Point Cabrillo Light Station State Historic Park - California
Point Cabrillo Light is a lighthouse in northern California, United States, between Point Arena and Cape Mendocino, just south of the community of Caspar. It has been a federal aid to navigation since 1909.
It should not be confused with the inactive Old Point Loma Lighthouse or the active New Point Loma Lighthouse in San Diego, both of which lie within the grounds of Cabrillo National Monument and are sometimes referred to as the Cabrillo lighthouse.
Point Cabrillo Light is a lighthouse in northern California, United States, between Point Arena and Cape Mendocino, just south of the community of Caspar. It has been a federal aid to navigation since 1909.
It should not be confused with the inactive Old Point Loma Lighthouse or the active New Point Loma Lighthouse in San Diego, both of which lie within the grounds of Cabrillo National Monument and are sometimes referred to as the Cabrillo lighthouse.
Point Cabrillo
Light Station
State Historic Park
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Point Cabrillo Light
Station has ensured
the safety of thousands
of ships traveling the
treacherous waters off
Point Cabrillo.
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Point Cabrillo Light Station
State Historic Park
13800 Point Cabrillo Drive
Mendocino, CA 95460
(707) 937-5804
© 2008 California State Parks
Printed on Recycled Paper
Northern harrier photo courtesy of Ron LeValley
P oint Cabrillo
Today Pomo
occupy parts of
their ancestral
lands and have
revived their
language and
Light Station State
Historic Park is
a living link to
California’s history,
featuring a beautifully
rehabilitated 1909
lighthouse and 11
other structures,
The Wreck of
including three
the Frolic
Family of lightkeeper Albert Scott, ca.1911
lightkeepers’ homes.
In 1850, the clipper
In a nearby cove rest
brig Frolic, on its
the remains of the Frolic, the most important
way to San Francisco with a cargo of Chinese
Gold Rush-era shipwreck in California.
housewares, struck a reef just north of what
Located four miles north of Mendocino,
later became Point Cabrillo. After securing
the park’s 296.5 acres of open space include
the wrecked ship in what is now called Frolic
an impressive variety of wildlife and hiking
Cove, the captain and some of the crew took
long boats to carry word of the wreck south
Native People
For thousands of years, the rich waters and
headlands around Point Cabrillo were the
summer hunting and gathering grounds of
the Pomo people. The Pomo moved here
from their inland encampments in early
summer to harvest abalone, mussels, seals
and sea lions, deer, kelp and salt. These
foods were carried to their permanent
villages and stored for the winter.
In the late 1850s, settlers and lumbermen
began using the lands for grazing and
harvesting timber for railroad ties. As the
influx of settlers increased, the Pomo way of
life was forever altered.
to Fort Ross. In 1851, Harry Meiggs, a San
Francisco lumber dealer, sent Jerome Ford
north in hopes of salvaging cargo. By then,
the ship had sunk, but not before the Pomo
had removed Chinese ginger jars, bolts of
silk, camphor, lacquered trunks, housewares
and other items. Ford found Pomo women
wearing splendid silk shawls, but there was
no cargo left to salvage.
Ford told his employer about the lack
of salvageable cargo, but noted that there
were groves of redwood and Douglas fir in
the area. A year later, Meiggs had sawmill
equipment shipped around Cape Horn and
erected a mill at Big River. This led to the
founding of Mendocino and the beginning of
the timber industry in Northern California.
Local mills supplied wood to help build San
Francisco and to construct the Point Cabrillo
Light Station.
The Light Station
The Point Cabrillo Light Station was built
following the 1906 earthquake, which had
ravaged San Francisco. The Light Station was
needed to guide small “Doghole” schooners
that plied the coastal waters, carrying lumber
to rebuild San Francisco. The earthquake
severely damaged the Point Arena
Lighthouse, leaving no lighthouses between
Cape Mendocino and Bodega Bay.
Construction of the Point Cabrillo Light
Station building began in 1908 and was
completed in early 1909. The Light Station,
comprising 30.5 acres and 15 structures, was
managed by the U.S. Lighthouse Service.
The Head Lightkeeper was in charge of the
Light Station, overseeing the work of the
First Assistant (the Wickie) and the Second
Assistant (the Timer). Daily tasks included
maintaining the Lighthouse lantern room,
lens, kerosene oil lamp, clockworks, the other
14 buildings and the raised garden beds
where food was grown. The U.S. Coast Guard
(USCG) assumed command of the Point
Cabrillo Light Station in 1939 and managed it
until 1991.
Frolic Cove
The Lens
The British-built Fresnel (fra-nel) lens—the
most advanced example of lens technology
at the time—was first lit on June 10, 1909,
by Wilhelm Baumgartner, the first Head
Lightkeeper. The British-built lens, one of
only twelve in the U.S., was manufactured
by Chance Brothers and shipped around the
Horn. The lens has 90 glass prism pieces;
the original lens was turned by a wind-up
clockworks mechanism.
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