"P1050409" by Mike Linksvayer , public domain
Anthony ChabotWild Plants |
Wild Plants of Anthony Chabot Regional Park and Lake Chabot Regional Park, parts of East Bay Regional Park District. Published by East Bay Regional Park District.
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Wild Plants of
Anthony / Lake Chabot
Regional Park
Common Name Version
A Photographic Guide
Sorted by Form, Color and Family
with Habitat Descriptions and Identification Notes
Photographs and text by Wilde Legard
District Botanist, East Bay Regional Park District
New Revised and Expanded Edition - Includes the latest
scientific names, habitat descriptions and identification notes
Decimal Inches
.1 .2 .3 .4
.5 .6
.7 .8 .9
English Inches
A Photographic Guide to the Wild Plants of
Anthony / Lake Chabot Regional Park
More than 2,000 species of native and naturalized plants grow wild in the San Francisco Bay Area. Most are very difficult to identify without the help of good illustrations. This is designed to
be a simple, color photo guide to help you identify some of these plants. This guide is published electronically in Adobe Acrobat® format so that it can easily be updated as additional
photographs become available. You have permission to freely download, distribute and print this guide for individual use. Photographs are © 2014 Wilde Legard, all rights reserved.
In this guide, the included plants are sorted first by form (Ferns & Fern-like, Grasses & Grass-like, Herbaceous, Woody), then by most common flower color, and finally by similar looking
flowers (grouped by genus within each family). Each photograph has the following information, separated by '-':
(Scientific Name)
Origin & Longevity
Family Name
(Bloom date range)
ID Characteristics
Additional notes
Revision: 3/7/2014
According to The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition (JM2) and other references (not standardized).
According to JM2 and eFlora (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/IJM.html).
Native, Naturalized, or Waif (not reproducing without human care). Annual, Biennial, Perennial, or a combination.
Common family name according to JM2,
Period during the year when the plant blooms, according to JM2 and other sources. '-' if plant does not bloom (ie. Ferns).
Habitat description according to JM2 and other sources.
Plant description with identification characteristics and other notes, based on multiple sources including: Annotated Checklist of the East Bay Flora, Second
Edition (2013), JM2, Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region (Revised Edition), and Weeds of California and Other Western States.
Occasionally, an additional note may appear (ie. NOXIOUS weed, INVASIVE weed, Fed & Calif. ENDANGERED, etc.).
Fern-like - Green/Brown
BRACKEN FERN (Pteridium aquilinum var.
pubescens) Native Perennial - Bracken Family - - Pastures, woodland, meadows, hillsides, partial
to full sun - Leaf blades widely-triangular, gen
0.5-5' long, gen 3x divided, hairy underneath.
Wild Plants of Anthony / Lake Chabot Regional Park - Sorted by Form, Color and Family
Native Perennial - Brake Fern Family - - - Shaded
hillsides, moist woodland - Leaves 8-28" long
with many rounded symmetrical segments, each
with < 4 irregular lobes. Cultivated. Sudden Oak
Death carrier.
COFFEE FERN (Pellaea andromedifolia) Native
Perennial - Brake Fern Family - - - Generally
rocky or dry areas - Fronds 6-30" long, stem light
brown. Leaf segments blunt, 0.24-0.6" long,
0.12-0.4" wide.
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GOLDENBACK FERN (Pentagramma triangularis
subsp. triangularis) Native Perennial - Brake Fern
Family - - - Gen shaded, sometimes rocky or
wooded areas - Leaves triangular, 1.2-4" long,
undersides either granular green or powdery
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Fern-like - Green/Brown
Wild Plants of Anthony / Lake Chabot Regional Park - Sorted by Form, Color and Family
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WESTERN LADY FERN (Athyrium filix-femina
var. cyclosorum) Native Perennial - Cliff Fern
Family - - - Woodland, along streams, seepage
area - Leaves gen 12-39" long, broadest near
middle, 1-2 divided, ultimate divisions rounded.
COMMON HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense)
Native Perennial - Horsetail Family - - Streambanks, wet meadows, springs, other wet,
shaded places - Sterile stems 4-24" tall, 6-14
sheath teeth. Fertile stems 4-13" tall, 6-10 sheath
MOSQUITO FERN (Azolla filiculoides) Native
Perennial - Mosquito Fern Family - - - Common.
