"Carrizo Plain National Monument" by Bureau of Land Management California , public domain
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Welcome to
Carrizo Plain
National Monument
Things to Do
At less than 100 air miles from Los Angeles, Carrizo Plain
Carrizo Plain National Monument is a great place to
National Monument is a remnant of a natural habitat
enjoy nature and witness human history. People visit
where antelope and elk grazed and wildflowers swept
the Monument to view wildlife, to see the spectacular
the spring landscape. Within the Plain are vast open
wildflower displays in the spring, to walk along the San
grasslands, white alkali flats of the ancient Soda Lake,
Andreas Fault at Wallace Creek, to visit the pictographs
and a broad plain rimmed by mountains. Carrizo Plain is
at Painted Rock, and to just enjoy the solitude. Other
home to a variety of wildlife and plant species—includ-
visitors enjoy hunting opportunities in the mountains
ing several that are threatened or endangered. The area
surrounding the plain, camping in the foothills, horse-
has significant cultural and historical resources. Evidence
back riding, hiking, mountain biking, and various other
of the valley-carving and mountain-moving San Andreas
outdoor activities.
Fault can also be seen in the Carrizo Plain.
The Carrizo Plain is approximately 250,000 acres in
size—or about 38 miles long—and 17 miles wide and
is jointly managed by the Bureau of Land Management,
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and The
Nature & Science
Equestrian Use
Hiking in Carrizo is generally self-guided and takes place
Equestrian use is permitted on the Carrizo Plain. Trailer
on roads, trails, and cross-country. There are only a few
parking is available, but limited to already impacted areas
developed trails within the Monument. These include the
such as campgrounds and parking areas. Equestrians
Caliente Ridge Trail and various interpretive trails:
are prohibited on most walking trails, including but
Caliente Ridge Trailhead: This 7-mile long trail is
accessed from a small trailhead located at the top of
Caliente Ridge and provides panoramic views of the
Carrizo Plain as well as the Temblor Range and parts of
Cuyama Valley. This trail also provides excel-
Recreation is oriented toward
enjoyment of the area’s natural
and historic resources
lent opportunities for wildlife viewing and bird
watching. Moderate hike.
Nature Conservancy.
Seasonal tours are provided of Soda Lake/Painted Rock
and the El Saucito Ranch. To sign up for a tour you can
visit, www.recreation.gov or call 1-877-444-6777, TDD
The majority of recreational activities at the National
Monument are concentrated around the Goodwin
Education Center, Soda Lake, Painted Rock, Selby and
KCL campgrounds, the Caliente Mountains, and along
the San Andreas Fault.
The Guy L. Goodwin Education center is a great place
to start your visit. It is open December–May, Thursday–
Guy L. Goodwin Education Center
166. Wide open spaces and spring wildflowers
vehicles and must stay on designated roads. Mountain
Prepare yourself for your adventure. The Carrizo Plain
National Monument does not provide any services
such as water, food, or fuel. Plan your trip accordingly
and insure you get these items in one of the neighboring communities before you come (see Gateway
Communities). These communities lie 15 miles from the
south entrance and 60 miles from the north entrance.
beginning of December to the end of May. Normal days
and hours of operation during the winter and spring
season are Thursday through Sunday, 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Make this your first stop to receive updated information. Informational maps and brochures are available at
the front door when the Center is closed. Handicapped
accessible restrooms at the Visitor Center are open 24
hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the year.
time of year you are visiting.
Auto Touring and other
Motorized Recreation Use
Most Monument visitors tour the area in cars, stopping
Also, insure you bring the appropriate apparel for the
Expect warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Most
rain falls between November and April with occasional
snow. Average summer temperatures range from the
low 50s °F at night to the upper 90s °F during the day.
