! Be considerate of the river’s neighbors! •K  eep a safe distance between your boat and others when approaching rapids. •T  rash? Please pack out trash. Someone else left it? Pack it out too! • The use of fire pans and human waste containers is required when camping in undeveloped areas along the river. • The put-in and take-out sites are often busy places. Please launch and load your boat as quickly as possible. Most boat ramps have a 15 minute load and unload limit. Separate rigging and deflating areas are available at many boat ramps. Flows >3200 cfs Class CFS VV *portage river left MACKENZIE BRIDGE Flows >2800 >2500 cfs Class CFS CFS VIV V *Take out ONLY. No launches Following the River Ethics ensures we can all have an enjoyable time! Watch for These Signs... Respect Private Property and Railroad Right-of-Way PLEASE DO NOT TRESPASS I II III IV V VI E N T E R I N G P U B L I C L A N D S L E A V I N G P U B L I C L A N D S FLORENCE RIVER PARK BLUE HERON Florence Whitewater Park II-III ENTERING PUBLIC LANDS *scout river right Flows >2800 cfs Class V Rating the Rapids Moving water, riffles, small waves Easy rapids, waves, clear channels Lowhead Dam Boat Chute II-III River Left Large waves, obstacles, narrow passages Long rapids, unavoidable waves, many obstacles Violent rapids, extremely difficult, unseen hazards Unpredictable, dangerous, nearly impossible to run *River conditions and ratings change with flow levels. Whitewater boating has risks at all ratings and levels. *portage river left Canon City Whitewater Park II-III RIVER STATION LAKE PUEBLO STATE PARK UN-RUNNABLE *No portage trail, Universal River Signals Help! Emergency Lake Fork ~ Granite Granite ~ Buena Vista Buena Vista ~ Stone Bridge Total length of section is 14.4 miles Total length of section is 17.9 miles Total length of section is 19.9 miles Wave the paddle in a circular motion and/or give three long blasts on a whistle. GRANITE BOAT CHUTE Go This Way Flows >1800 cfs Class IV III-IV RIVER LEFT *portage river left or right Use paddle to point toward direction of travel. Silver Bullet Boat Chute III-IV River Right *portage river right Are You Okay? 12:00 PM Tap the top of your head three times and point to the person whom you are questioning. If they tap their head three times they are okay. Otherwise assistance is needed. *portage river left Flows >1000 cfs Class V+ Flows >1800 cfs Class V Stop Screaming Right Hand Turn (II) Rookie Rock (II) Hold paddle horizontally overhead. Private Foot Bridge All Clear Hold paddle vertical and stationary. Squeeze Play III Hemorrhoid Rock II-III Widowmaker III-IV Flows >1800 cfs Class IV *portage river left Wild Horse III Online flows: Online Flows 8 Ball III Fourmile Creek III AHRA’s River Safety & Etiquette Brochure Flows >2000 cfs Class IV Seidel’s Suckhole III+-IV Flows >3000 cfs Class IV Stone Bridge ~ Rincon Rincon ~ Pinnacle Rock Total length of section is 19.5 miles Total length of section is 28.5 miles WARNING: High Water Advisements  Point Barr Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area has the following standing advisements regarding high flows: Pine Creek Rapid: The Numbers: I t is recommended that Pine Creek Rapid not be run at flows over 1250 cfs at the Numbers/ Below Granite Gauge. STONE BRIDGE I t is recommended that the Numbers not be run at flows over 2400 cfs at the Numbers/Below Granite Gauge. Royal Gorge: I t is recommended that the Royal Gorge not be run at flows over 3200 cfs at the Parkdale Gauge. Important Safety Information 3 Lowhead Dam Boat Chute II-III River Left Lake Fork ~ Granite Rincon ~ Pinnacle Rock • Flows for this section are measured at the Below Granite Gauge. Flows may be significantly lower above the confluences of Clear Creek and Lake Creek. • The primary use of this section is fishing. Boaters please respect anglers and avoid crossing fishing lines. • Bridge hazards exist at mile 3.7 and mile 7.2. Portage may be necessary at some flows. • Railroad bridge abutments at mile 12 may be a hazard at some flows. • The primary use of this section is fishing. Boaters please respect anglers and avoid crossing fishing lines. Granite ~ Buena Vista •D  iversion Dam Structure exists at mile 16. Scout and run boat chute on river left. Portage river left or right. Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area Headquarters • Pine Creek is a class IV-V+ rapid. It is recommended that Pine Creek not be run above 1250 cfs and the Numbers not be run above 2400 cfs at the Below Granite Gauge. • Helmets are always recommended! Ford Crossing •F  rog Rock Rapid has a significant entrapment hazard on the river right side, especially at flows below 1000 cfs. Portage is recommended when the left channel is impassable. Buena Vista ~ Stone Bridge •L  ow head dam exists at mile 34 below Buena Vista Boat chute river right. Scout and portage trail on river right. • Mile 52.3 Stone Bridge, CR 191, may require portage above 4000 CFS at the Nathrop Gauge. Portage river right. POINT BARR RINCON • Private boaters - To avoid on-river congestion, plan launches before 9:30 am, 12:00 pm, or after 3:30 pm. Stone Bridge ~ Rincon • S alida Low Head Dam exists at mile 59. Scout and run boat chute on river left. • The Salida Whitewater Park begins at mile 61.5. Expect to encounter hanging slalom gates and congestion around the play hole at the Salida Boat ramp. • If you are fishing from a boat, please respect private property and avoid contact with the river bottom. Pinnacle Rock ~ Cañon City • Royal Gorge - It is recommended that self-bailing rafts and wetsuits be used at flows above 2800 cfs and that this section not be run at flows over 3200 cfs at the Parkdale Gauge. • Helmets are always recommended! • Low head dam exists at mile 118.3. Scout and run boat chute on river left. • Railroad Right-of-Way extends throughout the Royal Gorge. Please keep off the railroad tracks when scouting or portaging. Trespassers may be prosecuted. • The Cañon City Whitewater Park begins near mile 119. Expect congestion around River Station and Centen- nial Park boat ramps. Cañon City ~ Lake Pueblo •M  innequa Dam exists at mile 124.5. No portage exist, last take out available at Mackenzie Bridge. Re-launch at Pathfinder. • STRAINERS (downed trees and log jams) exist throughout this section. • Take Outs above Lake Pueblo are suitable for smaller crafts only. Rafts and larger vessels should plan on taking out at Lake Pueblo boat ramps. • Land Ownership in this section is largely private. Public Lands exist from mile 139.6 to 140.6. Watch for Entering and Leaving Public Lands signs.

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