Ponds, slow streams - Floating aquatic fern,
green to red. Stem gen 0.4-1.2" long. Leaves
oval, gen ~0.06" long by 0.04" wide. NITROGEN
POLYPODY FERN (Polypodium calirhiza) Native
Perennial - Polypody Family - - - On plants, rocky
cliffs or outcrops, roadcuts, often granitic or
volcanic, rarely dunes - Leaf blades 4-8" long,
often widest above base, deeply lobed.
COASTAL WOOD FERN (Dryopteris arguta)
Native Perennial - Wood Fern Family - - - Locally
common. Open, wooded slopes, caves - Leaf
12-24” long,5-12” wide, divided 1-2 times.
Segments generally with spine-tipped teeth.
munitum) Native Perennial - Wood Fern Family - - Common. Wooded hillsides, shaded slopes,
rarely cliffs, outcrops - Fronds gen 20-48" long,
divided once. Segments usually separate, teeth
point to tips, scaly rachis.
COMMON ARROW-GRASS (Triglochin maritima)
Native Perennial - Arrow-grass Family (Apr–Aug) - Coastal salt marshes, interior saline,
brackish, alkaline marshes - Plant 16-43" tall,
dense-tufted. Leaves 4-32" long, 0.08-0.2" wide.
Leaf ligule tip entire to notched.
angustifolia) Native Perennial - Cattail Family (May–Aug) - Nutrient-rich freshwater to brackish
marshes, wet disturbed places - Plant 4.9-9.8'
tall. Leaves gen < 0.4" wide. Flower cluster gap >
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
Wild Plants of Anthony / Lake Chabot Regional Park - Sorted by Form, Color and Family
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BROAD-LEAVED CATTAIL (Typha latifolia)
Native Perennial - Cattail Family - (Jun–Jul) Unpolluted to nutrient-rich freshwater (brackish)
marshes - Plant 4.9-9.8' tall. Widest leaves
0.4-1.1" wide. Flower cluster with no gap
between flower types.
DUNE BENT GRASS (Agrostis pallens) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (Jun–Aug) - Common.
Open meadows, woodland, forest, subalpine Lower leaf blades <= 0.2" wide, flat to inrolled.
Flower cluster 2-8" long, < 0.8" wide; narrow and
arching when young.
SILVER HAIR GRASS (Aira caryophyllea)
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jun) Sandy soils, open or disturbed sites - Flower
cluster > 0.6" wide, diffuse with long slender
branches. Spikelets about 0.1" long with 2
extended awns.
SLENDER WILD OAT (Avena barbata)
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Mar–Jun) Disturbed sites - Plants gen 24-32". Spikelets
0.8-1.2" long. Awns 0.8-1.8" long. Lemma tip
bristles >= 0.1" long. Seeds EDIBLE whole or
ground for flour. INVASIVE weed.
WILD OAT (Avena fatua) Naturalized Annual Grass Family - (Apr–Jun) - Disturbed sites Plants 1-5' tall. Spikelets 0.7-1.3" long. Low awn
1-1.6" long. Lemma tip bristles < 0.04" long.
Seeds EDIBLE whole or ground for flour.
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jul) Shaded sites, roadsides, pastures, weedy on
coastal dunes - Stem 8-35" tall. Spikelets
0.4-0.75" long, resemble rattlesnake rattles.
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jul) Shaded or moist, open sites - Stem 3-20” tall.
Spikelets 0.1-0.2” long, resemble tiny rattlesnake
CALIFORNIA BROME (Bromus carinatus var.
carinatus) Native Perennial - Grass Family (Apr–Aug) - Coastal prairies, openings in
chaparral, plains, open oak and pine woodland
-Plant 20-40” tall. Flower cluster 6-16” long.
Spikelet 0.8-1.6” long. Lemma 0.5-0.8” long,
hairy, awn 0.3-0.6” long.
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
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RESCUE GRASS (Bromus catharticus var.
catharticus) Naturalized Annual-Perennial - Grass
Family - (Apr–Nov) - Open, disturbed places Plant 8-48” tall. Flower cluster 3-12” long, ~ open.
Spikelet flattened, 0.6-1.2” long. Lemma 0.4-0.7”
long, awn < 0.2” long.
RIPGUT GRASS (Bromus diandrus) Naturalized
Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jul) - Open, gen
disturbed areas - Plant 6-40" tall. Spikelet 1-2.8"
long. Lemma body 0.8-1.2" long, awn > 1.2" long.
Barbed seeds can stick in flesh of animals.
SOFT CHESS (Bromus hordeaceus) Naturalized
Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jul) - Fields,
disturbed areas - Plant 4-26” tall. Leaf hairy.