Daytime temperatures often exceed 100 °F, with a record
high of 115 °F. Average winter temperatures range from
highs in the mid 60s to lows in the mid 30s, with a record
at scenic viewpoints, interpretive overlooks, hiking trails,
and other points of interest along the way. Typically
these visitors stay on Soda Lake Road. More adventurous
visitors access the back roads of the Monument with
pickups and sport utility vehicles. All vehicles must stay
on designated routes. Popular routes are depicted on
this map. The speed limit on BLM roads is 25 MPH.
low of 0 °F. The Carrizo Plain receives between 7–10
inches of annual rainfall on the valley floor.
Pets must be controlled at all times. In addition, pets
Burrowing owl,
Giant kangaroo rat
Pacific Plate some 183 miles (295 km). The
Plain's many significant wild and natural values. Here,
“peak” for wildflowers. All of the flowers seen in March
Carrizo Plain is world-famous for spectacular
vast open plains are backed by stark mountain ridges,
will usually continue to bloom through April. Other spe-
exposures of landforms generated by strike-
structures from historic and present-day ranching
cies emerge if conditions are right.
slip faulting.
operations become integral parts of the valley floor. One
of California’s most dramatic wildflower blooms colors
the landscape in the spring, and rare, dark, night skies
escape the light pollution of sprawling development.
Locations such as Caliente Ridge and the Soda Lake
May temperatures become increasingly warm, good
California’s history ruptured the fault through
for late bloomers but too warm for the early flow-
the Carrizo, causing some 16–26 feet (5–8 m)
ers. If temperatures are mild, expect the April
of offset.
Overlook provide a glimpse into the universe from the
dark skies of the Monument.
The Monument is distinguished for its world-class fossil
assemblages, paleontological resources, and as the
The closer you look,
the more you see.
location of particular type formations of geologic
strata. Several rock formations were first recognized and defined within the Monument
Wild Flora and Fauna
Interpretive Trails
It is common to see wildlife in their natural setting
There have been a series of geological
The Carrizo Plain has two developed campgrounds.
Painted Rock Trail: The Painted Rock Trail is located 2
on the Monument. Please view them from a distance
mapping surveys conducted in the
and do not disturb. The Monument offers a refuge for
Monument that identify the potential
miles south of the Goodwin Education Center. This trail
gives visitors access to the level 1.4-mile round trip trail
to the Painted Rock cultural site. The trail is open to
pedestrians only (no mountain bikes, dogs, or horses).
Painted Rock is closed from March 1st to July 15th to
protect the wildlife and resources. During this closure,
areas of the Carrizo Plain. The designated dispersed car
camping areas encompass approximately 100,000 acres
where car, tent, backpack, or horse camping is allowed.
Generally, dispersed car camping is permitted in the
tours are available through the www.recreation.gov.
Travers Ranch Trail: The Travers Ranch homestead has a
self-guided tour of old farming equipment and discusses
the history of farming on the Carrizo Plain.
Wallace Creek Trail: A self-guided .75 mile interpretive
trail has been constructed at Wallace Creek and along a
portion of the San Andreas Fault. The trail walks visitors
through the geological activity of the San Andreas Fault
on the Carrizo Plain over time.
such as the Paso Robles, Caliente, and
Morales formations.
endangered, threatened, and rare animal species such as
for paleontological resources in spe-
the San Joaquin kit fox, the blunt-nosed leopard lizard,
the giant kangaroo rat and the San Joaquin antelope
squirrel. Vernal pools support the rare longhorn fairy
cific formations within the Caliente and
Temblor ranges. Both invertebrate and verte-
Blunt-nosed leopard lizard
brate fossils occur in these geologic formations.
shrimp and other species of fairy shrimp. Reintroductions
of pronghorn antelope and tule elk have allowed these
once extirpated native ungulates to once again roam the
plain together. The area is also home to many rare and
sensitive plant species, including California jewelflower,
Hoover’s woolly-star and San Joaquin woolly-threads.
The diversity and abundance of the Carrizo’s many
plant species serve as the foundation for the animals
that thrive here and the beauty that defines the Carrizo.
Despite past human use the size, isolation, and relatively
undeveloped nature of the area make it ideal for longterm conservation of a unique ecosystem once common
and buckwheat species will begin to bud and bloom.
