by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved

Humboldt Redwoods

Park Brochure

brochure Humboldt Redwoods - Park Brochure
Humboldt Redwoods State Park Our Mission The mission of California State Parks is to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Thanks to a few concerned preservationists, the breathtaking majesty of these prehistoric giants thrills all who seek their California State Parks supports equal access. Prior to arrival, visitors with disabilities who need assistance should contact the park at (707) 946-2263. This publication is available in alternate formats by contacting: CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS P.O. Box 942896 Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 For information call: (800) 777-0369. (916) 653-6995, outside the U.S. 711, TTY relay service Discover the many states of California.™ Humboldt Redwoods State Park Avenue of the Giants / P.O. Box 100 Weott, CA 95571 (707) 946-2263 © 2011 California State Parks (Rev. 2014) peace and grandeur. H own geographic area and selfumboldt Redwoods identity, but all groups formed State Park harbors the a larger economy that delivered largest remaining old-growth goods for trade as far as the redwood forest in the world. Eastern United States. The park’s unique 52,000-acre This area was likely more environment has more than densely populated before 17,000 acres of breathtaking European incursion than it ancient coast redwood and is now. Today more than ten Douglas-fir trees. Varied percent of the population of recreational areas beckon to Humboldt County are Native all adventurous park visitors. Old-growth redwood forest American, including many Weather changes quickly on people of Sinkyone descent who live along the north coast. Between October and May, the north coast. the park receives about 80 inches of rain, The traditional practices passed down and temperatures range from lows in the through generations of Sinkyone experience 20s to highs in the mid-50s. Though not a created a highly productive environment. common event, snow may fall at elevations Conservation and restoration projects above 1,500 feet. Summers are usually dry, headed by local tribal groups, using timewith occasional rainy days and morning fog tested methods, have been instrumental in that generally burns off by noon. bringing healing to the landscape. PARK HISTORY Saving the Trees Native People Beginning in the 1850s, European settlers The Sinkyone people lived in the area of in the area began to cut large Humboldt Redwoods State Park’s southern stands of redwood trees to region for thousands of years before clear the land for pastures and European contact. The boundaries of farms. Lumber soon became a Sinkyone lands extended east to the main vital industry, and forested land stem of the Eel River and the river’s South suddenly increased in value. Fork, south beyond today’s town of Leggett, Many people, however, and west to the ocean. believed that the huge old The name Sinkyone was assigned by 20thredwood trees were inherently century ethnographers to classify separate significant and should be held political groups who spoke the same dialect in perpetual trust. In 1918, the of the Athabascan language family. Each Save the Redwoods League was distinct political group maintained its formed to accomplish what their name implies — the salvation of one of the world’s great wonders. Thanks to the League and its supporters, more than 189,000 acres of California’s redwood forest lands have been preserved for future generations of park visitors to enjoy. NATURAL resources Plant Communities Some of the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) trees at Humboldt Redwoods are thought to be as old as 2,000 years. They are not the oldest trees on Earth — both the Sierra redwood or giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) and the bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) tree species are older. However — growing up to 370 feet in height — the coast redwoods are the tallest trees on Earth. Trillium, fairy lanterns and calypso orchids grow in profusion at their venerable feet. The