Flower cluster 1-5” long, dense, some stalks >
spikelet. Spikelet 0.5-0.9”. Lemma 0.26-0.4”, awn
0.16-0.4”. INVASIVE weed.
FOXTAIL CHESS (Bromus madritensis subsp.
madritensis) Naturalized Annual - Grass Family (Apr–Jan) - Disturbed areas, roadsides - Plants
4-20" tall. Stem and sheathes smooth. Flower
cluster branches visible, lower spikelets erect, >
RED BROME (Bromus madritensis subsp.
rubens) Naturalized Annual - Grass Family (Mar–Jun) - Disturbed areas, roadsides - Plant
4-20". Flower cluster condensed, branches
obscure, < spikelets. Stem & sheathes hairy.
selloana) Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family (Sep–Mar) - Disturbed sites - Plant 6-13' tall. Leaf
blades 0.1-0.5" wide, sheathes smooth. Cultivar,
rarely escaped. INVASIVE weed.
echinatus) Naturalized Annual - Grass Family (May–Jul) - Open, disturbed sites - Tufted. Stem
4-28” long. Leaf blade 0.1-0.6” wide. Flower
cluster 0.4-1.6” long, 1-sided. Fertile and sterile
spikelets. INVASIVE weed.
Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family (May–Aug) - Disturbed, often moist sites - Stems
2-5, 12-79”+ tall. Leaf blade 0.12-0.24” wide.
Flower cluster 1.6-8” long. Spikelets crowded on
1 side. Lemmas short-awned at tip. INVASIVE
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
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californica) Native Perennial - Grass Family (Apr–Aug) - Gen moist meadows, open woodland
- Stem 12-52” tall. Flower cluster 0.8-2.4” long.
Spikelets 3-6, 0.5-1” long, awn 0.16-0.5” long.
danthonioides) Native Annual - Grass Family (Mar–Aug) - Moist to drying, open sites,
meadows, streambanks, vernal pools, occ alkali
soil - Stem 4.5-24” long. Lemmas 2, ~0.1”, awns
from below middle 0.1-0.4” & bent.
elongata) Native Perennial - Grass Family (May–Sep) - Wet sites, meadows, lakeshores,
shaded slopes - Densely clumped. Stem 4-28”
long. Glumes =, 0.1-0.2”. Lemmas 2, ~0.1”, awns
from middle 0.04-0.2” & straight.
SMOOTH CRAB GRASS (Digitaria ischaemum)
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Sep–Nov) Disturbed areas - Stem 6-20" long, rooting at
lower nodes. Leaf blade smooth, 0.6-4.7" long.
Spikelets ~0.1" long, 3 per node.
SALT GRASS (Distichlis spicata) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (Apr–Sep) - Salt
marshes, coastal dunes, moist, alkaline areas Stem 4-20” long. Leaves 0.8-4” long, flat, stiff.
Flower cluster 0.8-3” long, narrow. Spikelets
straw-colored to purple, 2-20/group, 0.24-0.8”
BARNYARD GRASS (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (Jun–Oct) Gen wet, disturbed sites, fields, roadsides - Stem
12-39" long. Leaf blades to 25" long, 0.2-1.2"
wide. Spikelet 0.1-0.16" long, floret ~0.14" long, 1
per node. Awns 0-2” long on same plant.
WESTERN WILD-RYE (Elymus glaucus subsp.
glaucus) Native Perennial - Grass Family (Jun–Aug) - Open areas, chaparral, woodland,
forest - Tufted. Stem 12-55" tall. Leaf 0.2-0.5"
wide, flat. Spikelets0.3-0.6" long, 2-4 per node.
Lemma awn 0.4-1.2" long.
BIG SQUIRRELTAIL (Elymus multisetus) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (May–Jul) - Open,
sandy to rocky areas - Tufted. Stem 6-24" tall.
Leaf 0.06-0.2" wide. Spikelet 0.4-0.6" long.
Glume divisions needle-shaped, lemma awn 1-4"
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
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BEARDLESS WILD RYE (Elymus triticoides)
Native Perennial - Grass Family - ( Jun–Jul) - Dry
to moist, often saline, meadows - Plant 18-50”
tall, from rhizomes. Flower cluster 2-8” long.
Spikelets generally 2/node. Lemmas 3-7, 0.2-0.5”
long, awn to 0.12” long.
Naturalized Annual - Grass Family - (May–Jun) Uncommon. Dry, disturbed places, coastal-sage
scrub, chaparral - Stem < 20". Inflor 0.6-6" tall,
dense, lower branches erect. Spikelet 0.2-0.4"
long, awn 0.1-0.3" long.