Expect the end of the season to close with beautiful
displays of farewell-to-spring.
Soda Lake
about 3,000 acres, and is one of the dominant geographic features of the Carrizo Plain. It is the largest
remaining natural alkali wetland in southern California
in the San Joaquin Valley region of California.
is not permitted on the valley floor area to protect sensi-
the edge of Soda Lake is located on Soda Lake Road
tive biological resources and to prevent obstruction of
across from Overlook Hill.
As its name suggest, Soda Lake concentrates salts as
Carrizo Plain National Monument can boast some of
sulfates and carbonates. Despite this harsh environ-
cent areas. There are established dispersed car camping
areas around the monument, please take advantage of
these instead of making a new one. Remember… Leave
No Trace.
Soda Lake Road 2.1 miles inside the north entrance and
provides a great view of Soda Lake and the Carrizo Plain.
The trail is short but steep.
Guided Tours
Hunting and Shooting
Hunting in the Monument is managed and regulated by
the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Areas not open to shooting include a safety zone
surrounding the Guy L. Goodwin Education Center and
Painted Rock; all designated campgrounds; administra-
All docent-guided tours are scheduled through
Wildflowers and Painted Rock Tour: During the spring
there are opportunities for a docent-guided tour of the
wildflowers and Painted Rock.
tive and recreational facilities including Painted Rock
El Saucito Ranch House Tour: The El Saucito Ranch
Ranch, Washburn Ranch, and MU Ranch; all pullouts
House is the oldest standing ranch property in the
and informational kiosks; Soda Lake; Traver Ranch; and
Carrizo Plain, dating back to the late 1870s. The house
Wallace Creek. The safety zone is ¼ mile around all sites
and the surrounding buildings are open to special tours
listed above.
during certain times of the year. There is an informational
Target shooting is not allowed in the Monument.
The Bureau of Land Management’s
Soda Lake, a normally dry lake bed, covers an area of
Soda Lake Boardwalk Trail: A boardwalk that follows
Overlook Hill Trail: The Overlook Hill Trail is located off
and the only closed basin within the coastal mountains.
the most beautiful wildflower displays around. These
displays spread across the valleys, over the hillsides and
down the canyons. John Muir once wrote that in walking
across the valley in the spring, "…more than a hundred
flowers touched my feet, at every step closing above
them, as if wading in water." This is the type of spring
that wildflower seekers hope for each year. The Carrizo
still produces these immense fields of wildflowers but
unfortunately, this does not happen every year.
The BLM manages the Carrizo Plain National Monument
as part of its National Conservation Lands, also known
water is evaporated away, leaving white deposits of
as the National Landscape Conservation System, which
includes more than 26 million acres of BLM lands “des-
ment, small plant and animal species are well adapted to
ignated for their outstanding scientific values, including
this setting, which is also important to migratory birds.
cultural, archaeological, biological, social, paleontologi-
During most winter months the lake fills with water and
cal, and geologic resources.”
offers refuge for migratory birds.
The mission of the conservation system is “to conserve,
protect, and restore these significant landscapes of
The geomorphic and geologic structures of the
exceptional cultural, ecological, and scientific values for
Monument are the product of millions of years of ero-
the benefit of current and future generations.” Managing
sion, sediment deposition, faulting, volcanism, and uplift.
the natural landscape of the Carrizo Plain National
Most of the sediments that consolidated to form the
Changing temperatures along with rainfall greatly affect
the type of wildflower season the Carrizo will have.
Visitors can usually expect rainy days in March. In dry
The San Andreas Fault is the tectonic boundary between
for wildflowers.
Monument helps ensure that it is conserved, protected,
Caliente and Temblor Ranges were deposited into marine
and near-shore basins during the Miocene Epoch.
years, the end of March can sometimes be the peak time
Recreation Map
& Guide
flowers to hang on a little longer. More bulbs will bloom,
foothills and mountainous areas. Dispersed car camping
scenic vistas, nor is it permitted at Soda Lake and adja-
National Monument
In 1857, the strongest earthquake in
Boardwalk, and Overlook Hill.
