"Havasu National Wildlife Refuge" by ksblack99 , public domain



brochure Havasu - Plants

Plants at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Arizona and California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Plants of Havasu National Wildlife Refuge The Havasu NWR plant list was developed by volunteer John Hohstadt. As of October 2012, 216 plants have been documented at the refuge. Legend *Occurance (O) *Growth Form (GF) *Exotic (E) A=Annual G=Grass Y=Yes P=Perennial F=Forb N=No B=Biennial S=Shrub T=Tree Family Scientific Name O* GF* E* Common Name Agavaceae—Lilies Family Androstephium breviflorum P F N pink funnel lily Hesperocallis undulata P F N desert lily Aizoaceae—Fig-marigold Family Sesuvium sessile A F N western seapurslane Aizoaceae—Fig-marigold Family Trianthema portulacastrum A F N desert horsepurslane Amaranthaceae—Amaranth Family Amaranthus retroflexus A F N redroot amaranth Tidestromia oblongifolia P F N Arizona honeysweet Apiaceae—Carrot Family Bowlesia incana P F N hoary bowlesia Hydrocotyle verticillata P F N whorled marshpennywort Asclepiadaceae—Milkweed Family Asclepias subulata P F N rush milkweed A. albicans P F N whitestem milkweed Funastrum hirtellum P F N hairy milkweed Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum P F N Hartweg’s twinevine Asteraceae—Aster Family Ambrosia ambrosioides P S N ambrosia leaf bur ragweed Symphyotrichum divaricatum A F N southern annual saltmarsh aster Chloracantha spinosa P F N spiny chloracantha Xylorhiza tortifolia P F N Mohave woodyaster Machaeranthera canescens B F N hoary tansyaster Atrichoseris platyphylla A F N parachute plant Baccharis salicifolia mulefat Baccharis brachyphylla shortleaf baccharis Bebbia juncea var. aspera sweetbush Calycoseris wrightii white tackstem Calycoseris parryi yellow tackstem Chaenactis carphoclinia pebble pincushion Chaenactis fremontii pincushion flower Conyza canadensis Canadian horseweed Chrysothamnus Spp. rabbitbrush Encelia frutescens button brittlebrush Encelia farinosa brittlebrush Dicoria canescens desert twinbugs Antheropeas wallacei woolly easterbonnets Antheropeas lanosum white easterbonnets Ambrosia dumosa burrobush Ambrosia eriocentra woolly fruit bur ragweed Geraea canescens hairy desertsunflower Gnaphalium spp. cudweed Pleurocoronis pluriseta bush arrowleaf Hymenoclea salsola burrobrush Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Malacothrix californica California desertdandelion Monoptilon bellioides Mojave desertstar Palafoxia arida giant Spanish needle Pectis papposa manybristle chinchweed Perityle emoryi Emory’s rockdaisy Peucephyllum schottii Schott’s pygmycedar Pluchea sericea arrowweed Pluchea camphorata camphor pluchea P S N P S N P S N A F N A F N A F N A F N A F N P S N P S N P S N A F N A F N A F N P S N P S N A F N A F N P S N P S N B F N A F N A F N A F N A F N P F N P S N P S N A F N Porophyllum gracile P S slender poreleaf Psathyrotes ramosissima A F velvet turtleback Rafinesquia neomexicana A F New Mexico plumeseed Sonchus asper A F spiny sowthistle Stephanomeria pauciflora P F brownplume wirelettuce Trixis californica P S American threefold Verbesina encelioides A F golden crownbeard Xanthium spp. A F cocklebur Bignoniaceae—Trumpet-Creeper Family Chilopsis linearis P T desert willow Boraginaceae—Borage Family Amsinckia tessellata P F bristly fiddleneck Tiquilia plicata P F fanleaf crinklemat Cryptantha maritima A F Guadalupe cryptantha Heliotropium curassavicum P F salt heliotrope Pectocarya recurvata P F curvenut combseed Plagiobothrys arizonicus A F Arizona popcornflower Brassicaceae—Mustard Family Arabis glaucovalvula P F bluepod rockcress Brassica campestris A F field mustard Dimorphocarpa wislizeni A F touristplant Lepidium densiflorum A F common pepperweed Lesquerella palmeri