McConnell State Recreation Area - California
The McConnell State Recreation Area is on the banks of the Merced River, about two miles northeast of Livingston (on U.S. Route 99 between Turlock and Merced). Fishing is popular for catfish, black bass and perch. There are picnic, camping and play areas.
maps Mother Lode - Boundary Map Boundary Map of the Mother Lode BLM Field Office area in California. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
The McConnell State Recreation Area is on the banks of the Merced River, about two miles northeast of Livingston (on U.S. Route 99 between Turlock and Merced). Fishing is popular for catfish, black bass and perch. There are picnic, camping and play areas.
Our Mission
Spring, summer and fall
offer fishing, camping,
picnicking, river wading,
sunbathing, hiking and
nature study.
The mission of the California Department of
Parks and Recreation is to provide for the
health, inspiration and education of the
people of California by helping to preserve
the state’s extraordinary biological diversity,
protecting its most valued natural and
cultural resources, and creating opportunities
for high-quality outdoor recreation.
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McConnell State Recreation Area
8800 McConnell Road
Ballico, CA 95303
© 2002 California State Parks
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George J. Hatfield
State Recreation Areas
he Merced River,
after coursing its way
through the Yosemite
Valley, becomes calm
and inviting as it flows
through McConnell State
Recreation Area. Towering cottonwoods and
sycamores offer relief
from the dry heat of the
central San Joaquin
Valley. Where the Merced
passes through George J.
Accessible picnic area and bench on the Merced River at McConnell SRA
Hatfield State Recreation
Area, visitors are inspired
to take advantage of a riparian habitat that
offers fishing, swimming, rafting and other
The bottomland along the river consists
water-related activities. The two parks are
of a rich sandy soil. Before the arrival of
about 20 miles from each other, and because
European settlers, this soil supported a
of their proximity, they share essentially
luxurious growth of trees, shrubs, vines
the same ecology.
and wildflowers that provided abundant
The native streamside habitat may be
food and a place of refuge for the Native
observed while rafting or canoeing down
Americans and the wildlife that inhabited
the river. The river flows slowly during the
the valley. Today rich farmlands surroundsummer months, and there are limited
ing the parks nourish field, row and
access points. Allow plenty of time to relax
nut crops. Poultry and cattle ranching
and enjoy the scenery.
flourish in the area.
The typical Central Valley climate can
Valley oak, box elder and cottonwood
reach from 90 to as much as 105 degrees
are the primary native trees. Sycamores,
in the summer, with mild spring and fall
fruitless mulberries, elms and Modesto
temperatures. In winter the weather can
ash trees have been introduced. There
drop to below freezing. The average
are dense areas of native elderberries,
annual rainfall is 12 inches.
wild grapes and blackberries.
The careful observer may see raccoons,
opossums, weasels, muskrats, skunks,
ground squirrels, cottontail rabbits,
jackrabbits and even an occasional
beaver or black-tailed deer.
Common birds include valley quail,
woodpeckers, robins, crows, yellow-billed
magpies, scrub jays, ring-necked
pheasants and several kinds of hawks, as
well as ducks, geese and band-tailed
pigeons during their annual migrations.
The earliest residents of what is now
McConnell State Recreation Area were
the Northern Valley Yokuts, who lived
in small groups in an extensive area
between the Coast Range and the Sierra
Nevada. The Yokuts, known for their
artistry in creating both coiled and
twined basketry, depended on hunting
and gathering for their needs. Salmon
fishing, acorn harvesting and deer hunting
provided a rich, stable food supply. When
Europeans arrived, they discovered a
native people willing to defend their
lands and their way of life. About four
miles upstream of the park, a Yokut
village site provides evidence
of their presence.
McConnell State Recreation Area is a
shady oasis, a small island of peace and
quiet. Named after Thomas McConnell,
a sheep rancher and pioneer who
homesteaded the site in 1871, it offers
year-round recreation. As the first state
park in the San Joaquin Valley, this 74-acre
recreation area opened in 1950. Several
grassy fields offer youngsters ample room to
play. While the low, easy summer flow of
the Merced River is great for swimming,
swimmers should watch out for deep
holes. No lifeguard service is available.
Anglers can fish for catfish, black bass and
perch. A valid California sport-fishing
license is required.
The park’s tree-shaded camping and
picnic areas have rock fireplaces, tables
and piped drinking water. Family
campsites are provided with food lockers
and hibachi-like grills mounted on
convenient, waist-high supports. A 50capacity group