| Henry W. Coe Park Brochure |
Our Mission
Henry W. Coe
State Park
The mission of the California Department of
Parks and Recreation is to provide for the
health, inspiration and education of the
people of California by helping to preserve
the state’s extraordinary biological diversity,
protecting its most valued natural and
cultural resources, and creating opportunities
for high-quality outdoor recreation.
This magnificent
park greets visitors
with miles of trails
and many small lakes,
ponds and seasonal
creeks to lighten
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Discover the many states of California.TM
Henry W. Coe State Park
9000 East Dunne Avenue
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-2728
© 2009 California State Parks
Printed on Recycled Paper
their path.
B arely an hour’s
winter, seasonal creeks
drive southeast of
can overflow and
San Jose, Henry
become dangerously
W. Coe State
impassable. Spring
Park protects
and fall are the
and preserves
most temperate and
87,000 acres of
enjoyable times to
scenic hills and
visit. Prepare for the
mountain ridges.
variable climate and
This wild, largely
rugged landscape by
dressing in layers.
park welcomes
backpackers, equestrians, mountain bikers,
Native People
day-hikers, and anyone seeking solitude in a
The indigenous people in this area probably
nearly untouched setting. Part of the Diablo
included the Ohlone and the Northern
Range, the park is an amalgam of high ridges,
Valley Yokuts. At the time of European
plateaus, and both narrow and open valleys.
contact, Ohlone territory extended from
After a rainy winter, wildflowers bloom in
San Francisco Bay south to the Carmel
profusion from February through March; by
Valley area, and east into the Diablo
April the color is rampant. The landscape
Range. The lower San Joaquin River and its
is rich with blue lupine and orange-yellow
tributaries formed the core of the Northern
California poppies, bright yellow gold fields
Yokuts homeland. The semi-permanent
and delicate baby blue eyes. Mariposa
watercourses on the east side of the
lilies, larkspur, blue dicks and Ithuriel’s
Diablo Range were sparsely inhabited. The
spear show themselves in late April and
native people were semi-nomadic, moving
May. The variety and richness of the flora
seasonally to harvest acorns, seeds, berries,
attract visitors from miles around.
roots and other foods vital to their diet. They
Hot, dry summers bring highs above 90,
hunted, fished, and periodically set fires
cooling to the 50s at night. Hikers should
to increase yields of certain plants, such
carry—and drink—plenty of water, even
as grass and seeds, and to maintain forage
on less-strenuous trails. Winter is wet, with
plants to attract game.
highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. In
With the arrival of the Spanish, the Ohlone
were recruited into the missions, ending
their way of life. As native populations
near the coastal missions dwindled,
missionaries gathered converts from farther
inland, reaching into the Diablo Range
and ultimately the San Joaquin Valley. The
strenuous mission routines, which were
completely foreign to the native people’s
way of life, took a heavy toll on them.
Unable to fight off new diseases brought by
the Europeans, the native population was
nearly decimated.
In 1834, when the Mexican government
ordered the missions secularized, the
promise to return the lands to the remaining
mission Indians was not honored. Native
people, now displaced from the missions
and from their traditional homelands, were
left to fend for themselves. Some found
work on cattle ranches in the vicinity of
today’s park, herding cattle and the wild
mustangs that populated the Orestimba
South Fork near Mustang Flat. Today, Ohlone
descendants—including members of the
Muwekma, Rumsen and Mutsun groups—are
working toward federal recognition.
Pine Ridge Ranch
New Hampshire native Henry W. Coe
established the Willow Ranch in the Santa
Clara Valley in 1858
rain, three seasonal
Birdwatchers will find common birds
and acquired the San
such as turkey vultures, Steller’s jays, and
Felipe Ranch in the
Orestimba and Pacheco
California quail, and noteworthy birds
1860s. This purchase
creeks—can become
like California thrashers and Lesser and
brought Coe’s sons,
whitewater torrents.
Lawrence goldfinches. California king snakes
Henry Jr. and Charles,
Dozens of small lakes in
and Pacific gopher snakes are harmless, but
into the cattle ranching
the park were created
be wary of western rattlesnakes.
business. In the late
Fire in the Park
Coe Ranch Visitor Center entrance
1880s and 1890s, the
Mississippi Lake is the
In September 2007, a massive wildfire
brothers acquired 6,000 acres in the Diablo
largest at about 32 acres.
burned more than half of the park. Called
Range. The combined Coe lands became
the “Lick Fire” for its proximity to the Lick
the Pine Ridge Ranch. By 1932 Pine Ridge
Many of the park’s trees—giant live oaks,
Observatory, it burned for eight days.
Ranch was being managed by the daughter
large stands of blue oaks, and coast and
Fire experts describe this as a “mosaic”
of Henry Jr., Sada Sutcliffe Coe Robinson,
canyon live oaks—are native to the area.
fire, meaning that damage was heavy in
and her husband Charles. When Henry Jr.