Dispersed car camping is also allowed within certain
Before You Visit
often in the 70s or higher, making it often times the
deer and quail on adjacent public lands. Strenuous hike.
are available on the campground.
and Soda Lake Road and is open seasonally from the
Monument was intended to conserve the Carrizo
years, the San Andreas Fault has moved the
not limited to Painted Rock, Wallace Creek, Soda Lake
tables, fire rings, informational kiosk, and horse corrals
half mile west of the junction of Painted Rock Road
April temperatures are usually more consistent and are
is not well defined. Hunters favor this trail for access to
ground is more secluded than KCL. A restroom, picnic
The Guy L. Goodwin Education Center is located one
undeveloped state. Its designation as a National
North American Plate. During the last 11 million
bikes are prohibited on most walking trails, including but
located at the base of the Caliente Mountains, the camp-
San Joaquin antelope squirrel
set the stage for hiking on this 2-mile foot path. The trail
Selby Campground is a semi-primitive campground
Carrizo Plain National Monument.
Mountain Biking
Throughout the Monument, bikes are treated like
A natural adventure awaits you at
Mountain Trail.
located 13 miles west of Cuyama on Highway
informational kiosk, and horse corrals are available at the
such as the Caliente Ridge Trailhead and the Caliente
460 miles of existing public roads on the Carrizo Plain.
Land Company. A restroom, picnic tables, fire rings,
center at 805-475-2131 during hours of
trails are used for equestrians as allowed and signed,
Caliente Mountain Trailhead: This trailhead is
located at what was the headquarters of Kern County
holidays). You can reach the education
Boardwalk, and Overlook Hill. Portions of some walking
Mountain biking is permitted on the approximately
KCL Campground is a semi-primitive campground
Sunday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm (closed on
not limited to Painted Rock, Wallace Creek, Soda Lake
The Carrizo Plain is a dramatic landscape in a largely
Carrizo Plain
and restored for the long-term benefit of surrounding
communities. (Text from The Carrizo Plain National
the Pacific and North American Plates. The Pacific Plate
Above: Aerial view of the San Andreas Fault in the Temblor Range
Below: A field of coreopsis with Soda Lake in the background
Monument; A Stunning Natural Area Sustaining Vibrant
Communities by the Wilderness Society)
(west of the fault) is moving northwest relative to the
San Joaquin kit foxes
Photo by Peter Knapp
kiosk and a 0.25-mile interpretive trail on the property.
must be leashed or caged at all developed sites including the visitor center, interpretive overlooks, trail heads,
and camping areas. No pets are allowed in the Painted
Rock exclusion zone.
Nearest Highway Access
Tidy tips
The Carrizo Plain has two major sources of access.
Poppies & Lupine
Baby blue-eyes
Shooting star
Thistle sage
Owl's clover
From the north, the access is via Soda Lake Road off of
Highway 58. The other major access is from the south via
Soda Lake Road off of Highway 33/166.
National Public Lands Day volunteers
Road Conditions within the Monument
Supplementary Rules
Many roads within the Monument have an unimproved
dirt surface and become impassable during periods
of rain. The main road, Soda Lake Road, is open year
round. However, rains may make parts of Soda Lake
Road slippery, muddy, and impassable at times. The
Heritage Sites
Painted Rock cultural site
Farming equipment
at the Travers Ranch
Caliente Ridge Road can be especially dangerous when
wet and may be closed periodically during periods of
heavy rain or snowfall. All roads in the Monument may
be periodically closed for safety conditions such as fire
hazard, weather, or unsafe conditions. Panorama and
Simmler roads often take weeks to dry out after a rain.
Even though the other roads in the monument are dry,
Panorama and Simmler roads may be impassable—
proceed with caution on these roads especially during
winter months, and obey all closed road signs.
