KofaPalm Canyon Trail |
Palm Canyon Trail at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Arizona. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Palm Canyon Trail
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Welcome to Kofa’s Palm Canyon Trail
The survival of these trees is directly
dependent on the microclimate in this
protected canyon. The palm trees are
only able to live in the narrow side
canyons where direct sunshine is limited
and moisture is available.
How to find Palm Canyon
Finding Palm Canyon is relatively easy.
Take Highway 95, running north and
south between Yuma and Quartzsite,
Arizona, to milepost 85. Approximately
63 miles north of Yuma or 18 miles south
of Quartzsite, watch for the brown Palm
Canyon sign which indicates the junction
with a dirt road. Follow the dirt road east
for seven miles to a parking area. The
road is passable in a passenger car, but
the ride may be rough.
Palm Canyon
All photographs USFWS.
Tucked away in the narrow, rugged
canyons of the Kofa Mountains is the
California fan palm, the only native
species of palm tree in Arizona. The
small, scattered clusters of palms in Palm
Canyon are a major visitor attraction on
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. Hundreds
of visitors each year hike the Palm
Canyon Trail, a National Recreation
Trail, to see the palms which seem
unnatural in the desert landscape.
The California fan palms (Washingtonia
filifera) found in Palm Canyon are
probably descendants of palms growing
in this region during the last periods
of North American glaciation. Some
botanists theorize that the trees, which
are not date-bearing, gradually spread
into these canyons and other protected
niches as the climate warmed to desert
conditions. Other researchers have
suggested that the trees may have spread
from other palm groves by birds or
coyotes carrying seeds in their digestive
tracts. Since palm trees do not grow
annual rings like other trees, it is very
difficult to say how old the trees might be.
California fan palms typically live for 80
to 90 years.
The narrow canyon above the parking
lot is Palm Canyon. A half-mile foot trail
starts at the upper end of the parking
area and leads into the canyon. The trail
is easy to follow, but is rough most of the
way due to large rocks and some steeper
sections. Allow an hour to make the
Desert Vegetation
As you follow the trail across washes and
up hills, you will pass several species of
plants common to the Sonoran Desert.
The palo verde (Cercidium spp.), a
small tree with bright green branches
and stems, rarely has leaves as it sheds
them in times of drought. Its branches
and twigs have enough chlorophyll to
produce all the energy the tree requires.
Ironwood (Olneya tesota), a grey-green
tree with small leaves, is also present in
the canyon. Its leafy stems are covered
with thorns, as are the branches and
stems of many other desert plants.
Near the end of the trail, you will notice
numerous small bushes with holly-like
leaves. This plant is Kofa Mountain
barberry (Berberis harrisoniana). It
is found only in the southwest corner of
Arizona in the Kofa, Ajo and Sand Tank
Mountains. It is not very common, even
on the refuge.
Palo Verde
The Palm Canyon trail ends at a small
sign on a slightly elevated area near the
middle of the canyon. By looking up at
the narrow north-trending side canyon,
you can see the palms. For a short time at
mid-day, the trees are well-lit for taking
photographs. The rest of the time, the
trees are in shade.
In 2001, forty-one trees were counted in
the main grove. About half of those were
adult size with a trunk height of 20 feet or
more. Some smaller trees are becoming
established at the base of the larger
trees. There are a few additional palms
scattered throughout Palm Canyon and
in Fishtail Canyon, the next canyon to
the southeast.
As the fronds (large leaves) on the
California fan palm die, they fold down
around the trunk of the tree and form a
“petticoat.” The petticoat on younger trees
extends from the ground to the top of the
tree. The fronds on the older trees in Palm
Canyon do not form a lengthy petticoat
because they tend to self-prune. The fallen
fronds decay and form an organic layer in
which new trees germinate.
You will notice from the viewing point
that some of the tree trunks are black.
A fire burned through the grove in
1953, seriously damaging the trees.
Fortunately, most of the palms survived
and young trees have become established.
It is a very steep and difficult climb up
to the palm trees. If you decide to try it,
plan on an extra 30-40 minutes to get up
to the trees and back to the bottom of
the canyon.
As you look around the canyon, you will
see palm-like plants which can sometimes
be confused with the California fan palm.
These plants are Bigelow’s nolina or
Bigelow’s beargrass (Nolina bigelovii)
and are growing out of cracks and on
ledges, especially on the north wall of the
canyon. The nolinas are much smaller
than palms and do not develop a trunk.
You may see a variety of wildlife as you
walk along the trail. Keep watching
the skyline on both sides of the canyon
for desert bighorn sheep. These agile
mammals may be seen in Palm Canyon
in the early morning as they move along
ridge tops or stare down at you. Listen;
coyotes occasionally yelp. It is difficult to
forget the sound of their call.
Birds are numerous most of the year in
Palm Canyon. Watch for gnatcatchers,
canyon towhees, and thrashers flitting
about in the underbrush. In the winter
and spring, look for the jet black
phainopepla “hawking” insects. Whitethroated swifts can be heard calling back
and forth as they dart overhead doing
acrobatics in the narrow canyon. If you
are lucky, you may hear the musical call
of the canyon wren echoing off the canyon
walls. High above, turkey vultures or
golden eagles occasionally soar into view.
Forming of the Canyon
Palm Canyon is cut through a formation
of rhyolite, a volcanic rock. Water
followed cracks in the rhyolite to form
the canyon through erosion. The side
canyons, where the palms are located, are
being formed through the same process.
Bighorn sheep
If you have time, walk further up the
canyon and look closely at the rocks you
pass. Some large boulders appear to be
made of many smaller rocks cemented
together. These rocks are breccia,
another volcanic rock that has fallen from
the breccia formations high above Palm
The downhill pace as you return to your
car will be faster. Notice the relative
coolness as you walk in the shade of the
higher reaches of the narrow canyon.
Stop and look out across the sunshine
filled valley. It will be much warmer when
you reach your car, even in the winter.
La Posa Plains and Dome Rock Mountains
Before getting in your car for the drive
back, look out across the La Posa Plains
to the Dome Rock Mountains 30 miles
away. Many of our visitors are thrilled by
the wide open spaces of the southwest.
We hope your walk into Palm Canyon was
an enjoyable experience.
Things you should know
There is no drinking water or sanitary
facilities on Kofa National Wildlife
Refuge. Bring water with you and plan to
take some on your walk. If you have pets,
keep them on the trail and on a leash.
Be mindful that rocks and spiny desert
plants can be tough on your pet’s paws
and skin.
Rattlesnakes live in this canyon and
on the rest of the refuge. Be alert and
watchful, especially if you decide to climb
up to the palm trees.
If you stop your car to look at plants
and wildlife or take pictures, keep your
vehicle within 100 feet of the roadway
to avoid damaging the fragile desert
environment. Try not to stop near
curves where other motorists may have
difficulty seeing you and please be alert
to oncoming traffic as you return to
the highway.
Camping is permitted on the refuge
and overnight parking is permissible in
the Palm Canyon parking area. Please
consult the regulations leaflet for details.
Please contact the headquarters for
additional information or to report
accidents, unusual incidents or unique
and interesting observations.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
9300 East 28th Street
Yuma, AZ 85365
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
January 2014