by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved

Ocotillo Wells


brochure Ocotillo Wells - Bugs
DESERT Ocotillo Wells SVRA Photo © 2008 Hartmut Wisch Infernal Blister Beetle Lytta stygica Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2005 Joyce Gross Red-eared Blister Beetle Lytta auriculata Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Ornate Checkered Beetle Trichodes ornatus Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2010 Aaron Schusteff Master Blister Beetle Lytta magister Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2012 Richard L. Hayes Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Coccinella septempunctata Seen year-round on all aphid-infested plants. Photo © 2010 Aaron Schusteff “Fuzzy Cannonball” Edrotes sp. Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Photo © 2010 Ron Hemberger Diabolical Ironclad Beetle Phloeodes diabolicus Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Darkling Beetle Eleodes sp. Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Photo © 2008 Aaron Schusteff Inflated Beetle Cysteodemus armatus Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Ghost Beetle Asbolus verrucosus Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Photo © 2010 Alex Wild Giant Palo Verde Root Borer Derobrachus hovorei Seen June-Oct., largest beetle in OW; 4.5” Photo by Ron Shugan White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpillar Hyles lineata Seen during the spring eating wildflowers. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Phaeton Primrose Sphinx Moth Euproserpinus phaeton Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2012 Robert A. Behrstock Desert Snout Beetle Ophryastes desertus Seen year-round on creosote bushes. Photo © 2007 Sam Houston Photo © 2007 Sam Houston White-lined Sphinx Moth Hyles lineata Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Photo © 2013 Ron Wolf Orange Sulphur Butterfly Colias eurytheme Seen year-round on wildflowers. Photo © 2008 Shelly Cox Grey Hairstreak Strymon melinus Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Painted Lady Vanessa cardui Spring and fall migrant through OW. Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Spring and fall migrant through OW. Queen Butterfly Danaus gilippus Spring and fall migrant through OW. Photo © 2011 Ron Hemberger Tarantula Hawk Pepsis sp. Seen on milkweeds and flying year-round. Photo © Roy Brown Photography Ophion Wasp, Ophion sp. Attracted to lights at night year-round. Photo © Lon&Queta Photo © 2005 Alex Wild Red Velvet Ant Dasymutilla sp. Seen spring and summer wandering the desert. Thistledown Velvet Ant Dasymutilla gloriosa Seen spring and summer wandering the desert. Photo © 2007 Richard C. Hoyer, WINGS Photo © 2005 Alex Wild Black Harvester Ant Messor pergandei Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex sp. Seen year-round wandering the desert floor. Native Bee Centris rhodopus Seen during the spring on wildflowers. Africanized Bee Apis mellifera ssp. Seen year-round at water and wildflowers. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis Seen year-round on warm moonless nights. Desert Thick-tailed Scorpion Vaejovis waeringi Seen year-round on warm moonless nights. Photo © 2009 Kevin Williams Wind Scorpion Solifugae Seen spring and summer at night. Photo © 2001 Mike “troll” Dame Wolf Spider Schizocosa mccooki Seen year-round on warm moonless nights. California Tarantula Aphonopelma sp. Seen wandering the desert during the fall. Photo © 2012 Leonard Vincent, Ph.D. Golden Huntsman Olios giganteus Seen year-round wandering for prey at night. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Desert Harvestman Eurybunus sp. Seen year-round wandering the desert washes. Photo © 2013 Robyn Judith Waayers Desert Cockroach Arenivaga sp. Seen spring and summer at lights at nighttime. Photo © 2011 Ron Hemberger Obscure Ground Mantid Litaneutria obscura Seen spring-fall hunting on the ground. Photo © 2006 Jeff Hollenbeck Western Black Widow Latrodectus hesperus Seen year-round in its web situated in cracks. Photo © 2012 Alex B. California Mantid Stagmomantis californica Seen spring-fall on trees and plants. Photo © 2013 Greg Lawler Western Short-horn Walking Stick Parabacillus hesperus Seen spring-fall on creosote bushes. Photo © 2013 Dave Beaudette Creosote Bush Grasshopper Bootettix argentatus Seen spring-fall on creosote bushes. Photo © 2013 Lon&Queta Creosote Bush Katydid Insara covilleae Seen spring-fall on creosote bushes. Photo © Peter J. Bryant Antlion Larvae Brachynemurus sp. Seen year-round hunting with small sand-pits. Photo © 2011 Ron Hemberger Pallid Winged Grasshopper Trimerotropis pallidipennis Seen spring and summer wandering the desert. Photo © 2007 Dann Thombs Green Lacewing Chrysopa sp. Seen year-round on all aphid infested plants. Photo © 2007 Stephen Cresswell Antlion Adult Brachynemurus sp. Seen spring through fall at lights at night. Rev. 6/18/13

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