"Point Arena-Stornetta unit of the California Coastal National Monument" by Bureau of Land Management California , public domain

California Coastal

Junior Explorer

brochure California Coastal - Junior Explorer

Junior Explorer Activity Book for California Coastal National Monument (NM) in California. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 1 Welcome, Junior Explorer! dw sthaven D r oo We dH igh wa y BLM’s Junior Explorer program helps introduce young explorers like you to the lands and resources that the BLM manages. This activity book will introduce you to plants, animals, and history of the Trinidad Gateway to the California Coastal National Monument Re Mill Cree k . S t. Are you ready to have some fun!? 101 Read and complete all of the activities in this book. Feel free to have an adult help you. Scen Ocean Ave State Park Rd Mai n ic D r Take this book to the Arcata Field Office or the Trinidad Museum after you finish so that a BLM Ranger or volunteer can check your work. After you complete your book you will be sworn in as an official Junior Explorer and the certificate at the back of this book will be filled out and stamped. Edwards St Van Wyk e St This Activity Book Belongs To: ___________________________________________ What is a Junior Explorer? Legend Trinidad Museum and Native Plant Garden 5 Trinidad Rancheria Harbor and Pier Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse 6 Trinidad Head Trailhead 7 Trinidad Head Light Station 33 HSU Marine Lab 8 Trinidad State Park 4 Old Home Beach 9 Trinidad State Beach 1 22 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 2 • Junior Explorers explore the environment around them. • Junior Explorers care for plants, animals and the land. • Junior Explorers encourage others to care for the land and its inhabitants. CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 3 Seabird C ha l l e n g e Q u i z California is home to an amazing population of seabirds. They like to gather in large groups on the offshore rocks and islands of the California Coastal National Monument. When people get too close, it interrupts their feeding, resting and caring for their chicks. Disturbing their daily activities leaves them wide open to predators. Be “seabird safe” and help California’s wildlife thrive! Common Murrelet Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Add up your total to find out “How Seabird Safe Am I?” 5 points Congratulations! You are seabird safe! 4 points Awesome! You know a lot about being seabird safe. 3 points Keep at it! You are on your way to being seabird safe. 0-2 points Try again. Please continue learning more about being seabird safe. Public Lands Belong To You! The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is a federal government agency that takes care of more than 245 million acres of land. Most of these lands are in the western part of the United States. These public lands belong to all Americans. Trinidad South View CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 4 1. When seabirds have to leave their nest because of humans it can cause________ . feeding grooming eggs to fail 2. If birds have to fly away from their nest because they are afraid of a boater ________ . they may abandon their nest they will lay more eggs they will lose all their feathers 3. True or False: Dogs off leash that chase wildlife could hurt these wild animals chances of producing young. True False 4. True or False: It only take one close encounter with a human or dog for a seabird to abandon its nest. True False 5. True or False: Repeated human contact cause seabirds to become comfortable with being close to humans. True False CCNM CCNMTrinidad TrinidadGateway GatewayJunior JuniorExplorer ExplorerActivity ActivityBook Book Cormorant Pelican Oyster Catcher Credit: Jackie Gay 55 All stacked up How do you say Cher-Ae anyway? The name comes from the coastal Yurok village at Trinidad called Chue-rey (also spelled Tsurai). In the Yurok language, “ts” or “ch” makes a hard ch- sound as in chocolate. The “ae” makes an “ay” sound as in way. Head down to the Trinidad Pier and Harbor for a closer look at the California Coastal National Monument. What sounds can you hear from the pier? The rocks you see from the pier are called Sea stacks. Sea stacks are blocks of erosion-resistant rock isolated from the land by sea. Sea stacks begin as part of a headland or sea cliff. Constant pounding by waves erodes the softer, weaker parts of a rock first, leaving harder, more resistant rock behind. ___________________________________________ Erosion happens when rocks and sediments are picked up and moved to another place by ice, water, wind or gravity. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Traditionally the Yurok people subsisted on the abundant plants of the redwood forests including mushrooms, wild herbs and teas, and large game animals such as deer and elk. In addition, marine resources such as salmon, rock fish, surf fish, eels and seaweed, all caught or gathered along this ancestral coastline and contributed to their diet. Visit the Trinidad Pier and see if you can find these marine animals in the mural. ____________ ______________________________ List the wildlife you see from the pier that use the sea stacks. ___________________________________________ Try saying these Yurok words for local marine plants and animals. ___________________________________________ ney-puey (salmon) ko’-ses (crab) paa-moh (kelp) ___________________________________________ ______________ _____________________________ hehl-kues-leg (surf fish) lo-tuen (ling cod) ko-yaakw’ (sea star) ney-puey (salmon) Did you know? When you visit the Trinidad Pier you are visiting Trinidad Rancheria land? The Trinidad Rancheria is a federally recognized tribe with ancestral ties to the Yurok, Wiyot, Tolowa, Chetco, Karuk and Hupa peoples. Trinidad Harbor and Pier owned and operated by the Trinidad Rancheria. CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 6 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book If you want to find out more about the Yurok Language Project. 7 Drawing on Past Heroes Honoring those Lost at Sea Use the space below to honor a life lost at sea. Take a stone rubbing of one of the names listed on the memorial plaques. Stone rubbing is the practice of creating an image of surface features of a stone on paper. By rubbing your pencil over the paper that is placed on top of the name you will begin to see a name appear! After modern technology replaced the original fog bell and lens at the Trinidad Head Lighthouse in 1947, the Coast Guard donated the historic artifacts to the Trinidad Civic Club for display in a planned memorial park overlooking Trinidad Bay. In 1949 the club built a concrete Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse, an accurate replica that many visitors believe to be the actual Trinidad Head Lighthouse. Each year on Memorial Day, friends and families gather to remember those whose names are recorded on the plaques. Try rubbing a seagull next to the name. Lighthouse Ins and Outs Explore the Memorial Lighthouse and see if you can answer these questions. At what time does the lighthouse bell ring each day? How many pounds does the bell weigh? Why is this bell here and what does it have to do with the lighthouse? CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 8 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 9 had not seen before. At 4:40 p.m., I was in the tower and had just set the lens in operation and turned to wipe the lantern room windows when I observed a sea of unusual height, then about 200 yards distant, approaching. I watched it as it came in. When it struck the bluff, the jar was very heavy, and the sea shot up to the face of the bluff and over it, until the solid sea seemed to me to be on a level with where I stood in the lantern. Then it commenced to recede and the spray went 25 feet or more higher. The sea itself fell over onto the top of the bluff and struck the tower on about a level with the balcony, making a terrible jar. The whole point between the tower and the bluff was buried in water. The lens immediately stopped revolving and the tower was shivering from the impact for several seconds. Trinidad Head Lighthouse living quarters Keeper Harrington on the lighthouse with his family standing on the bluff in the background Ending the year with a weeklong treacherous gale storm and huge seas from the southwest, Fred L. Harrington, Trinidad Head Lighthouse keeper tells the story of a sneaker wave like none seen before. Keeper Harrington has served as the lighthouse keeper for 26 years. Harrington tells his story, “Yesterday I watched the storm wash over (93-foothigh) Pilot Rock, a half mile south of the head, something I Tidal Wave Rocks the Trinidad Lighthouse January 1, 1915 Trinidad Head Lighthouse “Whether the lens was thrown off level by the jar on the bluff, or the sea striking the tower, I could not say. Either one would have been enough. However, I had it leveled and running in half an hour. During the 26 years that I have been stationed here, there has at no time been a sea of any such size as that of the 31st experienced here: but once during that time have I know the spray to come onto the bluff in front of the tower, and but twice have I seen sea or spray go over Pilot Rock.” Trinidad Head Lighthouse photo taken from the Bell House Water Safety Smarts What is Stormwater Runoff? Staying Safe in the Surf Humboldt County has some of the most beautiful and fun beaches on the North Coast. To enjoy our beaches safely you have got to respect and understand their raw power. Show what you know with this puzzler: 1 Ever wonder where rain 2 WORDS Tsunami steep beaches dogs sand cave sneaker waves rip currents call 911 tide cliffs goes when it storms? In most of Humboldt County water that comes from our sinks, 3 bathtubs, and washing machines 4 water treatment plant 5 is carried through pipes to the waste . 