Brannan Island / Franks TractBrochure |
Brochure of Brannan Island / Franks Tract State Recreation Areas (SRA) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation.
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Brannan Island
Franks Tract
State Recreation Areas
Our Mission
The mission of California State Parks is
to provide for the health, inspiration and
education of the people of California by helping
to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological
diversity, protecting its most valued natural and
cultural resources, and creating opportunities
for high-quality outdoor recreation.
The Delta’s 700
miles of channels and
sloughs invite campers,
picnickers, hikers,
boaters, anglers
and swimmers
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need assistance should contact the park
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Brannan Island SRA
Franks Tract SRA
17645 Hwy. 160
Rio Vista, CA 94571
(916) 777-6671
© 2011 California State Parks
to come out and play.
rannan Island State Recreation Area
is the gateway to 700 miles of rivers,
sloughs, marshes, levees and river
channels that make up the Sacramento-San
Joaquin River Delta.
The park has long been a popular
destination for year-round water
recreation—boating, fishing, swimming,
camping and picnicking. From its vantage
point on the Sacramento River’s east bank,
the recreation area offers a fine view of
Mount Diablo to the south.
Early Residents
Identification of the Delta’s prehistoric
residents is challenging. Archaeologists
speculate that agricultural activity,
dredging, levee construction and
reclamation efforts may have altered the
locations of—or even destroyed—any
identifiable Native American artifacts.
In the early 1800s, the area’s abundant
wildlife resources drew hunters and
fur trappers, including the Hudson Bay
Company. Beginning in the 1830s, Swiss
immigrant John A. Sutter operated fishing
and fur trapping camps on the Delta; others
settled in as ranchers and crop farmers.
park history
The 336-acres of Brannan
Island State Recreation
Area (SRA) were acquired
by the State in 1954; they
became a park in 1965. The
recreation area is bordered
by the Sacramento River
to the west, Three Mile
Sam Brannan
Slough on the south, and
Seven Mile Slough to the east.
The island is named for Sam Brannan,
who became California’s first millionaire by
selling supplies to gold seekers. Brannan led
a pioneer group of Mormons to California
in 1846. That same year, he sailed across
San Francisco Bay to the Delta, where he
established New Hope, the first Mormon
community in the San Joaquin Valley.
Brannan Island’s 40-foot elevation comes
from debris deposited there during channeldredging operations. Most other Delta
islands lie below sea level.
Franks Tract and Little Franks Tract
Six miles southeast of Brannan Island, Franks
Tract SRA was once a source of peat moss
processing and export. The Delta’s rich peat
deposits were the second-largest in the U.S.,
next to the Florida Everglades.
Due to repeated levee failures in the
mid- and late-1930s, Franks Tract is now
completely submerged. This area is
known for excellent year-round fishing and
seasonal waterfowl hunting. Permits are
available at Brannan Island; for regulations
and information, visit
Little Franks Tract is encircled by marsh
and riparian habitat along the remnants of
a breached levee. The area shelters more
than 70 species of birds and a great variety
of fish species. Wildlife includes beavers,
raccoons, mink, river otters and muskrats.
recreational activities
Winter temperatures range from 45 to 55
degrees. Summer days vary from 65 to 100
degrees. Cooling Delta breezes often gust
to 25 mph, and tides can vary as much as
six feet in one day.
Fishing—Bass, sturgeon, shad, bluegill and
migrating salmon are among the Delta’s
inhabitants. Anglers over 16 must carry a
valid California fishing license. For fishing
details, visit
Boating—A ten-lane launch ramp has
parking and nearby restrooms.
day-use area has
Once the Delta tributaries join together,
they taper into a channel, entering the ocean
through narrow Carquinez Strait.
a swim beach. The swim area
at Seven Mile Slough is closed to
Family Camping—Cottonwood and Willow
Campgrounds have 102 tent or RV sites
with no hookups. The Olympic Loop RV
Campground has 12 sites with water and
electric hookups. A sanitation station
is nearby. A small, hike-in cabin can
accommodate four campers.
Boat-in Camping—Thirty-two slips take boats
up to 35 feet long and 10 feet wide.
Walk-in Camping—These 13 sites have tables,
stoves and cupboards. Drinking water and
restrooms are nearby.
Group Camping—Six group sites each hold
up to 30 people; larger groups may reserve
multiple sites. Sites accommodate RVs up
to 36 feet long.
Picnicking—Four family picnic areas stretch
along Seven and Three Mile Sloughs.
Reservable group sites have shade ramadas.
All Reservations—call (800) 444-7275 or visit
The Delta
The estuary is an “inverted” river delta; rather
than a river’s typical wide exit to the sea over
an alluvial (fan-shaped) outlet, the alluvial
shape lies inland.
The Delta’s Water
The State Water Project’s pumping, storage,
and power facilities join 700 miles of canals
and pipelines to bring water to suppliers
throughout California.
Nearly 7.5 million acre-feet of freshwater
travel down the California Aqueduct,
irrigating millions of acres of farmland
and providing drinking water to 24 million
The Delta Smelt
The health of the endangered delta smelt
may reflect the condition of the Delta’s
ecosystem. These tiny native fish have a oneyear lifespan—spent entirely in Delta waters.
Estimated at one time to have declined by
95 percent, the once-abundant delta smelt’s
numbers are rising.
Habitats and Wildlife
• A diversity of birds—including Swainson’s
hawks and sandhill cranes—overwinter
and migrate or breed in the Delta.
• In marshes, herons, river otters and turtles
live among tules, sedges and cattails.
• Riparian scrub supports several dozen bird
species. Various fish and mammals live
among willows and cottonwoods.
• The riparian habitat hosts many species
of rare plants—such as Mason’s lilaeopsis
and Suisun marsh aster—at or below the
high tide zone.
Delta smelt (actual size)
• In open water channels, gulls, terns and
cormorants can be found, along with stray
sea lions.
• Backwater areas hide the herons, rails,
bitterns and sandpipers hunting tule perch,
Sacramento suckers and other fish.
• All park features are protected by law and
must not be disturbed or removed.
• Visitors and animals are allowed only in
developed areas. Keep dogs on a six-foot
maximum leash and confined in your tent or
vehicle at night.
• The island’s sandy cliffs are steep, unstable
and very dangerous.
• Bicycle riders and passengers under 18
must wear helmets.
• Alcohol is not permitted in day-use areas.
• Service reductions are in force. For current
park status, visit
Accessible picnic areas, campsites, restrooms
and cold showers are available. The wooden
fishing pier has a platform equipped with
handrails and curb guides. Two boat slips
are accessible. Wet weather may make
surfaces slippery.
Accessibility is continually improving. For
updates, visit
nearby state parks
• Locke Boarding House (in Locke)
13913 River Road, Walnut Grove 95690
(916) 776-1828 or 776-1661
• Caswell Memorial State Park
28000 South Austin Road, Ripon 95366
(209) 599-3810