"Havasu National Wildlife Refuge" by ksblack99 , public domain



brochure Havasu - Birds

Birds at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Arizona and California. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Havasu National Wildlife Refuge Birds Birding at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge Havasu National Wildlife Refuge encompasses 37,515 acres adjacent to the Colorado River. Topock Marsh, Topock Gorge, and the Havasu Wilderness constitute the three major portions of the refuge. Habitat varies from cattail-bulrush back waters and shrubby riparian lowlands to steep cactus-strewn cliffs and mountains. Due to the southerly location of the refuge it is primarily a wintering area and stopover point for migrating birds. The 318 species are listed in accordance with the 7th edition (1998) A.O.U. checklist and its supplements through July 2011. If you should find an unlisted or rare species during your visit, please contact the Refuge staff and provide a description. The refuge birds do not recognize traditional calendar seasons, therefore, season designations for species are intended as general guidelines. Summer status indicated for many non-breeding species of shorebirds, terns, flycatchers, vireos, swallows, warblers, tanagers, and grosbeaks actually refers to fall migration, which begins in July and August for these groups. As landscapes change due to human activities and natural processes, species populations and distributions must change as well. Over time, species may become locally absent (extirpated), restored, newly arrived, endangered, or even extinct. Some have always been rare on the Lower Colorado River. On Havasu NWR, extirpated species include Harris’s hawk, gilded flicker, and northern cardinal. Great horned owl © Zen Mocarski / AZFD We manage habitat to help recover declining species including many of the waterfowl as well as riparian forest birds such as the yellow-billed cuckoo and summer tanager. How to use your checklist Symbols used in this list are defined as follows: Occurrence Sp S F W Abundance A C U O R X * ** Spring - period of spring migration (depending on species) from mid-February to early June. Summer - June to August. Fall - period of fall migration (depending on species) from mid-July to November. Winter - December to February. - Abundant. A very numerous species. - Common. Certain to be seen in suitable habitats. - Uncommon. Present, not certain to be seen. - Occasional. Seen few times during a season. - Rare. Seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years. - Accidental. Fewer than 3 records; vagrants outside their usual range. Confirmed nester. Occasional nester. Italicized bird names indicate threatened or endangered species. Sp Ducks, Geese and Swans ___Fulvous Whistling-Duck ___Greater White-fronted Goose ___Snow Goose (white morph) ___Snow Goose (blue morph) ___Ross’s Goose ___Brant ___Cackling Goose ___Canada Goose ___Trumpeter Swan ___Tundra Swan ___Wood Duck ___*Gadwall ___Eurasian Wigeon ___American Wigeon ___Mallard ___Northern Mallard ___Mexican Duck ___Blue-winged Teal ___Cinnamon Teal ___Northern Shoveler ___Northern Pintail ___Green-winged Teal ___Canvasback ___*Redhead ___Ring-necked Duck ___Greater Scaup ___Lesser Scaup ___White-winged Scoter ___Long-tailed Duck ___Bufflehead ___Common Goldeneye ___Barrow’s Goldeneye ___Hooded Merganser ___Common Merganser ___Red-breasted Merganser ___*Ruddy Duck New World Quail ___*Gambel’s Quail Loons ___Red-throated Loon ___Pacific Loon ___Common Loon Grebes ___*Pied-billed Grebe ___Horned Grebe ___Red-necked Grebe ___Eared Grebe ___*Western Grebe ___*Clark’s Grebe S R O X U X R O U X U C C U C O C O O C U R C R O O U U R O R O R F W U C O O X O C O O O C O C O O C O O C X C C C C C C X U A C A C U C C R C R C U R O U U C R R O U U U C U O C C A U U C R U R X C U R U U R C A A A A R U X X R R