by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
San ElijoState Beach - California |
San Elijo State Beach is near San Diego, by San Elijo Lagoon, adjacent to the Cardiff State Beach. San Elijo State Beach offers swimming, surfing, boogie-boarding, skim-boarding, showers, picnicking, and camping. Campsite reservations are made through Reserve America, and sites book up to 6 months in advance. The narrow, bluff-backed stretch of sand has a nearby reef popular with snorkelers and divers. Also, at low tide, there is a tide pool that many walk to in order to see the sea life.
The campsite is great for family and friends. It is located on a bluff right above the beach. It is perfect for photographers everywhere to get that perfect shot of a sunset. Jellyfish are frequent in the area, many see them either during the day or when at low tide.
featured in
![]() | California Pocket Maps | ![]() |
Vintage 1950 USGS 1:250000 Map of San Diego in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Vintage 1947 USGS 1:250000 Map of Santa Ana in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
San Elijo State Beach is near San Diego, by San Elijo Lagoon, adjacent to the Cardiff State Beach. San Elijo State Beach offers swimming, surfing, boogie-boarding, skim-boarding, showers, picnicking, and camping. Campsite reservations are made through Reserve America, and sites book up to 6 months in advance. The narrow, bluff-backed stretch of sand has a nearby reef popular with snorkelers and divers. Also, at low tide, there is a tide pool that many walk to in order to see the sea life.
The campsite is great for family and friends. It is located on a bluff right above the beach. It is perfect for photographers everywhere to get that perfect shot of a sunset. Jellyfish are frequent in the area, many see them either during the day or when at low tide.
his southernmost
part of the Golden
State, with its warm
beaches, sculpted
bluffs and historic
adobe buildings, has
been a mecca for
individuals seeking
a better life. Today,
more than ever, it
is the destination
of millions who
pursue the modern
equivalent of the
“California Dream.”
Our Mission
The mission of California State Parks is
to provide for the health, inspiration and
education of the people of California by
helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary
biological diversity, protecting its most
valued natural and cultural resources, and
creating opportunities for high-quality
outdoor recreation.
California State Parks does not discriminate
against individuals with disabilities. Prior to
arrival, visitors with disabilities who need
assistance should contact the park at
(619) 688-3260. To receive this publication
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Discover the many states of California.TM
San Diego Coast State Parks
4477 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 688-3260
Cover photo courtesy of Susan Myrland.
© 2002 California State Parks (Rev. 2009)
Printed on Recycled Paper
San Diego
State Parks
T he San Diego Coast is world famous
provides beach-level camping between
the communities of Coronado and Imperial
Beach. Day-use beach access is available
from Carlsbad State Beach to Border Field
State Park.
Early California history, recreational
opportunities and natural wonders await you
in San Diego Coast state parks.
of Spanish soldiers, priests and explorers
led by Captain Gaspar de Portolá and
Franciscan Father Junípero Serra, arrived
in what is today San Diego. They built a
chapel dedicated to Saint Diego and a fort
on what is now Presidio Hill just to the east
of present-day Old Town. As time passed,
the town built up around a typical Spanish
plaza, and the first San Diego community
was born. Since 1769 it has known the rule
of Spain, Mexico and the United States.
Today the historic park reflects the
cultural elements of its exciting and
romantic past. Guided tours are available.
For more information,
call (619) 220-5422.
for its mild year-round climate. This fiftymile stretch of coastline, from the U.S.
Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton to the
Mexican border, contains some of California’s
most interesting and rare examples of
natural and cultural heritage.
San Diego’s early history comes alive at
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park,
Old Town San Diego State
located in the heart of the city, and at San
Historic Park
Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park, near
San Diego’s famed Wild Animal Park in the
Explore the rich heritage of California by
north county.
touring the unique museum exhibits and
Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, the
shops in the historic adobe buildings of Old
home of rare and endangered Torrey pines,
Town San Diego. Today’s Old Town bustles
lies thirty miles north
with activity while
of the Tijuana River
preserving the
National Estuarine
essence of one of
Research Reserve
California’s earliest
and the international
border. The
On May 15, 1769,
Research Reserve
an overland party
provides protection
for a designated
Father Junípero Serra
“wetland of national
importance” and
offers an educational
Bandini House in Old Town San Diego
facility for students
and visitors.
San Diego Coast state parks provide
visitors with three areas for camping and
many day-use beaches. South Carlsbad
and San Elijo State Beaches in the north
county have full-service campgrounds with
all the amenities except hookups, and Silver
Strand State Beach in the south county
Painting of early San Diego by Lt. William H. Emory, 1846
San Pasqual Battlefield
State Historic Park
An award-winning visitor center interprets
the Mexican War, as well as the history
of the San Pasqual Indians and the
development of San Pasqual Valley.
On a cold, wet December 6,
1846, in the valley known as San
Pasqual, United States
General Stephen
Watts Kearny and
his soldiers met
80 armed Mexican
Californios under
the leadership of
Andrés Pico in a
battle for the sovereignty of California.