6 7 The dirty water at the plant is cleaned through a complex system. But water that washes over streets 8 , lawns , and parking lots when it rains flows directly into creeks, rivers, our bays and ocean. Across 1. __________ that are pulled into the surf have an easier time getting out than their human rescuers. Wait for them to swim back to shore on dry land. 3. Avoid turning your back to the ocean. It can look calm for 15 or more minutes before a few really big ___________ hit without warning. 4. Humboldt County has ___________, which are strong outgoing currents that can pull you into deep water if you get caught in one. 5. A rising ___________ can change the water level nine feet on beaches in Humboldt County in only six hours! 6. If you’re at the beach and feel an earthquake, quickly go to higher ground away from the coast because a _________ could be headed your way. 7. 8. Don’t go into the water after a person who gets pulled into the surf. ___________ and be prepared to guide rescuers to the person in trouble. Storm water can pollute because it is never cleaned and picks up everything in it’s path. Storm water can carry things like soil, yard waste High steep ___________ can collapse under your feet and cause you to slip. Humboldt County has crazy geology that results in ___________that are just waiting to fall apart under your weight. animal waste , , used oil and fertilizers. Trash that falls out of your pocket or backpack, is blown out of trucks , or dropped on the ground all Down 2. 3. CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book Choose your beach well.___________ are dangerous because ocean waves can reach much farther up the beach and pull you into the surf. Flatter beaches are much better choices. ends up in the ocean. Remember the 3 R’s, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Be careful digging holes, sand is very unpredictable. The walls of a ___________ or hole can suddenly collapse without warning. protect your environment! Keep our ocean clean! 12 12 . Three great ways YOU can eliminate waste and CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 13 Stormwater Board Game Start (requires two players) Freeze in snow Flow Point out into Mill oil leak to Creek parent (move ahead three) Evaporate Pick up into trash so it mountain doesn’t go cloud (go back 2 in drain squares) skip ah ea d • • • • ah ea d Find a friend Ask your parents for 3 pennies – one person is heads, one person is tails Flip the 3rd penny. Heads is move ahead 1, Tails is move ahead 2. When you land on a + add a point. When you land on a – subtract a point. For each plus and minus explain why each action would harm or help the ocean and rivers. • Travel through the game 2 times • Winner is the person with the most points who travels through the game 2 times, and correctly explains the + and – actions to an adult. Flow into into Flow irrigation irrigation ditch ditch (Enter (miss pool one in Mill Recycle turn) Creek) paper, cans, glass, and plastic Creek Mill ip Get soaked up by plant sk Leave water running while you brush your teeth Directions Evaporate Evaporatetoto beginning start cloud. Player 1 (Keep track of your points here. Example: IIII+ III-) Ride bike (skip ahead three) Enter Enter Ocean Ocean ScoreBoard Run into puddle. (miss one turn) Player 2 (Keep track of your points here. Example: IIII+ III-) Pick up trash that is not yours Take shorter showers Hike off trail Soak into wetland CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book Let balloon float away Bring your own bag to grocery store Plant trees and native plants Pick up after your dog 14 Wash car with too much soap Flow into city Enter water system pool in (miss a turn) Mill Creek (skip ahead 2) CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 15 Tale of Two Forests KELP VS. SPRUCE The structure of kelp can be compared somewhat to that of plants: they include a holdfast, a stipe, pneumatocysts, and fronds. You may have noticed the lush coastal spruce forests in Trinidad. As you explore the trails in Trinidad, it’s easy to see how important the forest is to its inhabitants as a home: squirrels, birds, bugs, even people! But, how many of us have actually explored an underwater forest? Instead of trees, bushes, and mosses, Trinidad Bay’s underwater forests are composed of different types of algae and kelp that are just as important as homes for underwater creatures. 1 2 4 3 eum atocy s st 2 Like a spruce tree trunk, the kelp stipe allows it to reach up high to absorb sunlight. Kelp and spruce use the sun to make food in the process of photosynthesis, just like plants. The stipe is hollow and filled with air, so that it can float to the surface of the water to reach the sun’s rays. 3 In addition to having a hollow stipe, kelp often has pneumatocysts (pneu=air/cyst=ball), which are like balloons that hold the kelp up to the ocean surface allowing it to get more sunlight. Spruce trees are more solid and do not need pneumatocysts. 