Wildwood Canyon Park Property - California
Wildwood Canyon is a canyon and California state park in the eastern foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, within San Bernardino County, southern California. It is located near the city of Yucaipa, in the Inland Empire region. It is surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest on the eastern and northern sides.
maps Sand to Snow - Visitor Map Visitor Map of Sand to Snow National Monument (NM) in California. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
San Bernadino MVUM - North 2024 Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) North of San Bernadino National Forest (NF) in California. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).
Wildwood Canyon is a canyon and California state park in the eastern foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, within San Bernardino County, southern California. It is located near the city of Yucaipa, in the Inland Empire region. It is surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest on the eastern and northern sides.
Our Mission
The mission of California State Parks is
to provide for the health, inspiration and
education of the people of California by helping
to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological
diversity, protecting its most valued natural and
cultural resources, and creating opportunities
for high-quality outdoor recreation.
Home to hundreds
of species of flora and
fauna, Wildwood Canyon
preserves ancient oak
woodlands, native
sites, and pioneer
California State Parks supports equal access.
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P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296-0001
For information call: (800) 777-0369
(916) 653-6995, outside the U.S.
711, TTY relay service
Wildwood Canyon
12241 Canyon Drive
Yucaipa, CA 92399
(951) 940-5600
© 2010 California State Parks (Rev. 2017)
Photo courtesy of Theron Trowbridge
bove the hills of
Yucaipa, Wildwood
Canyon offers
panoramic views of
the surrounding hills
and valleys.
This park property
in the eastern foothills
of the San Bernardino
Mountains features
broad grasslands
and canopies of centuries-old interior live
oak. The property’s box canyon is home to
hundreds of species of wildlife and native
plants, some of them rare and endangered.
Native People
The area near Yucaipa was known as a
crossroads for traveling indigenous people.
The Cahuilla were traditionally active in
the area of Wildwood Canyon, as were the
Serrano and Gabrieleno native people.
Early Pioneers
The first recorded landowner was mountain
man James Waters, who started a hog ranch
on the fringe of the current park property in
the 1850s. The area was called “Hog Cañon”
(the Spanish word for canyon) until the
1920s. Later settlers included rancher Louis
Morris and the Brooks family, who staked
mining claims in the area.
The Wildwood Lodge resort was built in
the 1920s; investors planned to sell more
than 500 lots in a country-club development.
Few lots were sold, and the property was
foreclosed in 1928. Property tax defaults
led to the sale of
the development
to Vernon Hunt,
who bought up area
ranches and the
former Wildwood
Lodge in 1940 to build
Hunt Ranch.
Hi Up House
was owned by the
McCullough family.
During the Great Depression in 1932, Charles
McCullough lost his Pasadena apple farm to
foreclosure. He borrowed $500 to purchase
88 acres in Yucaipa and brought his family
to live off the land — digging wells and
water tunnels to irrigate their gardens and
orchards, and raising rabbits and bees. The
McCulloughs lived in a converted chicken
coop for 13 years while they built a new
home, using recycled and found materials.
Some remnants of Hunt Ranch and the Hi
Up House buildings are still on the property.
Preserving the Land
After a flood threatened developers’ plans
to build subdivisions, California State Parks
Hunt Ranch today
(supported by local conservationists)
acquired Wildwood Canyon’s 900 acres.
On May 9, 2003, a dedication ceremony
was held at Wildwood Canyon.
Wildwood Canyon lies between the San
Andreas Fault on the north and the San
Jacinto Fault to the south. Igneous and
sedimentary rocks, transformed by the
intense heat and pressure of tectonic
activity, form the ancient metamorphic
rocks surrounding the canyon.
Wildwood Canyon hosts
diverse wildlife. Birds
commonly seen include the
California quail, western
meadowlark, towhee,
phainopepla, redtailed hawk, Bewick’s
wren, Bullock’s oriole,
and white-tailed kite.
Other bird species found in Wildwood
Canyon include the Cooper’s hawk, sharpshinned hawk, and rufous-crowned sparrow.
The San Diego pocket mouse found at
Wildwood is a mammal species of special
concern—its population is declining due to
habitat loss or breeding problems. Visitors
may also see the deer mouse, cactus deer
mouse, California vole, and dusky-footed
wood rat. Mule deer and desert cottontail
share Wildwood Canyon with bobcats, black
bears, gray foxes, and skunks. Cougars use
the canyon as a travel corridor.
Reptiles found in the park include several
types of lizards, the coastal western whiptail,
western skink, and California whipsnake. The
red-diamond rattlesnake is a reptile species
of special concern.
Plant Life
The dominant plant community is Riversidian
sage scrub, with valley grasslands present
in most open areas. Interior live oaks and
sycamore woodlands grow along drainages
and canyon bottoms.
The oaks appear to be 150 to 250 years
old; in some canyons the branches have
interlaced so thickly that they form a
welcome shade canopy.
Dominant plants
found among
the chamise
chaparral are
scrub oak,
lilacs, sage
monkey flower,
Lord’s candle, and
Interior live oak
(Quercus wislizenii) silk tassel bush.
The park’s Mediterranean climate is typical