Gateway Communities
Gateway Communities located near the Monument help
inform and educate the public about the opportunities
on the Carrizo Plain National Monument. They also
provide services (food, fuel, water) not available on the
Taft is located east of Carrizo Plain and offers Monument
information at the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor
Center at 400 Kern Street. You can visit their website:
http://www.taftchamber.com. Taft offers a variety of businesses, including grocery stores, fuel, and lodging.
Santa Margarita is located northwest of the Monument
and offers visitors information on Main Street (El Camino
Real), look for visitor information signs. Santa Margarita
offers fuel, food, and shops. Visit their website:
The Carrizo Plain National Monument contains hundreds
samples) resulted in drought throughout much of the
been taken to repair some of the damage, but what has
BLM Guided Tour and
of significant cultural sites. These include everything
world. Not surprisingly, the archaeological record on
been lost can never be reclaimed. Management of the
Self-Guided Tour Permit Reservations
from prehistoric Native American campsites that are as
the Carrizo Plain shows fewer sites dating to this later
site is focused upon protection, preservation, and public
BLM guided tour reservations and self-guided tour per-
education, while respecting the Native American values
mits can be booked online or by phone at the numbers
of this sacred site.
listed below through www.recreation.gov
Visiting Painted Rock
Recreation.gov phone numbers
much as 10,000 years old to 19th century homesteads,
some which were farmed and ranched into recent
times. Many of the Carrizo sites have been listed on the
National Register of Historic Places. The values of the
spectacular Painted Rock site are obvious, but other
sites located along drainages where there would have
been flowing water during the Middle Period to smaller
sites at better watered locations. Then, as now, climate
and water sources were important influences on human
important cultural sites also add to our understanding
of life on the Carrizo, even if they may not immediately
The Carrizo Plain National Monument lies primarily
appear significant at first glance. Old farm buildings,
machinery and implements, fence posts, water troughs
and even historical period dump sites represent aspects
of a way of life we are trying to preserve.
Cultural sites add to
our understanding of life
on the Carrizo
Painted Rock may be visited as part of a BLM guided tour
or seasonally with a self-guided tour permit. Tours or
permits are available according to the calendar below.
within the historical territory of the Chumash people. The
Salinian, who lived north of the Chumash along the coast
to the Salinas Valley, and inland within the Coast Range,
also visited the Carrizo, as did the Yokuts who lived in
the San Joaquin Valley to the east. The presence
of pictograph sites like Painted Rock and other
Native American spiritual sites on the Carrizo
Plain indicate that this region has long held
special values to these people. Their descendants
continue to revere these places and visit them to
• March 1 to July 15: Available to BLM guided
tours only. No other form of public visitation is
allowed during this time period in order to protect
nesting birds. Tours are docent-led and occur
Saturdays during March, April, and May from
10:00am to 3:00pm, weather permitting. The tour
starts at Soda Lake Overlook where information on
the natural history of the Carrizo Plain is presented
and then to Painted Rock.
• July 16 to end of February: A self-guided tour
Native Americans on the Carrizo Plain
conduct ceremonies and rituals.
permit is available and required for unguided
Although the Carrizo Plain appears to be a dry, harsh
Painted Rock
helps better safeguard sacred features while provid-
environment, Native American people occupied the
area for at least 10,000 years. Archaeological evidence
shows that the peak of this occupation occurred during what is known as the Middle Period 4,000 to 800
years ago. During this time, the climate throughout the
West was much wetter, and water was plentiful on the
Soda Lake
period. Settlements appear to shift from relatively large
The sandstone formation at Painted Rock has long drawn
the attention of Carrizo Plain visitors. About 3,000–4,000
years ago, Native Americans began to paint their sacred
images within the alcove of the rock. The power of this
place continues to enthrall, and it still receives many
visitors today.
This special area requires special care so visitors will
enjoy it for generations to come. Following the guidelines below will make everyone's visit more pleasant.
public access to Painted Rock. The permit process
ing public access. Through the permit application
process, visitors will be provided with information
about how to appropriately visit Painted Rock to help
ensure that the site is protected and preserved while
respecting Native American spiritual values.