lush redwood undergrowth includes several species of fern and the pink or white blossoms of ever-present redwood sorrel. Away from the redwoods, Douglas-fir, California laurel, madrone and tanoak dominate the forested areas. Prairie-like areas form grassy meadows; big-leaf maples, willows and black cottonwoods grow along the stream banks. Wildlife Tracks of black-tailed deer give away their presence in the park. Chipmunks, raccoons and skunks number among the smaller wildlife inhabitants here. On rare occasions, bobcats, coyotes and black bears leave tracks or scat along sand bars Golden eagle and river beaches. River otters play in the water. Bird watchers will also notice red-tailed hawks, wild turkeys, ospreys and golden eagles among the redwoods. All of the park’s visible wildlife are outnumbered by more than 140 species of insects. Corvids, such as ravens, crows and Stellar’s jays, are intelligent, curious birds, but they prey upon endangered marbled murrelets. Corvids look for scraps of food in the park, where they often find and attack marbled murrelet chicks and eggs. Please help murrelets nest in peace. Do not feed wildlife, keep a clean camp, and be careful not to drop food while hiking. Geology The coastal area to the west of the park at Cape Mendocino is one of the most seismically active in the San Andreas fault system. Cape Mendocino is the site of the Mendocino triple junction, where the North American continental plate joins the Gorda and the Pacific tectonic plates. Climate Change Climate change affects all living things within the redwood forest. Some scientists fear that the area’s increase in average temperature and a decrease in thick summer fog and rain endangers coast redwoods, along with other plants and creatures that depend on the redwood environment. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Auto Tour — Visitors can drive along 32 miles of the Avenue of the Giants to see park highlights in eight stops. Hiking — The park has more than 100 miles of trails, rated from easy to strenuous. Camping — The park has three family campgrounds (seasonal Albee Creek and Hidden Springs, and year-round Burlington). Camp only in designated campsites. Register at a campground kiosk prior to selecting or occupying any campsite. To make sitespecific reservations in advance, call (800) 444-7275 or visit Environmental Sites — Five seasonal environmental campsites have tables, fire rings, chemical toilets and bear-resistant storage. Water is untreated. After registering at the nearest campground kiosk, campers will receive access information. Trail Camps — Open fires are not allowed in these primitive sites; water is untreated. Bicycling — Paved roads and multi-use trails are suitable for bicycles. Observe all posted trail signs and wear helmets. Horseback Riding — Equestrians may ride on hiking/equestrian or multi-use trails. Watering troughs are located along the trails. Swimming — Thirty miles of the South Fork and the main stem of the Eel River run through the park. Swimming and wading are allowed in several creeks. Boating — Winter, spring and early summer are best for boating on the river. After heavy rains, the river may not be safe for boating. Fishing — Catch-and-release fishing for salmon and steelhead is allowed on the PLEASE REMEMBER Dogs must be attended at all times. They must be on a leash no more than six feet long and must be confined to a tent or vehicle at night. Except for service animals, pets are not allowed on trails. Quiet Hours — between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Operate generators only between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Fires — Use only barbecues or fire rings provided or your own camp stove. Do not leave fires unattended. Do not gather firewood. Prevent the spread of tree diseases; buy firewood only at family campground kiosks. Recreational opportunities abound—check with the visitor center for a schedule of interpretive programs and walks. South Fork and main stem of the Eel River during fall and winter. Fishing is not allowed elsewhere in the park. Anglers 16 or older must carry a valid California