

brochure Ardenwood - Birds

Birds at Ardenwood Historic Farm, part of East Bay Regional Park District. Published by East Bay Regional Park District.

Jan Feb M ar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb M ar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Swallows Violet-green swallow (b) Northern rough-winged Swallow Cliff swallow Barn swallow (b) Chickadees &Titmice Chestnut-backed chickadee (b) Oak titmouse Bushtit (b) Nuthatches Red-breasted nuthatch Creeper Brown creeper (b) Wrens Bewick's wren (b) Kinglets Golden-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet Thrushes Western bluebird (b) Hermit thrush Varied thrush American robin (b) Mockingbirds Northern mockingbird (b) Starlings European starling (b) Waxwings Cedar waxwing Warblers Orange-crowned warbler Yellow warbler Yellow-rumped warbler Black-throated gray warbler Townsend's warbler Wilson's warbler (b) Sparrows Spotted towhee California towhee (b) Fox sparrow Song sparrow (b) Lincoln's sparrow White-throated sparrow White-crowned sparrow Golden-crowned sparrow Dark-eyed junco (b) Cardinals Western tanager Black-headed grosbeak Blackbirds Red-winged blackbird (b) Tricolored blackbird Brewer's blackbird Western meadowlark Brown-headed cowbird (b) Hooded oriole (b) Bullock's oriole (b) Finches Purple finch House finch (b) Lesser goldfinch American goldfinch Old-world Sparrows House sparrow * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ardenwood Historic Farm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Guide to the Birds of * 34600 Ardenwood Blvd. Fremont, CA 94555 (510) 544-2797 Welcome to Ardenwood Historic Farm, a 205-acre regional preserve operated by the East Bay Regional Park District. While Ardenwood is most commonly known for its farm animals and Victorian heritage, the park is also an island for bird life. Surrounded by suburban development, Ardenwood’s open fields, manicured gardens and shaded eucalyptus groves provide ideal habitat for both resident and migrant birds. This brochure is designed to guide your birding adventure at Ardenwood. The list shows relative abundance - the likelihood of seeing an individual bird species during a given month. Birding is one of the most popular pastimes in North America, and data collected from amateur and professional birders contributes to improving habitat on public and private lands. If you would like to share your observations with the park staff, return your completed list to the Ardenwood Train Station.Your data will help to keep this brochure up-to-date in the future. Birding in the East Bay regional Parks The East Bay Regional Park District offers a number of guided birding programs for birders of all skill and experience levels. Check the latest Regional in Nature newsletter for upcoming programs, or visit our website to learn more: Jan Feb M ar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Birds of Ardenwood Waterfowl *Canada goose *Mallard *Bufflehead Gamebirds *California quail *Wild turkey Cormorants *Double-crested cormorant Pelicans *American white pelican Herons & Egrets *Great blue heron *Great egret *Snowy egret *Black-crowned night heron Vultures *Turkey vulture Osprey *Osprey Hawks & Eagles *White-tailed kite *Northern harrier *Sharp-shinned hawk *Cooper's hawk *Red-shouldered hawk (b) *Red-tailed hawk (b) *Golden eagle Falcons *American kestrel (b) *Merlin *Peregrine falcon Shorebirds *Kildeer Gulls * * * * * * * * *Ring-billed gull *California gull *Glaucous-winged gull Doves & Pigeons *Rock pigeon(b) *Mourning dove(b) Owls *Great horned owl (b) Hummingbirds *Anna's hummingbird (b) *Rufous hummingbird *Allen's hummingbird (b) Woodpeckers *Red-breasted sapsucker *Nuttall's woodpecker(b) *Downy woodpecker (b) *Hairy woodpecker *Northern flicker Flycatchers Olive-sided flycatcher Pacific-slope flycatcher (b) Black phoebe (b) Say's phoebe Ash-throated flycatcher Western kingbird Shrikes Loggerhead shrike Vireos Hutton's vireo Corvids Steller's jay (b) Western scrub jay (b) American crow Common raven * * * * * * * * * * * * Symbols for bird occurence * (b) Abundant = nearly always occurs in appropriate habitats, usually in large to moderate numbers. Common = usually occurs in appropriate habitats in moderate to small numbers. Uncommon = expected in appropriate habitats in very small numbers. Rare = limited records; may be absent in some years. Individual Record = generally a single sighting of a single bird. breeding confirmed or expected * * * *

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