4 Fronds of the kelp are similar to leaves as they collect sunlight for photosynthesis. Fronds also release spores, the kelp equivalent of seeds. fronds pn The holdfast of kelp is similar to the roots of a spruce tree because it attaches the kelp to the surrounding environment, like rocks. Unlike roots, the holdfast does not funnel water and nutrients to the rest of the kelp. What do a kelp forest and a Sitka spruce forest have in common? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ stipe _________________________________________ 1 How are they different? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ holdfast CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 16 CCNM CCNM Trinidad Trinidad Gateway Gateway Junior Junior Explorer Explorer Activity Activity Book Book 17 17 Kelp in your Kitchen You Get Paid To Do This? Take a look at the ingredients list of things Ice cream isn’t the only place you’ll find kelp you eat or use daily at home. Do you find any in your kitchen. Other items containing agar agars, carrageenans or alginates listed on or carrageenan include salad dressing and your ice cream or yogurt containers? Those jelly. You might also find it in your toothpaste are food additives made from kelp that help — never thought you’d be brushing your to stabilize, thicken or gel certain foods. teeth with seaweed, did you? Career Profile WHAT SHE DOES Tagging a turtle in Hawaii Cottage Cheese Circle the items you think have kelp in them I graduated from Humboldt State University with degrees in Marine Biology and Zoology. Before finishing my degree I took time off to explore the world and travelled to Guam, Hawaii, Japan and New Zealand. On my travels I enjoyed surfing and diving wherever possible and found this amazing life under the ocean that I never knew existed. I saw all of these animals going about their daily life unbeknownst to the world above them. This underwater world inspired me to attend Hilo University, on the Big Island of Hawaii, as an exchange student. While there I dove for turtles to tag and measure them for fibropapillomas (tumors) to help with research. When I came back I landed a job with the Natural History Museum in Arcata teaching kids about science. Once I realized I could inspire students to love and care for the ocean I was hooked. I went back to school and earned my teaching credential so I could share my love of nudibranchs (and all of the other ocean critters!) with my students. Infant Formula Sour Cream Mayo Salad Dressing My favorite part about teaching is sharing my love for the ocean and the animals that reside there. Nudibranchs are my favorite tidepool animal. I find them incredibly beautiful, fascinating, flashy, whimsical, graceful and toxic. My goal as a teacher is to have every student who graduates from our school know and appreciate the life of a nudibranch. Our school is steps away from the California Coastal National Monument and I use public land as my outdoor classroom as much as possible. Education Margerine Condensed Milk Stephanie Strasser Hands on the Land Teacher Trinidad School CCNM, Trinidad, CA Pudding Brownie Mix Something to Think About Vitamins Q: Where does seaweed look for a job? Sea Clown Nudibranch A: In the ‘Kelp-wanted’ ads Teaching is an art. Every connection is unique. You are responsible for another person’s education, a social worker, a replacement mom, a classroom manager, a confidant and a friend all in one. I hope to connect and inspire my students to make a difference in our world. sea palm CCNM CCNM Trinidad Trinidad Gateway Gateway Junior Junior Explorer Explorer Activity Activity Book Book 1818 CCNM CCNM Trinidad Trinidad Gateway Gateway Junior Junior Explorer Explorer Activity Activity Book Book 19 19 Natural History Mystery NAtive Plant Garden Explore Trinidad’s rich cultural and natural history at the Trinidad Museum. Follow the native animal footprints to the front door of the newly renovated Victorian Italianate bungalow, which is now the Trinidad Museum. Hidden behind the Trinidad Museum are several animals from year to year. By observing and habitats for you to explore. Walk the short trail inputting your observations into the National and take a glimpse inside a woodland, coastal Phenology Network database you are helping meadow and a wetland. scientists discover changes in plants and animals The museum has five exhibit rooms which emphasize the original Tsurai Village, Yurok traditions, European contact, the Gold Rush, whaling, fishing, shipping, logging, and the Trinidad Head lighthouse. All this within a building that is an exhibit in itself! Name The Whale Bones Did you know that the Native Plant Garden behind the Trinidad Museum is a National Phenology and their timing and relationship with weather and climate. Network site? Phenology is a big word for keeping When studying plants and animals biologists track of the seasonal changes in plants and record what they see. Document what you see and answer the questions below. Hint: answers can be found in the Trinidad Museums Natural History room 1 3 5 6 a S To 4 ers d un rk Pa 2 1. