Hendy Woods

Campground Map

brochure Hendy Woods - Campground Map
Hendy Woods State Park 18599 Philo-Greenwood Road, Philo, CA 95466 • (707) 895-3141 Our dedicated employees and volunteers hope your visit is enjoyable and refreshing. Our goal is to protect and interpret the coast redwoods and other natural resources of Hendy Woods while providing a safe, relaxing, and high quality camping and hiking experience. We invite you to offer your comments or suggestions to any of the staff as we look to continually improve the operation of this State Park. Campground Hosts Our volunteer campground hosts provide a priceless service to park visitors and staff. Hosts are available to provide information, sell firewood, make pay-shower change, and initiate emergency response. Hosts may also remind visitors of park rules and regulations. When not available in their campsites, the hosts may often be found around the park greeting the public or working on projects. Please take time to thank them for their service. Dogs: Dogs must be kept on a leash no longer than six feet and under control at all times. They are not permitted in buildings or on trails. Dogs must be confined to a vehicle or tent at night and must not be left unattended at any time. NOISE: Quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. and extend through 8:00 a.m. Music and conversation should not be heard outside of your campsite and must be discontinued after 10:00 p.m. Generators may be operated between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Camping: The Hendy Woods campground is open all year. Reservations are recommended midMay through mid-September. Up to 8 people may occupy a campsite. Cabin sites accommodate up to 6 people (4 in the cabin, and 2 at the small tent pad in each cabin site). Check-out time is noon. Firewood: Wood for campfires is available for sale at the ranger station and from the campground hosts. Funds collected from wood sales go directly toward naturalist programs at Hendy Woods and throughout the Mendocino area state parks. Wood gathering is prohibited in all California state parks. Hiking: Hiking trails crisscross the entire park. Hikers can spend much of the day on the trail, yet never stray too far from the park roads. Most trails are level or have an easy grade. Comprising more than 100 acres, the Big and Little Hendy Groves offer pleasant walks through an old-growth redwood forest. The All Access Trail in the Big Hendy Grove is wheelchair accessible. A short climb out of the campground, the Hermit Hut Trail leads to the redwood stump once called “home” by the Hendy Hermit. Bicycles: Bikes are allowed on all paved roads and the dirt fire road. All trails are closed to bicycles. Bicycle helmets are required for children under 18 years old. Fishing: Fishing is not allowed within Hendy Woods. The Department of Fish and Game has set aside all waters and tributaries of the Navarro River watershed upstream from the Philo-Greenwood Bridge as spawning habitat. Ask a park ranger for current seasons and conditions in the lower Navarro watershed. Discover the many states of California.TM CAMPING RESERVATIONS: You may make camping reservations by calling (800) 444-7275 (TTY 800-274-7275). To make online reservations, visit our website at www.parks.ca.gov ALTERNATE FORMAT: This publication can be made available in alternate formats. Contact interp@parks.ca.gov or call (916) 654-2249. Trail to Hermit Huts Hendy Woods State Park Wildcat Campground 51 3 miles west of Philo 1/2 mile off Hwy. 128 on Philo-Greenwood Rd. 54 55 ck Loop Fire per Loop 61 Trail 75 72 70 66 63 65 r He 74 73 71 5 41 7 37 9 36 38 10 14 11 12 v Nav a rr o 31 30 29 28 42 27 26 43 25 24 39 23 22 21 17 13 15 16 18 19 20 Ranger Station er Ta nk Ro Campground ad Hike/Bike Campground Cabin Hermit Hut ra W at T il Sunny Campsite . Litt le CH Cree k nd Restrooms y T Campground Host Picnic Area ail He alea Tr Az Showers ra il . LITTLE HENDY GROVE Accessible Feature RV Sanitation Station Service Area Campfire Center Ranger Station Parking Water 128 Trail Philo-G To Pacific Coast (20 mi.) 32 LEGEND See enlargement To Philo (3 mi.) 34 Azalea Campground Water T a nk Loop le Huckleberry 33 40 8 Hermit Huts ag CH 4 6 76 1 2 il ail ow 77 3 90 Trail to Little Hendy Grove and Ranger Station H ut T ra sco ad Me Di m it Acces s Trail Day-Use Area R iv er E 80 82 79 88 Wood Rose 45 91 89 86 Trail to Big Hendy 67 68 69 Grove and day-use area e r y Tr All 81 64 d BIG HENDY GROVE 83 62 92 Ringtail 78 60 Roa Up CH 47 87 84 85 58 59 44 48 53 56 57 Puma 50 52 To River Ba 49 Visitor Center reenwood Road Road To Elk (18 mi.) © 2002 California State Parks (Rev. 2011)

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