Gray pines are found throughout the park
some areas, while other areas were barely
died in 1943, Sada’s brother Henry inherited
and the stately ponderosa
touched. However, the seeds of
the ranch. In 1949, a year after Henry sold
pine dominates the western
many plant species need fire,
the land to an investor, Sada bought it back.
ridges. Pacific madrone, western
and some even need smoke, to
She deeded the ranch to Santa Clara County
Sycamore, California bay
shock them into germination.
to be used as a park in 1953. In 1958 the
laurel and California buckeye
Fire also clears out the highly
county deeded the land to the State, which
are plentiful. The beautiful,
flammable “duff,” or debris that
established Henry W. Coe State Park.
rounded growth of big berry
collects during non-fire years
Land that now makes up Henry W. Coe
manzanita can reach 20 feet in
and poses fire danger during
State Park was used for cattle grazing from
height. Grasslands alternate
the hot, dry summers.
the 1880s into the 1960s by various cattle
with chaparral on slopes, and
ranchers. Still-existing roads, trails, ponds
riparian vegetation is prolific
Whispering Bells bloom in
and fencing are among many features dating
along the creeks.
spring following a wildfire.
back to this period in the park’s history. The
adjacent Gill-Mustang, Coit and Redfern
The backcountry shelters mule deer and
ranches were also acquired over the years.
elk. Raptors look for small prey such as
Henry W. Coe is Northern California’s largest
mice and ground squirrels, while overhead
state park.
golden eagles soar, glinting in the sunlight.
Mountain lions seek deer, raccoons, blackNATURAL HISTORY
tailed jackrabbits and brush rabbits, while
The park is a series of craggy ridges as
bobcats, coyotes, and foxes seek many
high as 3,560 feet, with deep canyons from
smaller mammals.
about 300 feet above sea level to 710 at the
north fork of Pacheco Creek. During heavy
Lick Fire aftermath
Many wildfires have occurred at Coe
during the park’s history, but the evidence
of such fires may be hard to see even a year
later. Intensely burned areas, trees or other
species might take years to regenerate,
while some grasses and shrubs may quickly
recover. Both responses to the ravages of
fire can benefit a variety of wildlife and
increase biodiversity. The aftermath of the
Lick Fire will provide valuable information
on fire recovery for many years to come.
Camping—Headquarters Campground is
near the top of Pine Ridge and the visitor
center. Some sites have panoramic views;
others are beneath shady oaks. Each site
has a picnic table and a fire ring. Sites not
located beneath trees have shade ramadas.
Considered primitive, the campground has
piped spring water and nearby pit toilets,
but no showers or hookups. Fires are allowed
only in the fire rings in the campground;
purchase firewood at the visitor center. Other
supplies are not available in the park; the
nearest town is Morgan Hill, 13 miles west
of the park. For camping reservations, call
800-444-7275. First-come, first-served sites
are often available; if no staff is at the gate,
register and pay at the “iron ranger.”
Day use—Coe Headquarters features early
Pine Ridge Ranch buildings. The visitor
center has ranching life exhibits, a bookstore,
and a registration/information desk.
Hunting Hollow is a self-registration
entrance with access to the southwest part
of the park.
Dowdy Ranch offers
access to the eastern
part of the park and
is open seasonally on
weekends. Contact Coe
Headquarters at (408)
779-2728 for information.
Backcountry permits
are required and are
printed on the back of
entry fee receipts.
Fishing—Fishing for
largemouth bass,
bluegill, crappie
and green sunfish is
excellent, though none
of the park’s lakes,
streams or ponds can
be reached by vehicle.
Round-trip hikes can be
10 miles or more.
Lakeside camping and fishing
Gilroy Hot Springs was
a place of healing. From
the 1860s through the
1920s, the resort attracted
San Francisco Bay area
business leaders. In 1938,
H.K. Sakata opened it
as a respite for Japanese
and Japanese Americans
backcountry provides
to heal from the stress
Poppies beautify the landscape. serene, peaceful rides
of hard work and social
and beautiful views.
pressures. This State Historic Landmark is
Longer trips or horse camping involve
listed on the National Register of Historic
rugged and steep terrain.
Places. Call (408) 779-2728 to arrange a tour.
Special Events—Many family-oriented
Hiking/Mountain Biking—The park’s 250
walks, programs and events take place in
miles of dirt roads and trails are in various
spring, summer, and fall. See details listed
states of development; a few are off-limits
at http://www.parks.ca.gov
to mountain bikes. Some are wide and
relatively smooth; others are narrow and
One campsite in Headquarters Campground
rutted. Trails are generally well maintained,
is accessible. For accessibility updates, call
particularly near headquarters, and are well
the park or visit http://access.parks.ca.gov
signed. Call for trail conditions.
Backpacking—The park has exceptional
opportunities for backpackers. The
Orestimba Wilderness is a very popular
destination for multi-day trips. Water sources
may be far apart, depending on the season.
Inquire at the visitor center about which
springs are running, and purify all water.
• Fremont Peak State Park, San Juan
Canyon Road, off of Hwy. 156, San Juan
Bautista (831) 623-4526
• San Juan Bautista State Historic Park, in
San Juan Bautista at 2nd and Washington
Streets (831) 623-4881
This park receives support in part
from a nonprofit organization.
For more information contact:
Pine Ridge Association
9100 East Dunne Ave.,
Morgan Hill, CA 95037