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________ Date: To Trinidad Museum Time: Weather: As you walk around the garden, how many different birds do you hear? Can you find the name of a plant that has a purple flower? (hint: look for the name tags next to the plants) What animal made this hole? Hint: look for rocks in the natural History room. How many different types of ferns can you find? _________________________________ Mark an X on the map where you find the California Hazel. CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 20 CCNM CCNM Trinidad Trinidad Gateway Gateway Junior Junior Explorer Explorer Activity Activity Book Book 2121 Climate Champion Visit tsurai On your visit to the Trinidad Museum, check out the diorama of the Tsurai village and see if you can fill in the names of the people who once lived in these houses. Sacred Pepperwood Tree Graveyard wax current (Ribes sanguineum) B wavyleaf silktassel (Garrya elliptica) sh Dance P ru it indian plum, osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformis) aterhol e W Find these plants in the garden and look for the tag… Sweathouse & Researchers, resource managers, educators and others use your data for scientific discovery and decisionmaking. Your data collection is important! Phenology data help us predict threats to people and the environment such as wildfires, drought or flooding. They help us decide the timing of events, from when to harvest or irrigate land to when to conduct controlled burns in forests. First, become an observer on the National Phenololgy Network website. Then select the BLM Arcata Field Office, Trinidad Museum site. Then you can download the Natures Notebook iPhone App and begin observing! bit.ly/1mvmzoP Old Home Beach bit.ly/1jCDlma California CCNM Trinidad Coastal Gateway National Junior Monument Explorer Junior Activity Explorer Book Activity Book 22 22 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Book based on University ofActivity California | 1949 archeological exploration of Tsurai 23 23 dIP nETS Yurok Canoe A large part of the Yurok culture is centered along the water’s edge, and ancestral villages are concentrated along the coast and Klamath River. Tsurai, meaning mountain, is the southernmost permanent village within Yurok territory. The village domain extends north from Trinidad Head (Tsurewa) to Beach Creek (O prmrg wroi) several miles up the coast, and south to Little River (Me’tsko or Srepor). Just as in the past, the Tsurai Village, Tsurewa, and the offshore rocks continue to be components of the Yurok cultural landscape embedded with deep cultural, historical, and spiritual significance to the Tsurais of the Yurok people. The canoe is a symbol of life and is important to the Yurok people for travel, food gathering, and religious ceremonies. Yurok canoes are carved from a single log of a redwood. Visit the canoe at the National Park Service Trinidad Museum and fill the names of US Department of the Interior each part of the canoe. Redwood National and State Parks Canoe Parts bow heart stern ribs nose kidneys The Tsurai people use A-frame dip nets, like the ones you find at the Trinidad Museum, on local sandy beaches to catch surf perch, or surf smelt. Department of Parks and Recreation State of California The Making of a Yurok Canoe Did you see the dip nets? Which size do you think you would use? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________ Where did the Yurok use these dip nets? (hint: look at photos next to dip nets at the Trinidad Museum) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Y CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book urok elders Dewey George and Jimmy James carved this canoe in 1968 with help of a Yurok canoe: square prow, gradually curving underside, a heart CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 24 near the front, and a seat and foot 25 highly invasive exotic plant first introduced to such as hiking, bird watching, and wildflower Humboldt County with European settlement. As viewing. Without treatment, English ivy will English ivy spreads, it alters natural ecosystems, continue to flourish resulting in loss of habitat for quickly crowding out native vegetation on the native species. Find out how you can help be a forest floor. The ivy grows up trees weighing part of the ‘No Ivy League’, down branches and may eventually kill the tree. Folding Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov California CCNM Trinidad Coastal Gateway National Junior Monument Explorer Junior Activity Explorer Book Activity Book photo: D H Wright 26 26 Foxglove (8) Infestations can reduce recreational opportunities, Cut along the dotted line. Place Weedy Widget this side down (side with the most writing). Fold each corner to the center so that you have a smaller square. Turn the folded square over and fold each corner to the center again. Fold this square in half to crease it. Undo that fold and fold in half the other way. Using both hands, place your thumbs and index fingers under the flaps. Periwinkle (10) Cotoneater Originally from Europe, English ivy is a photo: Tom Kelly They push out native species and cause ecological chaos. These are known as “invasive” species. Pampas Grass On a hollyday! A reported patch of invasive plants. How did English holly come to Trinidad? What is spotted but doesn’t spread? What did the weed wrench say to the Scotch broom? misbehave. But some non-native species spread unchecked by the lack of natural competitors and predators. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Leaf ? Leaf who? Your roots are showing! that is not used to its presence, the consequences can be devastating. Most of these “non-native” species do not Leaf the natives alone. food supply. However, when a species is introduced — accidentally or intentionally — into a new landscape Tower of Jewels (13) On their home turf, plant and animal populations are kept in check by natural controls, like predators and Knock, knock. who’s there? Stick. Stick Who? Butterfly Bush (14) Get a grip and pull them out! How does pampas grass spread? Knotweed (8) The Encycloweedia. Himalayan Blackberry (19) How do you get to the roots of the matter? Stick to the trails and make plant invasion fail. Hedera helix L. Where did the English ivy search to find out more about French broom? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind... English Ivy photo: Andy Roberts photo: Meredith Leigh Collins De a d, No t A l i v e Heath (5) Broom English Ivy wanted Holly (5) How to Play: 1. 2. 3. CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book This game is for two players. Ask the other player to pick an invasive plant, like ‘English Ivy.’ Open and close the Weedy Widget in an alternating direction for each letter of the phrase (ex. E N G L I S H I V Y (10 times.) Ask the question under the chosen topic and let the other player answer. Lift the flap to find the answer. 27 Bureau of Land Management JUNIOR EXPLORER As a Bureau of Land Management Junior Explorer, I promise to: • do all I can to help preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources on our public lands, • be aware of how my actions can affect other living things and the evidence of our past, • keep learning about the importance of our heritage, and • share what I have learned with others. When an invasive species is brought into a new place, it can cause native species, the ones that have been there for a long time, to die out. NATIVE PLANT Plants whose relatives have grown in nature in this part of the world for a long, long time. They are eaten by local animals, including insects. Many kinds of native plants grow together in one place. INTRODUCED PLANT Brought from another part of the world by people. Some are planted on purpose in gardens and farms, but others came here by accident. Not all are invasive. Date Staff Signature Explorer Signature INVASIVE PLANT A kind of plant, usually from another part of the world, that grows and spreads in such big numbers that they crowd out native plant populations. They are like bullies! CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 28 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 29 READY Answer Key Water Safety Smarts S a n d c 6 T S UN A v e 3 Helpful Kelp DOG S T NE A KERW A V E S E 4 R I P C URREN T S B 5 T I DE A M I 7 C A LL 9 1 1 H E 8 C L I FF S All items in the cupboard have kelp in them! SEABIRD CHALLENGE QUIZ 1. eggs to fall 2. they may abandon their nest 3. true 4. true 5. false How do you say Cher-Ae Anyway? salmon - ney-puey ling cod - lo-tuen surf smelt - hehl-kues-leg crab - ko’-ses kelp - paa-moh sea star - ko-yaakw’ mussels - pee-’eeh for MORE? 1 Pick up a CCNM map and head out for a hike around Trinidad Head. 2 Visit the HSU Marine Lab and see if you can find Elvira, the wolf eel or touch a seas star in the touch tank. 3 Find other public lands to explore in Humboldt County by visiting: redwood-edventures.org/ 4 Pick up the Headwaters Forest Reserve and King Range National Conservation Area. Junior Explorer Activity Books at the BLM Arcata Field Office or the King Range Project Office. Once you complete all three books, bring them back to one of the offices and receive a poster, pin or Jr. Explorer badge! Collect All 3! More Places in California Tale of Two Forest Same Spruce and kelp forests both photo synthesize, provide habitat for many animals, withstand the salty ocean environment and grow in multiples called forests. Differences Kelp has air bladders, Spruce roots transport water and nutrients. Kelp holdfast does not carry nutrients, only works as an anchor. to Explore • • • • • • Carrizo Plain National Monument Fort Ord National Monument Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Piedras Blancas Light Station Outstanding Natural Area Headwaters Forest Reserve King Range National Conservation Area Use your smart phone to scan the QR code and find out more about Redwood Edventures! Whale Bones Whale bones: 1. Rib bone, 2. Jaw bone, 3. Whale skull, 4. Whale skull, 5. Whale vertebra, 6. Jaw bone CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 30 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 31 CCNM Trinidad Gateway Junior Explorer Activity Book 32

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