HAIRY FESCUE (Festuca microstachys) Native
Annual - Grass Family - (Apr–Jun) - Disturbed,
open, gen sandy soils - Stem 6-29". Spikelet
0.2-0.4" long, awn 0.1-0.5" long. Glumes &
lemma smooth or hairy.
RYE GRASS (Festuca perennis) Naturalized
Perennial - Grass Family - (May–Sep) - Dry to
moist disturbed sites, abandoned fields - Stem
20-40" tall. Spikelet 0.2-0.9" long, > glume,
awned or awnless. Sterile shoots at base.
RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra) Native Perennial Grass Family - (May–Jul) - Sand dunes,
grassland, subalpine forest - Plant 12-32", hairy,
clumped, w/closed sheath. Generally with
rhizomes. Spikelets 0.4-0.5", florets 3-10, awns <
0.16" long.
COMMON VELVET GRASS (Holcus lanatus)
Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family - (Jun–Aug)
- Moist sites, roadbanks, cult fields, meadows Plant 8-39" tall, very hairy. Glumes 0.12-0.24",
purple; florets 0.12-0.16" w/hooked awn.
FOXTAIL BARLEY (Hordeum jubatum subsp.
jubatum) Native Annual-Perennial - Grass Family
- (May–Jul) - Roadsides, disturbed areas,
meadows, marshes - Stem 8-32", densely tufted.
Leaf blades to 6" long. Central lemma awn 1-3.5"
subsp. gussoneanum) Naturalized Annual Grass Family - (Apr–Jun) - Dry to moist,
disturbed sites - Stem 4-20". Leaf blades to 32"
long, auricles < 0.08". Central lemma awn
0.25-0.7" long. INVASIVE weed.
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
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HARE BARLEY (Hordeum murinum subsp.
leporinum) Naturalized Annual - Grass Family (Feb–May) - Moist, gen disturbed sites. Common
- Stem 12-43" tall. Central spikelet stalk ~0.06"
long. Central floret << lateral florets. INVASIVE
JUNE GRASS (Koeleria macrantha) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (May–Jul) - Dry, open
sites, clay to rocky soils, shrubland, woodland,
conifer forest - Stem 8-32" long. Flower cluster
condensed, shiny, branches short-hairy. Spikelet
~0.2" long, no awns.
CALIFORNIA MELIC (Melica californica) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (Apr–May) - Open or
rocky hillsides, oak woodland, conifer forest Stem 16-55". Leaf 0.06-0.2" wide. Spiklet 0.2-0.6"
long, w/3-7 fertile florets; sterile tip widest above
middle, tip squared.
TORREY'S MELIC (Melica torreyana) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (Mar–Jun) - Chaparral,
conifer forest - Stem 12-40" tall. Leaf blade
0.04-0.1" wide. Spikelet 0.14-0.28" long w/1-2
florets; sterile tip widest above middle to 0.06",
short-hairy lemmas.
Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family - (Apr–Aug)
- Disturbed areas, roadsides - Plant 16-79" tall,
tufted. Flower cluster 0.6-6" long, unbranched.
Lower florets 1 or or unequal. Glume wing
untoothed. INVASIVE weed.
ANNUAL BLUE GRASS (Poa annua) Naturalized
Annual - Grass Family - (Feb–Sep) - Abundant.
Disturbed moist ground - Plant 1-8” tall. Leaf
blade 0.04-0.12” wide, soft. Flower cluster 0.4-4”
long, triangular. Lemmas 0.1-0.16” long.
BULBOUS BLUE GRASS (Poa bulbosa subsp.
vivipara) Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family (Mar–Jul) - Disturbed places - Plant 6-24” tall,
densely tufted. Leaf blades 0.04-0.08” wide.
Flower cluster 1-4” long. Spikelets replaced wtih
leafy bulblets.
ONE-SIDED BLUE GRASS (Poa secunda subsp.
secunda) Native Perennial - Grass Family (Mar–Aug) - Common. Dry slopes to
saline/alkaline meadows to alpine - Plant 6-40”
tall, densely tufted. Flower clusters congested.
Spikelets gen 0.3-0.4” long. Lemmas 0.16-0.2”
long, backs rounded.
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Grass-like - Green/Brown
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monspeliensis) Naturalized Annual - Grass
Family - (Apr–Aug) - Moist places, along streams
- Stem 8-39". Leaf 0.4-8" long, 0.16-0.24" wide.