A F bladder pod Sisymbrium spp. A F hedgemustard Streptanthella longirostris A F longbeak streptanthella Brassica tournefortii A F Sahara mustard Cactaceae—Cactus Family Opuntia basilaris P beavertail pricklypear Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa P buckhorn cholla Cylindropuntia echinocarpa P Wiggins’ cholla Cylindropuntia bigelovii P teddybear cholla Echinocereus spp. P hedgehog cactus Ferocactus spp. P barrel cactus Characeae—Green algae Family Chara spp. muskgrass N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Chenopodiaceae—Goosefoot Family Salicornia spp. P S pickleweed Atriplex canescens P S fourwing saltbush Atriplex hymenelytra A S desertholly Atriplex canescens var. linearis P S thinleaf fourwing saltbush Atriplex semibaccata P S Australian saltbush Atriplex elegans var. fasciculata P S wheelscale saltbush Atriplex lentiformis P S big saltbush Atriplex polycarpa P S cattle saltbush Bassia hyssopifolia A S fivehorn smotherweed Chenopodium album A F lambsquarters Chenopodium murale A F nettleleaf goosefoot Bassia spp. A F smotherweed Salsola tragus A S prickly Russian thistle Suaeda moquinii P S Mohave seablite Convolvulaceae—Morning-glory Family Convolvulus arvensis A F field bindweed Cuscuta denticulata parasite desert dodder Cucurbitaceae—Cucumber Family Cucurbita palmata A F coyote gourd Cyperaceae—Sedge Family Cyperus rotundus P F nutgrass Cyperus esculentus P F yellow nutsedge Eleocharis geniculata A F Canada spikesedge Eleocharis palustris P common spikerush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani P softstem bulrush Schoenoplectus californicus P California bulrush Ephedraceae—Mormon-tea Family Ephedra nevadensis P S Nevada jointfir Equisetaceae—Horsetail Family Equisetum laevigatum P S smooth horsetail Eurphorbiaceae—Spurge Family Croton californicus P F California croton Fabaceae—Pea Family Acacia greggii P T catclaw acacia Alhagi maurorum P F camelthorn N N N N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Parkinsonia florida blue paloverde Parkinsonia microphylla yellow paloverde Krameria grayi white ratany Lotus strigosus var. tomentellus strigose bird’s-foot trefoil Lupinus arizonicus Arizona lupine Lupinus sparsiflorus Coulter’s lupine Melilotus indicus annual yellow sweetclover Olneya tesota desert ironwood Dalea mollis hairy prairie clover Marina parryi Parry’s false prairie-clover Parkinsonia paloverde Prosopis pubescens screwbean mesquite Prosopis glandulosa honey mesquite Sesbania herbacea bigpod sesbania Fouquieriaceae—Ocotillo Family Fouquieria splendens ocotillo Geraniaceae—Geranium Family Erodium cicutarium redstem stork’s bill Erodium texanum Texas stork’s bill Hydrophyllaceae—Waterleaf Family Eriodictyon spp. yerba santa Eucrypta micrantha dainty desert hideseed Nama demissum purplemat Nemophila spatulata Sierra baby blue eyes Phacelia tanacetifolia lacy phacelia Phacelia crenulata cleftleaf wildheliotrope Juncaceae—Rush Family Juncus torreyi Torrey’s rush Juncus acutus ssp. Leopoldii Leopold’s rush Loasaceae—Loasa Eucnide urens desert stingbush Entzelia albicaulis whitestem blazingstar Mentzelia involucrata whitebract blazingstar Mentzelia tricuspis spinyhair blazingstar Petalonyx thurberi Thurber’s sandpaper plant P T N P T N P S N A F N A F N A F N A F Y P T N P F N P F N P T Y P T N P T N A F N P S N A F Y A F N P S N A F N A F N A F N A F N A F N P N P N P S N A F N A F N A F N P S N Loranthaceae—Mistletoe Family Phoradendron californicum parasite mesquite mistletoe Lythraceae—Loosestrife Family Ammannia coccinea A F valley redstem Lythrum californicum P F California loosestrife Malvaceae—Mallow Family Malvella leprosa P F alkali mallow Sphaeralcea ambigua A F desert globemallow Marsileaceae—Water-clover Family Marsilea vestita P F hairy waterclover