fishing license. See for details. ACCESSIBLE FEATURES Family campgrounds have accessible sites and restrooms (help may be needed with shower controls). Burlington Campground has an accessible site with a pull-through driveway. The mounting platform at Cuneo Creek Horse Camp is accessible. Picnic sites and restrooms are accessible in the Founders, Williams and California Federation of Women’s Clubs groves. The accessible visitor center has listening and sight assistance. The Founders Grove Loop, the Gould Grove Nature Loop, the Fleishmann Grove Trail, the Drury-Chaney Loop and the Rockefeller Loop trails are accessible. Accessibility is continually improving. For updates, call (916) 445-8949 or visit the website at NEARBY STATE PARKS • Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park 16949 Highway 36, Carlotta 95528 (707) 777-3683 • Benbow Lake State Recreation Area Off U.S. Highway 101 at Benbow exit Garberville 95542 (707) 247-3318 • Richardson Grove State Park 1600 U.S. Highway 101, Garberville 95542 (707) 247-3318 Collecting — All natural and cultural features of the park are protected by state law and may not be disturbed or removed. Water Activities — In late summer, blue-green algae may bloom when the river flow is low. Ingesting algae can be hazardous to humans and pets. Check for algae warnings. Always use caution in and around the river; no lifeguards are on duty. River Bar Access — Some river bars (exposed dry riverbed sections) are open to licensed 4WD vehicles but are subject to closure. Exhibitions of speed, ATVs and driving in the waterway are prohibited. Hunting — Any form of hunting is prohibited. Firearms may not be brought into state parks. Speed Limit — In campgrounds and day-use areas, the speed limit is 15 mph. Avoid Inviting Wildlife — Store all food and scented items when not in use, and dispose of trash in the receptacles provided. Cr e 0 0.25 0.5 Mi 0 0.4 0.8 Km e er o 00 16 T see Burlington detail map 80 12 00 0 ru ss El k Grove Williams oa R t Tr a il Hidden Springs Beach Trail Tra il Primitive Campground Restrooms err Myers Flat Trail r mete er i So u t h F or e kE er K on lR Seasonal Bridge LAND Landsdale River Bar Access iv ail rk T r Co eek Cr k ee Cr Showers Swimming 800 of 40 the Gia Telephone Trail Closure nts 40 0 0 Dry 0 Creek Trail l 0 0.4 0.8 Km aw Cr eek Johnson Camp Trail 0.75 1.0 1.25 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Maple Hills River Bar Access 1.5 Miles 2.4 Kilometers 40 r ee k 80 Sa 0 ve 0 lmon C ree k ai 0.5 Mi 0.5 Cr Miranda F e G i ts an Alexander River Bar 400 to Garberville 0 Bu 400 th 80 tt r of 0.25 0.25 S ue Big Trees Day Use Area B u ll Creek Trail S o uth 0 0 C ek Trail North l Cre Bul eek Cr Sq u ll ek Cre on n Ave 400 Bu Gras shop p k ee Cr e e 800 ad Stephen’s Grove Loop LAND i sh Blue Slide Day Use Area Salm Cr eek i el R Fork E st e 101 800 0 00 1200 40 16 th ou r to San Francisco 00 ek H o me Mattole R oad Tr a i l 101 © 2011 California State Parks (Rev. 2014) Map by Eureka Cartography, Berkeley, CA 30 Km Mendocino NF Tra il Ho m estead Trail Tr er i ve an R 20 12 ll Mi 10 Lo o k 0 Leggett Albee Creek Campground 20 Mi 10 Standish-Hickey SRA n o 0 400 ns Richardson R Grove SP r iv e Oce Eel ic 1 Garberville Benbow Shasta-Trinity NF 800 Prairie T rail P R I VAT E Joh k cif Piercy Sinkyone Wilderness SP 36 Six Rivers NF A d die For Pa 3 Harper th John B. Dewitt Redwoods SNR Benbow Lake SRA el Sou Myers Flat E T k Redcrest ALBEE CREEK AREA C r ee Humboldt Redwoods SP 800 Albee 36 to Redding l rai Cape Mendocino Weaverville Hayfork Grizzly Creek Redwoods SP n nto Rio Dell Six Rivers NF Fortuna 1600 2000 3 299 Th o r 101 Cemetery Shasta-Trinity NF Fort Humboldt SHP Cu s nt No Dogs Allowed Park Headquarters/ Visitor Center Picnic Area Cre ek P R I VAT E 0 Willow Creek 101 of Horse Campground 0 Williams Grove Day Use and Group Camps 80 Eureka nu e Av e 80 0 Group Campground Hike/Bike Campsite 1200 Humboldt Bay d Creek ely Campground Hidden Springs Campground 20 Canoe Creek C k Cree 00 Cree k 160 P Campfire Center Environmental Campground Br id g k S TAT E W I L D E R N E S S Tan ba Trail: Hiking Trail: Hiking and Horse