Flower cluster 0.4-6.7" long, plume-like. Glume
awn > 0.14". Lemma awn gen < 0.1". INVASIVE.
WATER BEARD GRASS (Polypogon viridis)
Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family - (May–Jun)
- Common. Disturbed areas, wet areas, ponds,
streambanks -Stem 4-40” long, trails. Leaf blades
flat, 0.08-0.4” wide. Spikelet ~ 0.1” long, no awn,
whorled clusters.
Native Perennial - Grass Family - (Mar–Jun) - Dry
slopes, chaparral, grassland, savanna, coastal
scrub - Stem 14-39" tall. Leaf blade 4.7-9.1" long,
narrow. Glumes 0.2-0.6" long. Awn 0.8-2" long.
SMILO GRASS (Stipa miliacea var. miliacea)
Naturalized Perennial - Grass Family - (Mar–Sep)
- Salt marshes, streambanks, chaparral, open
woodland, disturbed - Stems green, large tufts,
sheaths lt. Inflor arching. INVASIVE weed.
PURPLE NEEDLE GRASS (Stipa pulchra) Native
Perennial - Grass Family - (Mar–Jun) - Oak
woodland, chaparral, grassland - Stem 14-39"
long. Leaf blade 4-8" long. Glumes 0.5-0.8" long,
~equal. Awn 1.6-4" long, last segment straight.
BALTIC RUSH (Juncus balticus subsp. ater)
Native Perennial - Rush Family - (Jul–Nov) Moist to ± dry sites - Stem 14-43" tall, round, not
twisted. No leaf blade. Flowers generally 0.1-0.2"
TOAD RUSH (Juncus bufonius var. bufonius)
Native Annual - Rush Family - (May–Sep) - Damp
sunny ground, gen disturbed - Stem gen 1-4" tall,
gen brached from base, ~0.04" wide. Flower
cluster open. Flowers 0.16-0.3" long.
SPREADING RUSH (Juncus patens) Native
Perennial - Rush Family - (Jun–Oct) - Marshy
places, creeks, seeps - Plant 12-41" tall, densely
tufted. Stems blue-gray-green & distinctly
grooved when fresh. Stamens 6.
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IRIS-LEAVED RUSH (Juncus xiphioides) Native
Perennial - Rush Family - (Jul–Oct) - Wet places
- Plant 16-32" tall. Leaf blades 0.2-0.5" wide, flat,
Iris-like. Heads many, few-flowered. Anthers 6, <
filaments, flowers self-pollinating.
TALL NUTSEDGE (Cyperus eragrostis) Native
Perennial - Sedge Family - (May–Nov) - Vernal
pools, streambanks - Leaves basal. Flower
cluster bracts 4-8. Spikelets 0.2-0.8" long,
oblong, in heads to 1.6" wide. Seeds
grande) Native Perennial - Borage Family (Feb–May) - Chaparral, woodland - Stem 1-3'.
Leaf stalk 3-6". Leaf blade 3-6" cm long, broadly
oval. Flowers bright blue w/inner white teeth.
latifolia) Naturalized Perennial - Borage Family (Feb–Jul) - Moist, disturbed, shady places - Stem
< 28" long, base woody. Leaves to 0.8" wide.
Flowers light blue, 0.2-0.4" wide. INVASIVE
BABY BLUE-EYES (Nemophila menziesii var.
menziesii) Native Annual - Borage Family (Feb–May) - Meadows, grassland, chaparral,
woodland, slopes - Plant 4-12". Lower leaves
w/6-13 lobes. Flowers bright blue w/white center,
0.2-1.6" wide.
CALIFORNIA PHACELIA (Phacelia californica)
Native Perennial - Borage Family - (Mar–Sep) Bluffs, open slopes, road cuts, chaparral,
woodland - Plant tufted, stiff-hairy. Leaves gen
pinnate w/big terminal leaflet. Flowers 0.16-0.28"
long, lavender.
FIESTA FLOWER (Pholistoma auritum var.
auritum) Native Annual - Borage Family (Mar–Jun) - Ocean bluffs, talus slopes, woodland,
streambanks, canyons - Stem 8-47" tall. Leaf
lobes 7-13. Flowers 0.3-0.6" long, 0.4-1.2" wide,
purple, with bractlets.
BLUE DICKS (Dichelostemma capitatum subsp.
capitatum) Native Perennial - Brodiaea Family (Mar–Jun) - Open woodland, scrub, desert,
grassland - Plant 2-28" tall. Flowers blue-purple,
not narrowed in the middle. Stamens 6. Early
spring bloomer.