• Painted Rock BLM Guided Tour and Self Guided Tour
Permit reservations (toll free): 1-877-444-6777
• International reservations 518-885-3639
• TDD 1-877-833-6777
Travers Ranch
Travers Ranch is located along Soda Lake road, 18 miles
south of the Goodwin Education Center and 11.5 miles
north of State Highway 166. The L.E. Traver Ranch was
established in the 1940s when the family purchased
approximately 800 acres and began building the large
block house that still stands along the edge of Soda
Lake Road. The family was primarily involved in dry land
farming of wheat and occasionally barley. Examples of
farming implements that were used are on display in the
field south of the block house. The house can be viewed
from the small parking lot and information kiosk. The
house provides important habitat for the pallid bat and
other bat species. Because of this, the house has been
secured with plywood and metal grates to allow wildlife
access, but prevent human entrance into the structure.
• Target shooting is prohibited on the monument.
• Any paintball, airsoft, or like weapon is prohibited on
the monument.
El Saucito Ranch
The El Saucito Ranch house is the only standing house
in the Monument from the pioneer period. The house
changed ownership a number of times but was rarely
vacant. The last time the house was owner-occupied was
in 1966. In the years that followed, the ranch house was
used by property caretakers or leased to local ranchers
until the ranch was vacated in 1984. Although alterations
were made to windows, doors, and the interior of the
house over the years, the original two-story redwood
house structure remains intact.
El Saucito Ranch House
mining of salt, sodium sulfate, and gypsum are found in
the Monument. These historic remains demonstrate the
dominant role ranching and dryland farming played in
the regional history.
Extraction of sodium sulfate from Soda Lake during the
Cultural Resources
1910s is evidenced today by the remaining founda-
The most common historic resources encountered in the
Monument include ranch buildings, structures, or features associated with sheep and
cattle livestock operations and
tions and earthen berm where a narrow gauge railroad
transported minerals from Soda Lake to a connecting
point near present day State Highway 58.
• Don’t deface cultural sites by carving, painting, drawing or shooting.
• All vehicles operated within the monument must be
licensed for use on public streets and/or highway
travel. Non-street-legal vehicles are prohibited with
the following exceptions: When used for authorized,
permitted, or administrative purpose, including those
used in emergency situations.
• No off road travel by motorized or mechanized
• All pets must be controlled by the owner at all times.
Additionally, all pets shall remain leashed or caged at
all developed sites including visitor centers, interpretive overlooks, trail heads, and camping areas.
• The following animals and activities shall be unlawful within the Painted Rock Exclusion Zone: horses,
dogs, non-motorized bicycles (excluding the Painted
Rock parking area), cache-type activities (including geocaching and earth caching), discharge of
firearms, campfires, with the exception of Native
American ceremonial use.
lesser degree, remains from the
• Don’t dig or otherwise disturb the ground surface in
or near cultural sites.
• Still and video photography of the pictograph
images at Painted Rock and other rock art sites
in the monument are prohibited for commercial
Pronghorn antelope
• Don’t touch or climb sandstone outcrops, many of
which contain cultural features. Contact with the
sandstone damages the mineral crust which protects
the stone from erosion.
• The use of metal detectors is prohibited.
dryland farming. To a much
• Don’t move, remove or arrange stones, wood or
other features. The precise original location of
objects is important to our understanding of their
• Don’t damage historical buildings and objects by
climbing or entering them.
Carrizo Plain. Beginning about 1,200 to 800 years ago,
Unfortunately, the site sustained significant damage
• Don’t disturb nesting birds, bats or other wildlife.
a drying trend (revealed by studies of Soda Lake soil
due to vandalism over the last century. Measures have
• Don’t place caches in or near cultural sites.
• Competitive/ recreational activities or events shall
not include the release of non-native or captive-held
native species.
