
National Wildlife Refuge - California

The Delevan National Wildlife Refuge is one of six refuges in the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex in the Sacramento Valley of central northern California. More than 200,000 ducks and 100,000 geese come to the refuge each winter. The refuge supports several endangered plants and animals: giant garter snake, wintering peregrine falcon and bald eagle, breeding tricolored blackbird, and a large colony of the endangered palmate-bracted bird's beak (Cordylanthus palmatus) plant. Resident wildlife include grebe, heron, blackbird, beaver, muskrat, black tailed deer and other species typical of upland and wetland habitats.



Overview Map of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex (NRW) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW).Sacramento NWR Complex - Overview Map

Overview Map of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex (NRW) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW).

Map of the Fremont section of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge (NRW) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW).Sacramento - Birding Hotspots of the Northern Sacramento Valley

Map of the Fremont section of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge (NRW) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW).

Boundary Map of the Mother Lode BLM Field Office area in California. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Mother Lode - Boundary Map

Boundary Map of the Mother Lode BLM Field Office area in California. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Vintage 1960 USGS 1:250000 Map of Chico in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Vintage USGS - Chico - 1960

Vintage 1960 USGS 1:250000 Map of Chico in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Vintage 1957 USGS 1:250000 Map of Ukiah in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Vintage USGS - Ukiah - 1957

Vintage 1957 USGS 1:250000 Map of Ukiah in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).


Visitor Map of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Delevan - Visitor Map

Visitor Map of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Delevan NWR The Delevan National Wildlife Refuge is one of six refuges in the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex in the Sacramento Valley of central northern California. More than 200,000 ducks and 100,000 geese come to the refuge each winter. The refuge supports several endangered plants and animals: giant garter snake, wintering peregrine falcon and bald eagle, breeding tricolored blackbird, and a large colony of the endangered palmate-bracted bird's beak (Cordylanthus palmatus) plant. Resident wildlife include grebe, heron, blackbird, beaver, muskrat, black tailed deer and other species typical of upland and wetland habitats.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service DRIVING DIRECTIONS - Delevan National Wildlife Refuge Red Red Bluff Bluff ! . ! . No public viewing access is available on Delevan NWR. Los Los Molinos Molinos £ ¤ 32 Corning Corning ! . South Ave Delevan NWR £ ¤ 99 Hunter > Check ! £ ¤ Station *open only to 70 ! . Hamilton Hamilton City City £ ¤ ! . 32 Four-Mile Rd Orland Orland hunters during waterfowl season. ! . Chico Chico Road 23 £ ¤ Riv er R d 191 £ ¤ Ord 7-mile Ln 99 ry Fe r Rd £ ¤ £ ¤ 149 70 North Central Valley WMA - £ ¤ 99W Llano Seco Unit Maxwell Rd § ¦ ¨ Willows Willows ! . Aguas Frias I-5 £ ¤ £ ¤ 45 Road 60 Road 61 Rd Z 162 0 £ ¤ 162 Gridley Colusa Hwy 4-Mile Rd Delevan NWR Delevan NWR does not have any public viewing access, but may be seen from: - Maxwell Road* (County Road) 20 - Four Mile Road* (County £ Road) ¤ ! . Butte Sink WMA Butte Sink Unit ! . *please be cautious when viewing from public roads...they are open to Marysville Marysville public traffic, and may have soft shoulders. ! . £ ¤ 20 ! . Yuba Yuba City City Progress Rd Ware We sc o tt Colusa NWR Tarke Rd Abel Ohm Rd ! Williams . Williams Lonestar Rd Colusa Colusa 20 2 Miles Traveling north or south on I-5: - exit at Maxwell Rd at town of Maxwell - go 3.5 miles east on Maxwell Rd 70 £ ¤ ! .Gridley Gridley - turn left on Four Mile Rd to drive along west boundary of the Refuge Delevan Rd £ ¤ 1.5 Driving Directions to Delevan NWR Sacramento NWR Maxwell Rd 1 £ ¤ 162 Road 68 Maxwell Maxwell 0.5 £ ¤ 45 Oswald Sutter NWR £ ¤ 70 £ ¤ 65 O'banion Produced by Sacramento N W R C Projection: U TM Zone 10N Datum : N A D 83 0 5 10 £ ¤ 113 Arbuckle Arbuckle 0 4.5 9 18 Kilom eters 20 Miles Copyright:© 2014 Esri U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service HUNTER CHECK STATION DIRECTIONS -Delevan National Wildlife Refuge Red Red Bluff Bluff ! . ! . Los Los Molinos Molinos Delevan NWR £ ¤ 32 Corning Corning > ! Four-Mile Rd South Ave Orland Orland Check Station Coordinates: 4351103 northing, 576754 easting OR 39.30592 latitude, -122.109762 longitude ! . Hamilton Hamilton City City ! . ! . ! . Chico Chico Road 23 £ ¤ 70 Maxwell Rd £ ¤ 191 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles Riv er R d 0 ry R Fe r d £ ¤ 99 7-mile Ln Ord 99W 149 Llano Seco Unit I-5 § ¦ ¨ ! . 70 Check station is approximately 5.6 miles northeast from Maxwell £ ¤ 162 £ ¤ 162 Road 60 Road 61 £ ¤ 45 Rd Z Willows Willows Hunter Check Station Driving Directions: £ ¤ £ ¤ North Central Valley WMA - £ ¤ From Interstate 5: - exit at Maxwell Rd - go 3.5 miles east on Maxwell Rd - go 2.1 miles north on Four Mile Rd - turn right at Check Station gate £ ¤ 162 Road 68 Sacramento NWR ! .Gridley Gridley Gridley Colusa Hwy Delevan Rd £ ¤ 70 Maxwell Maxwell 4-Mile Rd Delevan NWR ! . Butte Sink WMA - Maxwell Rd Butte Sink Unit £ ¤ 20 ! . Ware Marysville Marysville £ ¤ 20 ! . £ ¤ 45 Oswald Sutter NWR £ ¤ 70 £ ¤ 65 O'banion Produced by Sacramento N W R C Projection: U TM Zone 10N Datum : N A D 83 0 0 5 4.5 ! . Yuba Yuba City City Tarke Rd Abel Colusa NWR Progress Rd ! Williams . Williams Ohm Rd 20 Lonestar Rd £ ¤ We sc o tt Colusa Colusa £ ¤ 10 9 18 Copyright:© 2014 Esri 113 Kilom eters 20 Miles

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