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Herbaceous - Blue/Pink/Purple
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congestum) Native Perennial - Brodiaea Family (Apr–Jun) - Open woodland, grassland - Plant
12-35" tall. Flowers blue-purple, narrowed above
ovary. Stamens 3. Late spring bloomer.
ITHURIEL'S SPEAR (Triteleia laxa) Native
Perennial - Brodiaea Family - (Apr–Jun) Common. Open forest, conifer or foothill
woodland, grassland on clay soil - Flower stem
4-28". Leaves 8-16", 0.16-1" wide. Flowers blue,
blue-purple or white, 0.7-1.9" long.
Naturalized Annual - Broom-rape Family (Apr–Jun) - Disturbed grassland. - Plant
lance-shaped, toothed. Flowers 0.8-1" long,
2-lipped: upper lip pink, lower lip white.
COMMON OWL'S-CLOVER (Castilleja densiflora
subsp. densiflora) Native Annual - Broom-rape
Family - (Mar–May) - Grassland - Plant 4-16" tall.
Leaves 0.8-3.1" long, narrow-lobed. Flower
cluster gen rose-purple. Flower upper lip straight.
PURPLE OWL'S-CLOVER (Castilleja exserta
subsp. exserta) Native Annual - Broom-rape
Family - (Mar–May) - Open fields, grassland Plant sticky, short-hairy. Flower cluster tipped
white, pale yellow or rose. Flower upper lip
hooked, fuzzy.
DWARF OWL'S CLOVER (Triphysaria pusilla)
Native Annual - Broom-rape Family - (Apr–Jun) Grassland - Plant 2-8" tall, yellow-brown or
purple, hairy. Leaves 0.2-1.2" long, 3-9-lobed.
Flowers purple (yellow), 0.16-0.28" long, in leaf
GIANT TRILLIUM (Trillium chloropetalum) Native
Perennial - Bunchflower Family - (Apr–May) Edges of redwood forest, chaparral, gen moist
slopes, canyon banks in alluvial soils - Flowers
dark purple to white, sessile. Petals 2.6-4" long,
odor rose-like or spicy.
PARRY'S LARKSPUR (Delphinium parryi subsp.
parryi) Native Perennial - Buttercup Family (Apr–Jun) - Chaparral, oak woodland - Leaves
w/finger-like divisions, hairless. Flowers 3-60,
blue. Lower petals 2-lobed, both sides hairy.
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SPREADING LARKSPUR (Delphinium patens
subsp. patens) Native Perennial - Buttercup
Family - (Mar–Jun) - Grassland, open woodland Stem 4-35" long. Leaves glabrous, divided into
few-toothed lobes. Flowers few, bright or dark
PURPLE SANICLE (Sanicula bipinnatifida)
Native Perennial - Carrot Family - (Mar–May) Open grassland, gen on serpentine, or pine/oak
woodland - Plant 5-24" tall. Leaves 1.6-7.5" long,
1-2x divided on a winged central axis. Flowers
dark purple. Fruits prickly.
fascicularis) Native Perennial - Dogbane Family (May–Oct) - Dry ground, valleys, foothills - Plant
gen hairless. Stem leaves narrow, 3-5 in whorls.
Flowers green-white to purple-tinged, ~0.25"
Naturalized Perennial - Dogbane Family (Mar–Jun(Jan)) - Coastal bluffs, sheltered places,
esp along stream beds - Plant sprawling. Leaf
blade ~ 2.8" long, oval. Flower purple-blue, 1.2-2"
wide at top. INVASIVE weed.
quadrivulnera) Native Annual - Evening Primrose
Family - (Apr–Aug) - Common. Open, grassy or
shrubby places - Buds erect. Petals < 0.6",
lavender to dark red. Ovary 8-grooved. Sepals
1's or 2's.
RUBY CHALICE CLARKIA (Clarkia rubicunda)
Native Annual - Evening Primrose Family (May–Aug) - Openings in woodland, forest,
chaparral near coast - Stem < 5' long. Buds erect.
Petals 0.4-1.2", rose w/red base. Sepals united.
Stigma > anthers.
ELEGANT CLARKIA (Clarkia unguiculata) Native
Annual - Evening Primrose Family - (Apr–Sep) Common. Woodland - Buds nodding. Axis erect.
Petals 0.4-1" long, pink to dark-red, clawed.