• Organized groups with 20 or more persons or 5 or
more vehicles must secure a permit for any day or
overnight use.
• Operation of any vessel, aircraft, boat, or motorized
vehicle is prohibited on or within 100 feet of Soda
Lake or any adjacent stream, channel, dry lake or
body of water.
Carrizo Plain
National Monument
Recreation Map
& Guide
Plan Ahead and Prepare:
Kit fox artwork by
Miriam Morrill
• Get information about the CPNM or your travel route from
the BLM, 661-391-6000 or the Goodwin Education Center,
• Start your CPNM visit with a full tank of gas.
• Prepare for bad weather and unsafe road conditions with
extra food, water, clothing, and first aid kit.
• Respect private and public road closures. It is your responsibility to know where you are at all times, some private
property is not posted.
• If you are hunting, know the California hunting regulations
and abide by them.
• Bring maps and a compass, and know how to use them to
find your way and location even if you have a GPS unit.
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces:
Vehicle Use and Travel:
• Appropriate vehicle use protects wildlife and wildlife habitat. The speed limit is 25 MPH except on County roads.
• Protect wildlife and livestock; leave gates as you find them.
• Operate motorized vehicles only on designated travel
routes. A list of open routes is available from the BLM or
on a map available at the Goodwin Education Center.
• Prevent damage to roads and vegetation; avoid travel
when conditions are muddy.
On the Trail:
• Walk on established trails when possible.
• Ride bicycles on designated roads only.
• Prevent erosion and trail widening by using the existing
tread surface.
• Hunters—drag any gut piles, skins, etc. well away from
trails and highly visible and frequented areas. Pick up
shotgun shells and other debris.
• Hunters—the monument falls within the California condor
range and it is illegal to use or possess lead projectiles
while hunting big game and non game species in this
At Camp:
• Campground quiet hours are 9pm–7am
• A good campsite is found, not made.
• Place kitchen areas, tents and stock on areas where
obvious signs of prior use exist. If outside of a developed
campground, leave vehicles along the edge of roadway
but not impeding traffic; do not drive to your chosen
camp site.
• Camp at least 200 yards away from water sources.
• Camp only in developed campgrounds or in designated
camping areas.
• Hunters, please remove gut piles or other animal parts
from campgrounds.
Dispose of Waste Properly:
Pack it In, Pack it Out:
• Pack out everything you brought in with you: trash, spent
brass, shotgun shells, cigarette butts, etc.
• Keep wildlife healthy and avoid human food dependence.
Protect your food from animals by storing rations securely.
Never bury food or leave it behind.
Properly Dispose of Human Waste:
• Use established restroom facilities when possible.
• Bury human waste in catholes 4–8” deep at least 200
feet from water, camp, and trails. Cover and disguise the
cathole. Pack out all toilet paper and dispose of properly.
Leave What You Find:
• If you alter an area in any way, restore its natural appearance before leaving.
• Historical or cultural artifacts provide clues to help scientists understand history. They belong to all of us. Leave
them as you find them—it’s the law.
• Signs are expensive and are paid for by your tax dollars.
Please don’t use them to sight firearms.
• Many people visit the CPNM for the scenery and quiet
they find there. Target practice is illegal within the CPNM.
Minimize Campfire Impacts:
• Stoves are the best option for cooking. Campfires and fire
rings can scar the CPNM’s beauty and destroy habitat.
• If you must build a fire, use an established fire ring.
• Bring your own wood with you. Do not burn plastics, glass,
or cans. Haul your trash out with you.
• Obtain a campfire permit before building a fire outside
of a designated campground. Permits are available from
the visitor center, a ranger or the Bakersfield BLM office,
Respect Wildlife:
• Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow or
approach them.
• Never feed animals. Feeding wildlife damages their health,
alters natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators
and other dangers.
• Control pets at all times, or leave them at home.
• Avoid wildlife during sensitive times: mating, nesting,
raising young, or winter.
Be Considerate of Other Visitors:
• Res