Colonel Allensworth

State Historic Park - California

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park preserves Allensworth, the only California town to be founded, financed and governed by African Americans. The small farming community was founded in 1908 by Lt. Colonel Allen Allensworth, Professor William Payne, William Peck, a minister; John W. Palmer, a miner; and Harry A. Mitchell, a real estate agent, dedicated to improving the economic and social status of African Americans. Colonel Allensworth (1842–1914) had a friendship with Booker T. Washington and was inspired by the Tuskegee Institute and development in its neighboring town. Allensworth hoped to develop the "Tuskegee of the West". Uncontrollable circumstances, including a drop in the area's water table, resulted in the town's demise. Allensworth is now an unincorporated area in Tulare County. Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park is also an Amtrak conditional-flag-stop train station on the San Joaquin trains.



Map of Shoreline Campsites at Lake Havasu in Arizona. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).Lake Havasu - Shoreline Campsites

Map of Shoreline Campsites at Lake Havasu in Arizona. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Vintage 1948 USGS 1:250000 map of Bakersfield in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Vintage USGS - Bakersfield - 1948

Vintage 1948 USGS 1:250000 map of Bakersfield in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Vintage 1948 USGS 1:250000 Map of Fresno in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Vintage USGS - Fresno - 1948

Vintage 1948 USGS 1:250000 Map of Fresno in California. Published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).


Brochure of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park (SHP) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation.Colonel Allensworth - Brochure

Brochure of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park (SHP) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation.

Brochure (español) of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park (SHP) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation.Colonel Allensworth - Brochure (español)

