Ohlone Indian Village Site Interpretive Panel at Ardenwood Historic Farm, part of East Bay Regional Park District. Published by East Bay Regional Park District.
This was Tuibun Ohlone Indian land long before
Spanish immigration and Patterson Family ownership.
Archeological evidence indicates that a small Ohlone
village once flourished here for centuries in the
meadow beyond this sign. These people hunted, fished,
and gathered berries, grains, nuts, and shellfish from
the surrounding environment. Houses and boats were
made of tule. Deer, elk, antelope, sea otters, and birds
were abundant in the area.
By taking only what they needed, the Ohlone lived
in balance with nature. For many generations
Ohlone people laughed, sang, and worked here.
Many Ohlone descendants live in the Bay Area today.
They maintain the vibrant culture passed down
through generations. Imagine all that may have
happened just beyond this sign?
Illustration by Barbara Downs
Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, CA
Contemporary dancers at the
Gathering of Ohlone People held at
Coyote Hills Regional Park.
Photo by Bev Ortiz