Multi-Use Trail: Hiking, Horse and Bicycle Accessible Trail Wilderness Area and Natural Preserve Area Accessible Feature e 0 80 Creek Ma tt o 0 240 e C ree W il see main outset map Railroad Tracks 1200 ree k 1600 to Crescent City 0.8 Km Paved Road 1200 e 200 0.4 Major Road e Cr nu Ave Tr a il w 1600 l Trai rd lifo 00 2000 00 6 Mi r 00 r 24 24 0.5 Mi 0 Legend ve 16 te Perim e 0.25 8 10 Km Cr F ees 0 d) 1600 6 e ek r 400 Ca n o Creek 00 l rai 12 ete Ga r T pR 4 Ee l KentMather Loop D evils Elb o Ro bi ns o Ri ve 00 Bul l m Creek Trail Garden Club of America Grove Day Use Area 40 Trai l noe 2 1600 BULL CREEK l Tr a i P ra irie l Ca reek Fork th G rie g ai 800 0 101 Burlington Park Headquarters SOUTHERN SECTION i Per e nth (Pa r ut h So ther P an 400 l R iver ek k C 101 00 Grie Tr 00 g 28 t to l Creek Greenlo w 00 ad Cr C Trai l eC no Ca 800 2800 2400 Gri ee l 12 1600 Ee r C Squaw Ro e pe n l r ai ee k R idge Trail Grassh op pe rT r a il a xt Sq Bu r 12 reek p er C H ar l Tra i C reek e s t e ad Bull Ho m rk Fo d De cke r n so C r ee k 0 ry Mow Bull Creek Trail Camp (No Fires) ork Ri e O Tra i 20 2000 2400 oa le R d g REDWOODS 0 1 2 3 4 5 LAND r R a ttlesnak on el p 1600 Kemp T rail Bi CALIFORNIA F E D E R AT I O N O F WOMEN’S CLUBS GROVE S TAT E PA R K Tr a il 0 00 Gould River Bar Access reek pe ek N or M C ill E ho 2000 eg ver T ia HUMBOLDT STATE WILDERNESS 12 0 Gras s 2000 1200 Mahan Plaque Loop see Northern Extent detail map above left Av 0 00 0 240 28 0 BurlingtonWeott Trail 80 ail Grasshopper Trail Camp (No Fires) Ri Tra il SOUTHERN SECTION 400 0 Tr er il Tra ge 800 l Bul k Cree Weott ra il Cre Slide 40 40 0 o n Rid Hanson Ridge Trail Camp (No Fires) 40 0 pp ss h o Ha ns 120 160 Cre ek P R I VAT E Marin Garden Club Grove Group Camp T Whiskey Flat Trail Camp (No Fires) Creek ns C rn Gra P R I VAT E LAND Johnson Trail Camp (No Fires) 800 101 er M l a t to k ee Cr ak 800 nts Gia 00 k ee River 20 R BULL CREEK e th p Trail am n .F oop 0 G r a sshopper Trail of eR so BURLINGTON 800 AREA Po is see Dyerville detail map NO RTHERN SECTION n Joh 40 en ue o Fle f th is h e G iants ma nn Gro ve S 400 0 Te S TAT E W I L D E R N E S S 101 Trail iv E el R eek Cr BULL CREEK Cr le th For k Creek w ua th u So Pioneer Cemetery uth So 00 FOUNDERS GROVE 40 ek 0 Visitor Center/ Park Headquarters Riv e Creek re 40 80 eG th 0 0 ue en Av amp mp Trail Ca Fo x C 24 Bull Burlington Campground Gould Grove Nature Loop 0 80 40 u Cuneo Creek Horse Camp Fo x 120 tt o Ma So 00 B Ca b in th Bull Cr eek Bull C reek Trail ek Connick Cre 24 il 1.6 Km B 0 D Y E RV I L L E AREA Bull Cre ek T rail Nor 400 1.2 800 800 ROCKEFELLER FOREST eek Cr 00 Tr a 2000 T er ek re 160 P R E S E RV E 400 see Albee Creek detail map below 0.8 High Rock River Trail R E D W O O D S N AT U R A L M ill e r ad Ro 12 Fo I nd rk ian Or ch ar d Baxter Environmental Camp 0.4 r ne th Nor 1600 CARL “A” ANDERSON 800 le Road Matto 400 0 il ra eek Hamilton Barn Environmental Camp 800 1.0 Mi r ive l R Ee 0 Calf Creek C S TAT E P A R K Albee Creek Campground ek 0.75 C ee 160 Fiv 0.5 ul l A lb i Tra r 00 0.25 ek ee k to n Thorn Cr l 20 0 Bull Creek Flats Greig-French-Bell Trail 800 0 Co w il ail ’ Tr ens e All 40 400 Fork ll 00 e Tra 400 l Goosepen Loop e Rockefeller Loop Dyerville L Founders Grove Loop ek 800 Drury-Chaney Loop Trail 101 C re ROCKEFELLER FOREST Cr e Mi Ridg ail Tr 1200 k Auto Tour Information b in S. Peavin e REDWOODS Cree High Rock River Bar Access Creek Rid ine ge T r ai P e av 0 HUMBOLDT Cuneo Ca Pepperwood Avenue of the Giants 2400 12 v Ma LAND ad d Ch 0 Po le Li 400 C r eek r B ea 00 State Park ri e Cr e 16 Humboldt Redwoods Look P rai 200 160 Sh i d Ri P 400 Dyerville River Bar Access D Y E RV I L L E AREA 0 r r ine Eel R i ver 0 40 Bea ve v ea nts 80 400 P R I VAT E Trai l Ridge LAND Gi a NO RTHERN EXTENT AREA r re e k P R I VAT E Redcrest 1200 ek l the 400 800 P a tto n C Ne 101 iv e Eel R to Eureka and Northern Extent Area f eo nu Ave This park receives support in part through the Humboldt Redwoods Interpretive Association, P.O. Box 276, Weott, CA 95571 (707) 946-2263 F.K. Lane Grove Loop

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