KofaNative Pollinators |
Native Pollinators at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Arizona. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Native Pollinators
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
When the desert ironwood tree blooms
in the spring, it begins to buzz with life.
Bees bustle around the tree, attracted to
its pink and white flowers. Bees, as well
as birds, bats, butterflies, beetles, flies,
wasps, and other insects, are important
pollinators. These animals facilitate
fertilization in plants like the desert
ironwood by transferring pollen between
flowers of the same species, allowing
the plant to produce successful seeds.
Pollinators are crucial to all national
wildlife refuges as between 75 and 95
percent of all flowering plants in the
world cannot self-pollinate.
Globally, over 2,000 species of birds feed
on nectar and eat the insects and spiders
associated with nectar-bearing flowers.
Birds have little or no sense of smell and
thus the flowers they visit are usually
odorless. These flowers tend to be rich in
nectar and have large, sticky pollen that
cling to the birds’ feathers.
When hiking on Kofa National Wildlife
Refuge, you might be startled by a loud
humming noise. The culprit is likely a
hummingbird (family Trochilidae), a
small and colorful pollinator with a long,
tapered bill and bristled tongue. The noise
results from the flapping of its wings
which beat up to 80 times per second. This
adaptation, as well as the hummingbird’s
ability to fly in any direction (including
upside down and backward), makes it an
excellent pollinator as it can hover in front
of flowers when feeding.
The hummingbird is generally attracted
to long, tubular, and brightly colored
flowers, though it will visit nearly any
nectar-producing flower. When the
hummingbird feeds on the flowers’ nectar,
sticky pollen attach to the bird’s bill or
feathers. As the hummingbird flies from
flower to flower, it spreads the pollen and
fertilizes the plant.
There are five species of hummingbirds
found on Kofa National Wildlife Refuge:
Costa’s hummingbird, black-chinned
hummingbird, Anna’s hummingbird,
broad-tailed hummingbird, and rufous
Pollinators at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. / Katrina Krebs, USFWS
The white-winged dove (Zenaida
asiatica), named for the white stripe at
the edge of its wing, is another common
bird pollinator on the refuge. In the
desert southwest, the white-winged
dove is considered a saguaro specialist.
It is almost exclusively dependent on
saguaros for nutrients and water during
the breeding season, eating the nectar,
pollen, fruits, and seeds of saguaros.
When visiting saguaro flowers, the whitewinged dove inadvertently pollinates
the cactus. It also helps disperse seeds
contained within the saguaro fruit it eats,
either through its feces or regurgitation
to its young. The white-winged dove is so
reliant on saguaros that its migration and
breeding season matches the flowering of
the saguaro.
Bees are the most diverse group of
pollinators with more than 1,000 species
in the southwestern United States and
over 4,000 species in North America.
Bees are generally attracted to flowers
that are blue or yellow, or a mixture of
these colors. They are unable to see the
color red, but can see ultraviolet light
unlike humans. Many flowers that attract
bees have ultraviolet patterns on the
petals. These patterns, called nectar
guides, help bees locate the center of the
flower so they can quickly find the nectar.
On Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, cactus
bees (Diadasia spp.) are an incredibly
important type of bee as they favor the
flowers of, unsurprisingly, cacti. The
cactus bee is fuzzy, brown and about the
size of a honey bee. It is a solitary ground
nester and is active primarily between
April and June when many of the cacti
are blooming on the Refuge.
The cactus bee crawls inside the flowers
of saguaros, prickly pears, barrel cacti,
teddybear chollas, and other cacti to feed
on their nectar, gathering pollen on its
hairy body all the while. As the bee flies
from flower to flower, the pollen is spread
and the flowers are fertilized. The cactus
bee also mixes some of the pollen with
nectar and stores it in its nest as food for
its young.
Butterflies are valuable pollinators on
the refuge, especially of brightly colored
flowers with sweet scents. Yet with their
longer legs, butterflies prove to be less
effective pollinators than bees as they do
not collect as much pollen on their bodies
while searching for nectar. They do serve
another purpose on the refuge though:
butterflies are an important food source
for other animals, particularly birds.
The marine blue (Leptotes marina) is
found year-round in the Sonoran Desert.
The upperside of its body is blue, while
the undersides of its wings are striped
brown and white. Host plants of this
butterfly species include legumes, such as
fairydusters, mesquite and acacias.
White-winged dove. / Katrina Krebs, USFWS
A number of wasps that pollinate plants
resemble bees. However, they can
generally be distinguished from bees
by their narrow abdomens. Wasps often
have smooth, shiny bodies with simple,
unbranched hairs. Bees, on the other
hand, have branched hairs to help them
carry pollen more efficiently. As a result,
wasps are less effective pollinators than
The marine blue, as well as other species
of butterflies, can sometimes be observed
in large numbers on shallow puddles
or muddy patches, a behavior termed
puddling. The butterflies gather around
the damp area to drink water and take in
dissolved salts and minerals.
One of the most interesting insect
pollinators on Kofa National Wildlife
Refuge is the tarantula hawk (family
Pompilidae), a large blue-black wasp with
bright orange wings. While the tarantula
hawk pollinates plants as it feeds on
nectar from flowers, it is primarily known
for its unique relationship to tarantulas.
When a female tarantula hawk is ready
to lay eggs, she searches for a tarantula
burrow. By touching and strumming the
silk web at the entrance, she entices the
tarantula to leave the safety of its burrow.
A battle then ensues, most often ending
with the tarantula receiving a paralyzing
sting to its underside. The tarantula
hawk drags the tarantula into a pre-dug
burrow, lays her eggs on the still living
spider, and leaves. When the tarantula
hawk eggs hatch, the larvae turn the
tarantula into their first meal.
Tarantula hawk. / Mara Wiesenberger, USFWS
Be Observant
Next time you visit Kofa National
Wildlife Refuge, look for plants that are
blooming and observe what types of
pollinators are visiting the flowers. Watch
the animals that are attracted to the
plants in the pollinator garden outside
of the refuge headquarters in Yuma. You
may see a hummingbird, a tarantula
hawk, a cactus bee, or one of the many
other insects, bats, or birds that play a
role in pollination.
To learn more about pollinators and
how you can help encourage pollinator
abundance and diversity, visit www.fws.
For Further Information Contact:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
9300 East 28th Street
Yuma, AZ 85365
Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
February 2014