Sepals united; sepals & ovary w/spreading hairs
to 0.1".
brachycarpum) Native Annual - Evening Primrose
Family - (Jun–Sep) - Common. Dry open or
disturbed woodland, grassland, roadsides - Plant
8-79" tall, diffuse. Petals 2-15 mm long, white to
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COMMON WILLOWHERB (Epilobium ciliatum
subsp. ciliatum) Native Perennial - Evening
Primrose Family - (Jun–Oct) - Common.
Disturbed places, moist meadows, streambanks,
roadsides - Plant 20-48" tall, smooth or
short-hairy. Petals 2-6 mm, white to pink.
LONG-BEAKED FILAREE (Erodium botrys)
Naturalized Annual - Geranium Family (Mar–Jul) - Dry, open or disturbed sites - Stem
4-35" tall, coarse-hairy. Leaves lobed. Petals
pink, 0.3-0.5" long. Sepals w/reddish tip. Fruit
beak 2-4.7" long.
REDSTEM FILAREE (Erodium cicutarium)
Naturalized Annual - Geranium Family (Feb–Sep) - Open, disturbed sites, grassland,
scrub - Stem 4-20". Leaves compound, leaflets
dissected. Sepal tip bristly. Petal pink to purple.
Fruit beak 0.8-2". INVASIVE.
GREENSTEM FILAREE (Erodium moschatum)
Naturalized Annual - Geranium Family (Feb–Sep) - Open, disturbed sites - Stem 4-24",
short-hairy. Leaves compound, leaflets toothed.
Sepal tip glabrous. Petals 0.4-0.6" long, pink.
Fruit beak 0.8-1.6" long.
dissectum) Naturalized Annual - Geranium
Family - (Mar–Jul) - Open, disturbed sites - Stem
3-28" tall, rough-hairy. Leaf blades deeply
divided. Petals violet-red, 0.1-0.25" long
w/notched tips. Flower stalk sticky. INVASIVE.
molle) Naturalized Annual - Geranium Family (Feb–Aug) - Open to shaded sites, disturbed
ground - Stem 4-17" tall. Petals red-purple,
0.1-0.4" long, notched. Sepals awnless. Fruit
smooth, wrinkled.
DOUGLAS IRIS (Iris douglasiana) Native
Perennial - Iris Family - (May–Jul) - Common.
Grassy places, esp near coast - Stem 6-20" tall.
Leaves 0.4-0.9" wide. Perianth tube 0.04-0.12"
long, petals 0.6-1.2" wide, stigmas triangular.
bellum) Native Perennial - Iris Family (Mar–May) - Common. Open, gen moist, grassy
areas, woodland - Stem < 25" tall. Leaves
iris-like. Petals 6, blue-purple with dark veins,
0.4-0.7" long.
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GRASS-POLY (Lythrum hyssopifolia) Naturalized
Annual-Perennial - Loosestrife Family - (Apr–Oct)
- Marshes, drying pond margins, disturbed
ground - Stem 4-24". Leaves 0.2-1.2" long, ~
elliptical. Petals pink, 0.1-0.2" long. 2 awl-like
appendages. INVASIVE weed.
Naturalized Annual - Madder Family - (Mar–Jul) Pastures, disturbed areas, grassland, dry
meadows, oak woodland - Stem 2.8-6.3" long.
Leaves in whorls of 5-6, 0.2-0.5" long. Flowers
pink or lavender, the 4 lobes < tube.
BULL MALLOW (Malva nicaeensis) Naturalized
Annual - Mallow Family - (Mar–Jun) - Disturbed
places - Stem 0.7-2'. Leaf blade 1.2-4.7" wide,
egg-shaped,0.16-0.2" long. Petals pink to
blue-violet, 0.2-0.5" long.
malviflora subsp. malviflora) Native Perennial Mallow Family - (Mar–Jul) - Coastal prairie,
scrub, open forest - Plant 6-24" tall. Middle
leaves not linear-lobed. Petals 0.4-1" long, pink to
rose, gen white veined.
RED MAIDS (Calandrinia ciliata) Native Annual Miner's Lettuce Family - (Feb–May) - Common.
Sandy to loamy soil, grassy areas, cult fields Petals 0.2-0.6" long, bright pink to red,
round-tipped. Fruit < 0.1" longer than bracts.
CLASPING HENBIT (Lamium amplexicaule)
Naturalized Annual-Biennial - Mint Family (Apr–Sep) - Disturbed sites, cult or abandoned
fields - Stem 4-16" long. Leaf blades 0.4-1" long,
upper stalkless. Flowers red-purple, gen 0.4-0.7"
COYOTE-MINT (Monardella villosa subsp.
villosa) Native Perennial - Mint Family (May–Aug) - Dry rocky slopes, oak woods,
chaparral - Plant < 20" tall. Leaves ovate,
0.4-0.9" mm long. Flower head 0.4-1.2" wide.
