by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
Anza-Borrego DesertBrochure |
Brochure of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (SP) in California. Published by California Department of Parks and Recreation.
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Visitor Center
October through May:
open daily 9am-5pm.
June through September:
open weekends and holidays only.
Park Information
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park®
200 Palm Canyon Drive
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
Park Headquarters (760) 767-5311
Visitor Center (760) 767-4205
World Wide Web
Anza-Borrego Foundation
(760) 767-0446
California State Parks
supports equal access
Prior to arrival, visitors with disabilities
who need assistance should contact: The
Visitor Center (760) 767-4205.
This publication is available in alternate
formats by contacting the Visitor Center,
(760) 767-4205.
Accessibility information is available
in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
online magazine,
Welcome to one of the last best places on Earth.
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park® encompasses
some of the most diverse desert landscape in the world.
Covering more than 600,000 acres, Anza-Borrego's™
wonders unfold from the eastern slopes of the Peninsular
Ranges in San Diego County to the western edge of
Imperial County. From Riverside County in the north, the
Park reaches south almost to the Mexican border. Nearly
two-thirds of the Park is pristine wilderness, sheltering
an astonishing proliferation of plant and animal life,
including the endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep.
Anza-BorregoTM lies at the crossroads of early
Califomia history. Its pathways were shared by explorer
Juan Bautista de Anza, the Southern Emigrant Trail,
the Butterfield Stage and the Mormon Battalion. Much
earlier, ancient artists began to leave thei r enigmatic
traces at thousands of sites throughout the Park. These
Native Americans hunted and gathered here as long as
5,000 years ago. Earlier still, Anza-Borrego'sTM plains
were roamed by herds of mammoths and camels. These
huge animals became extinct around 8,000 B.C, leaving
behind what maybe the greatest repository of Pliocene/
Pleistocene megafauna in the United States.
For some of you, this may be the first visit. Others
may have returned manytimes, attracted by the seren
ity, the sunshine, the sheer wildness. Whether you arrive
by serendipity or by plan, whether you expect to stay for
an hour or week or lifetime, we are happy to share this
enchanted place with you.
Rules & Regulations
Natural I Cultural Features: All features are protected by
law. Nothing may be disturbed or removed, including rocks,
plant materials, reptiles, Indian artifacts and fossils.
Campfires: No ground fires are allowed. All fires MUST be
kept in a metal container that completely contains the fire.
Ashes and other debris must be taken with you. Gathering
firewood is prohibited.
Firearms: While in the Park, firearms must be unloaded,
inoperative, in a case and kept in your vehicle at all times.
Dogs: Dogs must be kept on a six-foot maximum leash under
your control at all times. Dogs are allowed on roads and in
campgrounds, but not in the Visitor Center, on foot trails or
in any natural area. At night, dogs must be kept in a tent or
vehicle. Bring pliers for cactus removal, bring plenty of water
and be aware that the desert is a dangerous place for pets.
Vehicles: All vehicles must be highway legal and must remain
on designated roads.
Bicycles: Bikes are only allowed on designated roads, foot
trails in Hawi-Vallecito, Middle Willows in Coyote Canyon
and the All-Access Trail between the Visitor Center and camp
Drones: The operation of powered unmanned aircraft, includ
ing drones, is prohibited in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park®.
Deser t Safety - Get out Alive!
Carry water and drink it! Do not save water for the trip
home. Thrn around when your water is half gone.
Make sure your vehicle is desert ready. Are you carrying
tools, water, etc.? WiU you be comfortable if you have to spend
a night or two in your car?
Make sure you're ready. Temperatures can reach 125° in
summer or drop below freezing in winter. Do you have extra
clothes, water, etc. for a night out in the desert?
Make a plan. Let friends know where you are going and
when you will return. Give them a description of your vehicle
and its license plate number.
Stay with your car if there is a problem and put the hood
up to signal. If you must try to hike out, wait until the cool of
Bow Willow
Mountain Palm
Primitive Campgrounds at Bow Willow and
Mountain Palm Springs are first-come, first-served. Both
have chemical toilets.
The trails in this area are casual trails. They are not
fully developed nor maintained. Some trails change with
rainfall. Hikers should be aware that they are hiking in a
mgged area and may want a detailed map and compass.
Trails include the half-mile round-trip to Mary's
Grove, one-mile round-trip to Pygmy Grove, two-mile
round-trip to Southwest Grove and two-mile round-trip to
the Palm Bowl.
Blair Valley Area
Agreat area for primitive camping, the roads in
Blair Valley are usually accessible by two-wheel drive
vehicles. There are vault toilets but no water is available.
Hiking Trails include the .4-mile round-trip
'Ehmuu-Morteros trail, leading to Indian grinding holes,
the two-mile round-trip hike to Ghost Mountain (former
home of the Marshal South family) and the two-mile
round-trip Pictograph Trail, which can be extended to
three miles by hiking to the Smuggler's Canyon overlook.
: l
M iles
Marshal South Home
T amarisk Grove Area
Centrallylocated, and open seasonally, Tamarisk
Grove Campground offers shade, pay showers and
reservable campsites and cabins. Nearby Yaqui Well
Campground is a primitive camping area with pit toi
lets but no water, firerings or tables. Wildlife abounds
near this natural spring.
Check with ReserveCalifornia™ fo r availability.
(800) 444-7275 or
Trails in this area include the one-mile Cactus
Loop, 1.6-mile round-trip Yaqui Well Nature Trail and
the one-mile Bill Kenyon Trail.
~~ Gtove C ampg ro und
Fish Creek Area
APrimitive Campground with eight sites fills
quickly at Fish Creek. There is no water, but chemical
toilets are available.
Many visitors come to the desert to experience the
ephemeral wild flower bloom. Each year, rain, sun, wind
and temperature combine to make nature's displayof spring
flowers. Some years, the combination makes for a spectacular
show, while other years yield scarcely a blossom. Because it is
impossible to predict each year's timing and abundance, we
offer the following services:
Hiking trails include the one-mile Elephant 1Iees
Nature Trail Loop and the two-mile round-trip hike
to the Wind Caves. Spectacular geological scenery
awaits hikers and 4-wheel drive enthusiasts in the Split
Mountain area, driving only on designated roads.
Wildflower Hotline
(760) 767-4684
or on the web:
Or visit
Anza-Borrego Foundation
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