Lamiaceae—Mint Family Hyptis emoryi P S desert lavender Salazaria mexicana P S Mexican bladdersage Salvia columbariae A F chia Najadaceae—Water-nymph Family Najas marina A F spiny naiad Nyctaginaceae—Four o’clock Family Abronia villosa A F desert sand verbena Boerhavia coccinea P F scarlet spiderling Onagraceae—Evening Primrose Family Gaura mollis A F velvetweed Camissonia claviformis A F browneyes Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa P S wishbone-bush Camissonia boothii spp. desertorum A F desert suncup Camissonia brevipes A F golden suncup Camissonia refracta A F narrowleaf suncup Oenothera deltoides A F birdcage evening primrose Camissonia cardiophylla A F heartleaf suncup Orobanchaceae—Broom-rape Family Orobanche cooperi parasite desert broomrape Papaveraceae—Poppy Family Argemone spp. P F pricklypoppy Eschscholzia glyptosperma A F desert poppy Eschscholzia minutiflora A F pygmy poppy Plantaginaceae—Plantain Family Plantago major A F common plantain Plantago ovata A F desert Indianwheat N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Poaceae—Grass Family Aristida spp. A/P threeawn Arundo donax P Giant reed Beckmannia spp. A sloughgrass Bromus rubens A red brome Cynodon dactylon P Bermudagrass Distichlis spicata P saltgrass Echinochloa colona A jungle rice Eragrostis lutescens A sixweeks lovegrass Pleuraphis rigida P big galleta Leptochloa dubia P green sprangletop Pennisetum setaceum P crimson fountaingrass Phragmites australis P common reed Setaria pumila A yellow foxtail Setaria italica A foxtail millet Polypogon monspeliensis A annual rabbitsfoot grass Paspalum dilatatum P dallisgrass Sorghum halepense P Johnsongrass Polemoniaceae—Phlox Family Leptosiphon aureus A golden linanthus Eriastrum eremicum A desert woollystar Linanthus filiformis A yellow gilia Langloisia setosissima A Great Basin langloisia Polygonaceae—Buckwheat Family Chorizanthe rigida P devil’s spineflower Chorizanthe brevicornu A brittle spineflower Eriogonum deflexum A flatcrown buckwheat Eriogonum inflatum A/P desert trumpet Polygonum hydropiperoides P swamp smartweed Polygonum aviculare A prostrate knotweed Rumex hymenosepalus P canaigre dock Rumex violascens P violet dock Rumex salicifolius P willow dock Potamogetonaceae—Pondweed Family Potamogeton spp. A pondweed G N G Y G N G Y G Y G N G Y G N G N G N G Y G N G Y G Y G Y G Y G Y F N F N F N F N F N F N F N F N F N F Y F N F N F N F N Resedaceae—Mignonette Family Oligomeris linifolia A F lineleaf whitepuff Salicaceae—Willow Family Populus fremontii P T Fremont cottonwood Salix exigua P T narrowleaf willow, coyote willow Salix gooddingii P T Goodding’s willow Scrophulariaceae—Figwort Family Mohavea confertiflora A F ghost flower Mohavea breviflora A F golden desert-snapdragon Castilleja exserta A F exserted Indian paintbrush Solanaceae—Potato Family Datura wrightii A F sacred thorn-apple Lycium andersonii P S water jacket Lycium andersonii var. deserticola P S water jacket Lycium cooperi P S peach thorn Nicotiana glauca P T tree tobacco Nicotiana obtusifolia var. palmeri B/P F desert tobacco Physalis crassifolia P F yellow nightshade groundcherry Solanum elaeagnifolium B/P F silverleaf nightshade Tamaricaceae—Tamarix Family Tamarix ramosissima P S saltcedar Tamarix aphylla P T Athel tamarisk Typhaceae—Cat-tail Family Typha angustifolia P narrowleaf cattail Verbenaceae—Verbena Family Phyla lanceolata P F lanceleaf fogfruit Phyla nodiflora P F turkey tangle fogfruit Oxalidaceae—Wood-Sorrel Family Oxalis Spp. P F woodsorrel Zygophyllaceae—Creosote-bush Family Fagonia laevis P S California fagonbush Larrea tridentata P S creosote bush Tribulus terrestris A F puncturevine October 2012 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N Y

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