
Visitor Map

brochure Delevan - Visitor Map

Visitor Map of Delevan National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service DRIVING DIRECTIONS - Delevan National Wildlife Refuge Red Red Bluff Bluff ! . ! . No public viewing access is available on Delevan NWR. Los Los Molinos Molinos £ ¤ 32 Corning Corning ! . South Ave Delevan NWR £ ¤ 99 Hunter > Check ! £ ¤ Station *open only to 70 ! . Hamilton Hamilton City City £ ¤ ! . 32 Four-Mile Rd Orland Orland hunters during waterfowl season. ! . Chico Chico Road 23 £ ¤ Riv er R d 191 £ ¤ Ord 7-mile Ln 99 ry Fe r Rd £ ¤ £ ¤ 149 70 North Central Valley WMA - £ ¤ 99W Llano Seco Unit Maxwell Rd § ¦ ¨ Willows Willows ! . Aguas Frias I-5 £ ¤ £ ¤ 45 Road 60 Road 61 Rd Z 162 0 £ ¤ 162 Gridley Colusa Hwy 4-Mile Rd Delevan NWR Delevan NWR does not have any public viewing access, but may be seen from: - Maxwell Road* (County Road) 20 - Four Mile Road* (County £ Road) ¤ ! . Butte Sink WMA Butte Sink Unit ! . *please be cautious when viewing from public roads...they are open to Marysville Marysville public traffic, and may have soft shoulders. ! . £ ¤ 20 ! . Yuba Yuba City City Progress Rd Ware We sc o tt Colusa NWR Tarke Rd Abel Ohm Rd ! Williams . Williams Lonestar Rd Colusa Colusa 20 2 Miles Traveling north or south on I-5: - exit at Maxwell Rd at town of Maxwell - go 3.5 miles east on Maxwell Rd 70 £ ¤ ! .Gridley Gridley - turn left on Four Mile Rd to drive along west boundary of the Refuge Delevan Rd £ ¤ 1.5 Driving Directions to Delevan NWR Sacramento NWR Maxwell Rd 1 £ ¤ 162 Road 68 Maxwell Maxwell 0.5 £ ¤ 45 Oswald Sutter NWR £ ¤ 70 £ ¤ 65 O'banion Produced by Sacramento N W R C Projection: U TM Zone 10N Datum : N A D 83 0 5 10 £ ¤ 113 Arbuckle Arbuckle 0 4.5 9 18 Kilom eters 20 Miles Copyright:© 2014 Esri U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service HUNTER CHECK STATION DIRECTIONS -Delevan National Wildlife Refuge Red Red Bluff Bluff ! . ! . Los Los Molinos Molinos Delevan NWR £ ¤ 32 Corning Corning > ! Four-Mile Rd South Ave Orland Orland Check Station Coordinates: 4351103 northing, 576754 easting OR 39.30592 latitude, -122.109762 longitude ! . Hamilton Hamilton City City ! . ! . ! . Chico Chico Road 23 £ ¤ 70 Maxwell Rd £ ¤ 191 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles Riv er R d 0 ry R Fe r d £ ¤ 99 7-mile Ln Ord 99W 149 Llano Seco Unit I-5 § ¦ ¨ ! . 70 Check station is approximately 5.6 miles northeast from Maxwell £ ¤ 162 £ ¤ 162 Road 60 Road 61 £ ¤ 45 Rd Z Willows Willows Hunter Check Station Driving Directions: £ ¤ £ ¤ North Central Valley WMA - £ ¤ From Interstate 5: - exit at Maxwell Rd - go 3.5 miles east on Maxwell Rd - go 2.1 miles north on Four Mile Rd - turn right at Check Station gate £ ¤ 162 Road 68 Sacramento NWR ! .Gridley Gridley Gridley Colusa Hwy Delevan Rd £ ¤ 70 Maxwell Maxwell 4-Mile Rd Delevan NWR ! . Butte Sink WMA - Maxwell Rd Butte Sink Unit £ ¤ 20 ! . Ware Marysville Marysville £ ¤ 20 ! . £ ¤ 45 Oswald Sutter NWR £ ¤ 70 £ ¤ 65 O'banion Produced by Sacramento N W R C Projection: U TM Zone 10N Datum : N A D 83 0 0 5 4.5 ! . Yuba Yuba City City Tarke Rd Abel Colusa NWR Progress Rd ! Williams . Williams Ohm Rd 20 Lonestar Rd £ ¤ We sc o tt Colusa Colusa £ ¤ 10 9 18 Copyright:© 2014 Esri 113 Kilom eters 20 Miles

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