Flowers pink to purple.
serpylloides) Native Annual - Mint Family (Mar–Jun) - Grassy, brushy areas - Plant
inconspicuous. Stem 1-8" long, low-growing.
Flowers 0.1-0.2" long, lavender, in dense
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RADISH (Raphanus sativus) Naturalized Annual Mustard Family - (May–Jul) - Disturbed areas,
fields - Stem 16-51" long. Petals 0.6-1" long,
white to purple. Fruit a fat cylinder w/constrictions
between seeds. INVASIVE weed.
STARFLOWER (Trientalis latifolia) Native
Perennial - Myrsine Family - (Apr–Jul) - Shaded
places, esp woodland - Stem 2-12". Leaves
1-3.5" long, 0.4-2" wide, egg-shaped; stem
leaves in 1 whorl near stem tip. Flower gen pink
to rose, 0.3-0.6" wide.
JEWELED ONION (Allium serra) Native
Perennial - Onion or Garlic Family - (Apr–May) Common. Grassy slopes - Flowers pink to rose,
crowded, 10-40. "Petals" about 0.2" long, ± erect,
± lance-shaped, papery and folded over fruit
when in fruit.
SPANISH CLOVER (Acmispon americanus var.
americanus) Native Annual - Pea Family (May–Oct) - Coast, chaparral, waterways,
roadsides, disturbed areas - Plant 2-24", hairy.
Flowers white to pink, solitary, bract lobes >>
flower tube.
SMALL-FLOWER LOTUS (Acmispon parviflorus)
Native Annual - Pea Family - (Mar–May) Abundant. Coastal bluffs to oak/pine or fir
woodland, open or disturbed areas - Flowers
pinkish, solitary, 0.2" long, on stalk with bracts.
Not hairy.
LEATHER ROOT (Hoita macrostachya) Native
Perennial - Pea Family - (May–Aug) Streamsides, marshes, spring-moist places Stem erect, < 6.6' tall, much-branched. Leaflets
0.8-4" long, both sides sticky. Flowers ~0.4" long,
blue to purple.
PERENNIAL SWEET PEA (Lathyrus latifolius)
Naturalized Perennial - Pea Family - (Apr–May) Disturbed areas, esp roadsides - Stem smooth,
robust, broadly winged. Leaflets in 2's. Flowers
0.8-1.2" long, bright pink. Escaped ornamental.
PACIFIC PEA (Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus)
Native Perennial - Pea Family - (Feb–Jul) - North:
Conifer forest. South: chaparral & oak woodland Stem wings to 0.02" wide. Leaves gen elliptic.
Flowers 0.5-0.7" long, pale lavender to purple.
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MINIATURE LUPINE (Lupinus bicolor) Native
Annual - Pea Family - (Mar–Jun) - Abundant.
Open or disturbed areas - Plant 4-16", hairy.
Flower 0.16-0.4" long, banner longer than wide,
upper keel ciliate near tip, pedicel < 0.12". Fruit
0.12-0.24" wide.
SUMMER LUPINE (Lupinus formosus var.
formosus) Native Perennial - Pea Family (Apr–Sep) - Dry clay soils, grassland, open areas
under pines, gen in valleys - Plant 8-32", low
growing. Leaves hairy. Flowers purple, hairless,
summer/fall blooming.
CHICK LUPINE (Lupinus microcarpus var.
microcarpus) Native Annual - Pea Family (Mar–Jun) - Abundant. Open or disturbed areas,
occ seeded on roadbanks - Plant 4-32", hairy.
Leaves smooth above. Flowers gen pink to
purple. Flower bracts shaggy.
SKY LUPINE (Lupinus nanus) Native Annual Pea Family - (Mar–Jun) - Abundant. Open or
disturbed areas - Plant 4-24" tall, hairy. Flowers
blue to pink to white, 0.2-0.6" long; banner as
wide as long. Flower stalk gen > 0.12" long.
ARROYO LUPINE (Lupinus succulentus) Native
Annual - Pea Family - (Feb–May) - Abundant.
Open or disturbed areas, often seeded on
roadbanks - Plant 8-40" tall, fleshy, sparsely
hairy. Flowers 0.5-0.7" long, whorled, gen
blue-purple, petal claws short-hairy.
albopurpureum) Native Annual - Pea Family (Mar–Jun) - Abundant. Dunes, grassland, wet