The Battle of San Pasqual was the
bloodiest battle fought in California
during the Mexican War. For
more park information, call
(760) 737-2201.
Carlsbad State
Carlsbad State
Beach is one of
San Diego’s most
popular beaches.
The Tamarack
Avenue area is a
favorite surf spot. The
reef provides gentle
waves, perfect for long and
short board surfing. Certain areas
are set aside for swimming only.
A seawall
stretches from
Pine Street to
Tamarack Avenue
and offers views
of Agua Hedionda
Lagoon. From
the walkway,
visitors may watch
marbled godwits
and whimbrels
troll the beach
and gulls, cormorants and pelicans fly over
the waves. Marine mammals such as dolphins,
sea lions and harbor seals splash offshore.
Carlsbad State B
The ocean can be dangerous at any time of the year
and in any location. Every year people drown because
they do not understand the dangers posed by the
massive power and strength of ocean waters. The most
important lesson? Learn to swim (before you go) and
never swim alone!
A rip current is a channel of water flowing away
from shore. Rip currents, which are quite common,
will typically form at breaks in sandbars or near
structures, such as piers.
A rip current can be very narrow or may be more
than 50 yards wide. They can quickly increase in
speed and therefore may change from moment
to moment in terms of the threat they pose to
swimmers and waders.
The average speed of a rip current is one to two
feet per second, but they have been found to be
as fast as eight feet per second — faster than an
Olympic swimmer!
Rip currents can carry even the strongest
swimmer out to sea, sometimes just beyond the
line of breaking waves and other times possibly
hundreds of yards offshore.
If you find yourself caught in a rip current, the
first thing to do is stay calm and don’t try to fight
the current — it will win, not you. Instead, escape
the current by swimming in a direction parallel to
the shoreline. When you are free of the current,
swim away from the rip current and at an angle
toward the shore.
• Always keep an eye on the surf — Large waves can
hit the shore without warning, crashing much farther
up the beach than normal waves. They can knock
down both children and adults and drag them into
deep water.
• On steep beaches, be wary of backwash — Even
normal waves can create a dangerous rush of water
that can knock you off your feet and pull you out
into the ocean.
• Do not dive headfirst into the surf — Divers may
hit hidden rocks or the shallow bottom, resulting in
paralysis or death.
• Know what a rip current is and how to free yourself
if caught in one.
Only one vehicle is included with the reservation and all extra-vehicle fees are paid at the park entrance.
This popular oceanfront campground is located between Encinitas and Solana Beach, 40 miles north of San Diego.
Stairs lead to the beach.
PARK FEES are due and payable upon entry into
the park. Use the self-registration system if the
entrance station is closed. Campsite fee covers
ONE VEHICLE. Extra-vehicle fees are collected
upon arrival and cannot be paid in advance.
OCCUPANCY: Only eight (8) people and three (3)
vehicles per standard site. No equipment in the
planted areas, please. Only two (2) vehicles per
hookup site.
VEHICLE PARKING: Vehicles must be parked
within assigned campsite, not on the roadway,
in the planted area or beyond the campsite
number. Only three licensed vehicles (includes
motorcycles/trailers/RVs) are allowed per standard
campsite. Only two licensed vehicles are allowed
per hookup site. Additional vehicle parking may
be available on a night-by-night basis at the
North Day-Use Lot, just north of the campground.
The fees are paid by automatic pay machine by
selecting the overnight option at the lot.
VISITORS: Non-registered guests must exit by
10 p.m. Twenty-minute passes may be issued at
the entrance to allow equipment/visitor drop off
and pick up.
CHECK-OUT TIME is noon. Please leave site
clean and on time. Check-in time is 2 p.m. Sorry,
no exceptions.
RE-REGISTRATION: If you want to re-register, you
must contact the entrance station within the first
hour of operation. (Summer and winter hours
may vary.)
PETS/DOGS: Must be kept on a leash no longer than
six feet and under physical control at all times. Except
for service animals, dogs are not permitted on the
beach. Pets/dogs must be confined to a vehicle or tent
at night. Noisy/vicious animals are not allowed. Please
clean up after your animal.
Los Angeles
Carlsbad State Beach
South Carlsbad
State Beach
Leucadia State Beach
(operated by the City of Encinitas)
g State
of Encinitas)
f State Beach
To San Diego
HOOKUP SITES: Two licensed vehicles maximum.
Only one RV (motor home, trailer, tent trailer, van)
per site.
SPEED LIMIT: The speed limit is 15 mph. Use good
judgment. Children are at play!
CAMPING RESERVATIONS: You may make camping reservations by calling (800) 444-7275
(TTY 800-274-7275). To make online reservations, visit our website at
ALTERNATE FORMAT: This publication can be made available in alternate formats.
2050 South Coast Hwy 101 • Cardiff, CA 92007 • (760) 753-5091
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