Brochure (español) of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park (SHP) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation. Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park preserves Allensworth, the only California town to be founded, financed and governed by African Americans. The small farming community was founded in 1908 by Lt. Colonel Allen Allensworth, Professor William Payne, William Peck, a minister; John W. Palmer, a miner; and Harry A. Mitchell, a real estate agent, dedicated to improving the economic and social status of African Americans. Colonel Allensworth (1842–1914) had a friendship with Booker T. Washington and was inspired by the Tuskegee Institute and development in its neighboring town. Allensworth hoped to develop the "Tuskegee of the West". Uncontrollable circumstances, including a drop in the area's water table, resulted in the town's demise. Allensworth is now an unincorporated area in Tulare County. Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park is also an Amtrak conditional-flag-stop train station on the San Joaquin trains.
Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park Our Mission The mission of California State Parks is to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. In 1908 a group of African Americans led by Colonel Allen Allensworth founded a town that would combine California State Parks supports equal access. Prior to arrival, visitors with disabilities who need assistance should contact the park at (661) 849-3433. If you need this publication in an alternate format, contact CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS P.O. Box 942896 Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 For information call: (800) 777-0369 (916) 653-6995, outside the U.S. 711, TTY relay service Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park 4011 Grant Drive Earlimart, CA 93219 (661) 849-3433 © 2007 California State Parks (Rev. 2017) pride of ownership, equality of opportunity, and high ideals. I n the southern San Joaquin Valley, a modest but growing assemblage of restored and reconstructed buildings marks the location of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park. A schoolhouse, a Baptist church, businesses, homes, a hotel, a library, and various other structures symbolize the rebirth of one man’s dream of an independent, democratic town where African Americans could live in control of their own destiny. On the horizon stretch level farmlands, county roads, and the seemingly endless tracks of the Santa Fe rail line. In this part of the valley, summer temperatures can reach 100 degrees or more, but winters are generally mild. Allen Allensworth — A Visionary Colonel Allen Allensworth — Army chaplain, educator, orator, and town co-founder — was born into slavery in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 7, 1842. Intelligent and eager for knowledge, he was encouraged by his mother to learn to read and write by playing school with the master’s son. At 12 he was sent away for violating the law that prohibited the education of slaves. In 1862 he fled slavery to join the Union Navy and was honorably discharged as a chief petty officer. After the Civil War, the Colonel achieved the formal education he had been denied. In 1877 he married Josephine Leavell, Colonel Allen Allensworth, a schoolteacher, ca. 1895 - 1904 music teacher, and gifted musician, and they raised two daughters. In 1886, with a doctorate of theology, Allensworth became chaplain to the 24th Infantry, one of the Army’s four African American regiments. He retired First Baptist Church as a lieutenant (restored) colonel in 1906 — the first African American to attain such high rank. The Town of Allensworth Retirement found the Colonel lecturing throughout the eastern and midwestern states, promoting Booker T. Washington’s philosophy of African American self-reliance. They both firmly believed that, through education and hard work, African Americans could rise above the effects of slavery, attain greater social stature, and more fully realize their potential as a people. The Allensworths settled in Los Angeles, and in 1906 the Colonel met Professor William Payne, an educator whose family had recently moved to Pasadena. With a mutual desire to live in an environment where African Americans could live free from discrimination, they merged their values with those of other pioneers of like mind to establish an independent, selfsufficient colony. They formed the California Colony and Home Promotion Association in 1908 and purchased 800 acres along the Santa Fe rail line from the Pacific Farming Company, at a rail stop called Solita. In 1909 the colony of Allensworth began to rise from the flat countryside — California’s first town founded, financed, and governed by African Americans. The name and reputation of Colonel Allensworth inspired African Americans who were looking for a better life. People from all over the country, including many who were already settled in California, came to populate the town. In some cases, people who never lived in the town purchased property sight-unseen to help the cause. The town of Allensworth enjoyed great success and was the focus of considerable interest. On July 29, 1909, the Tulare County Times ran an article headlined, “Negro Colony at Solita Prosperous.” Other newspapers described Allensworth with such headlines as, “Allensworth Folks Great Readers” (Visalia Delta) and “An Ideal Negro Settlement” (Los Angeles Times). By 1910 residents had built a small school. Two years later, Allensworth became California’s first African American school district, and in 1914 the town became a judicial district. When rapid growth necessitated the construction of a larger school, Mrs. Allensworth turned the old school building into the Mary Allensworth school children, Dickinson ca. 1911 Allensworth Elementary School (restored) Memorial Library in honor of her moth
Parque Estatal Histórico Colonel Allensworth Nuestra Misión La misión de California State Parks es proporcionar apoyo para la salud, la inspiración y la educación de los ciudadanos de California al ayudar a preservar la extraordinaria diversidad biológica del estado, proteger sus más valiosos recursos naturales y culturales, y crear oportunidades para la recreación al aire libre de alta calidad. En 1908 un grupo de afroamericanos dirigidos por el coronel Allen Allensworth fundaron una ciudad que California State Parks apoya la igualdad de acceso. Antes de llegar, los visitantes con discapacidades que necesiten asistencia deben comunicarse con el parque llamando al (661) 849-3433. Si necesita esta publicación en un formato alternativo, comuníquese con CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS P.O. Box 942896 Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 Para obtener más información, llame al: (800) 777-0369 o (916) 653-6995, fuera de los EE. UU. o 711, servicio de teléfono de texto. Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park 4011 Grant Drive Earlimart, CA 93219 (661) 849-3433 © 2007 California State Parks (Rev. 2017) combinaría el orgullo de propiedad, la igualdad de oportunidades y los ideales nobles. E n el Valle de San Joaquín del sur, un conjunto modesto pero creciente de edificios restaurados y reconstruidos marca la ubicación del Parque Histórico Estatal Coronel Allensworth. Una escuela, una iglesia bautista, negocios, viviendas, un hotel, una biblioteca y otras diferentes estructuras simbolizan el renacimiento del sueño de un hombre sobre un pueblo independiente y democrático donde los afroamericanos pudieran vivir en control de su propio destino. En el horizonte se extienden las tierras agrícolas, las carreteras del condado y las vías aparentemente interminables de la línea ferroviaria de Santa Fe. En esta parte del valle, las temperaturas del verano pueden alcanzar 100 grados o más, pero los inviernos son generalmente suaves. Allen Allensworth — UN VISIONARIO El coronel Allen Allensworth, capellán del ejército, educador, orador y cofundador de la ciudad, nació en la esclavitud en Louisville, Kentucky, el 7 de abril de 1842. Inteligente y ávido de conocimiento, su madre le animó a aprender a leer y escribir jugando a la escuela con el hijo del patrón. A los 12 años fue expulsado por violar la ley que prohibía la educación a los esclavos. En 1862 huyó de la esclavitud para unirse a la Marina de la Unión y le dieron de baja con honores como suboficial de marina. Después de la Guerra Civil, el coronel logró la educación formal que le habían negado. En 1877 se casó con Josephine Leavell, maestra de escuela, maestra de música y talentosa músico, con quien crio dos hijas. En 1886, con un doctorado en Teología, Allensworth se convirtió en capellán de la 24ª Infantería, uno de los cuatro regimientos afroamericanos del Ejército. Se retiró como teniente coronel en 1906, con lo que se convirtió en el primer afroamericano en alcanzar un rango tan alto. lA CIUDAD DE ALLENSWORTH Durante su retiro, el coronel dictaba conferencias en los estados del este y del medio oeste, en los que promovía la filosofía de Booker T. Washington sobre la autosuficiencia afroamericana. Ambos creían firmemente que, a través de la educación y el trabajo duro, los afroamericanos podían elevarse por encima de los efectos de la esclavitud, alcanzar un mayor prestigio social y desarrollar más plenamente su potencial como pueblo. Colonel Allen Allensworth, ca. 1895 - 1904 Primera Iglesia Bautista (restaurada) Los Allensworth se establecieron en Los Angeles y en 1906 el coronel conoció al profesor William Payne, un educador cuya familia se había trasladado recientemente a Pasadena. Con un deseo mutuo de vivir en un ambiente donde los afroamericanos pudieran vivir libres de discriminación, fusionaron sus valores con los de otros pioneros con ideas afines para establecer una colonia independiente y autosuficiente. Ellos formaron la Colonia California (California Colony) y la Asociación de Promoción de Hogar (Home Promotion Association) en 1908 y compraron 800 acres a lo largo de la línea ferroviaria de Santa Fe de la Compañía Agrícola del Pacífico (Pacific Farming Company), en una parada de ferrocarril llamada Solita. En 1909 la colonia de Allensworth comenzó a levantarse del paisaje llano, convirtiéndose en la primera ciudad de California fundada, financiada y gobernada por afroamericanos. El nombre y la reputación del coronel Allensworth inspiraron a los afroamericanos que buscaban una vida mejor. Personas de todo el país, incluidos muchos que ya estaban establecidos en California, vinieron a poblar la ciudad. En algunos casos, personas que nunca vivieron en la ciudad compraron propiedades, sin verlas antes, para ayudar a la causa. La ciudad de Allensworth gozó de gran éxito y fue el centro de un interés considerable. El 29 de julio de 1909, el Tulare County Times publicó un artículo titulado “Colonia negra en Solita es próspera”.

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