U R U C R X C C C O R O C U C R C C R C C C O C C C C C Sp Storm-Petrels ___Black Storm-Petrel ___Least Storm-Petrel Boobies ___Blue-footed Booby ___Brown Booby Cormorants ___Neotropic Cormorant ___*Double-crested Cormorant Pelicans ___American White Pelican ___Brown Pelican Herons, Bitterns and Allies ___American Bittern ___*Least Bittern ___*Great Blue Heron ___*Great Egret ___*Snowy Egret ___Tricolored Heron ___Cattle Egret ___*Green Heron ___*Black-crowned Night-Heron Ibises and Spoonbills ___White-faced Ibis ___Roseate Spoonbill Vultures ___Turkey Vulture Hawks, Kites, Eagles and Allies ___Osprey ___White-tailed Kite ___Mississippi Kite ___**Bald Eagle ___Northern Harrier ___Sharp-shinned Hawk ___*Cooper’s Hawk ___Northern Goshawk ___Red-shouldered Hawk ___Swainson’s Hawk ___Zone-tailed Hawk ___*Red-tailed Hawk ___Ferruginous Hawk ___Rough–legged Hawk ___Golden Eagle Falcons ___*American Kestrel ___Merlin ___Peregrine Falcon ___Prairie Falcon Rails, Gallinules and Coots ___Black Rail ___*Yuma Clapper Rail ___*Virginia Rail S F W X X X X X A C X A R A C O X C X U O C C C C R R U C O U C C C O C C C C X R U U R C C U U C X U C C C O O R R U U R O C U C X R U C C C C X O U U U X R R C X C C C C X R X R R C R O U R O O O C X R U C U R R R C O R R C O R R U U U O U U O U U O U U Rails, Gallinules and Coots (continued) ___Sora ___*Common Gallinule ___*American Coot Cranes ___Sandhill Crane Plovers ___Black-bellied Plover ___Snowy Plover ___Semipalmated Plover ___*Killdeer ___Mountain Plover Stilts and Avocets ___Black-necked Stilt ___American Avocet Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Allies ___Spotted Sandpiper ___Solitary Sandpiper ___Greater Yellowlegs ___Willet ___Lesser Yellowlegs ___Whimbrel ___Long-billed Curlew ___Marbled Godwit ___Ruddy Turnstone ___Red Knot ___Sanderling ___Semipalmated Sandpiper ___Western Sandpiper ___Least Sandpiper ___Baird’s Sandpiper ___Pectoral Sandpiper ___Dunlin ___Short-billed Dowitcher ___Long-billed Dowitcher ___Wilson’s Snipe ___Wilson’s Phalarope ___Red-necked Phalarope ___Red Phalarope Gulls, Terns and Skimmers ___Sabine’s Gull ___Bonaparte’s Gull ___Little Gull ___Laughing Gull ___Franklin’s Gull ___Ring-billed Gull ___California Gull ___Herring Gull ___Least Tern ___Caspian Tern Sp S F W C C C O C C C C A U U A O O O O U C O C U U O O C C R R C R U O U R U O X U U U O O C U C O O R U C U R U U R X U U U U R O U O X O O R R C U R X O O U C X R X C C U O O R C U C U R C U R C R U U R R X U C U U R X U R C U R C O R U U R Gulls, Terns and Skimmers (continued) ___Black Tern ___Common Tern ___Forster’s Tern Jaegers ___Pomarine Jaeger ___Parasitic Jaeger ___Long-tailed Jaeger Pigeons and Doves ____Eurasian Collared-Dove ___*White-winged Dove ___*Mourning Dove ___**Inca Dove ___Common Ground-Dove Cuckoos and Roadrunners ___**Yellow-billed Cuckoo ___*Greater Roadrunner Barn Owls ___*Barn Owl Typical Owls ___*Western Screech-Owl ___*Great Horned Owl ___**Elf Owl ___*Burrowing Owl ___*Long-eared Owl ___Short-eared Owl Goatsuckers ___*Lesser Nighthawk ___Common Nighthawk ___*Common Poorwill Swifts ___Vaux’s Swift ___White-throated Swift Hummingbirds ___*Black-chinned Hummingbird ___*Anna’s Hummingbird ___*Costa’s Hummingbird ____Calliope Hummingbird ___Rufous Hummingbird Kingfishers ___Belted Kingfisher ___Green Kingfisher Woodpeckers ___Lewis’s Woodpecker ___*Gila Woodpecker ___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ___Red-naped Sapsucker ___Red-breasted Sapsucker ___*Ladder-backed Woodpecker ___Northern Flicker ___“Red-shafted” ___“Yellow-shafted” Sp S F W U O U U U C C U U R X R X U C C R R U C A R R U U C R R U C U C C C O O O O U C R U R U C R U U C U C U U R X C U C X U U O U U O U C C C C C O O X U X X U X O X C U U R R C C X O U C U C C X U X U X U X U X U C C C C R C R Sp Tyrant Flycatchers ___Olive-sided Flycatcher ___Greater Pewee ___Western Wood-Pewee ___*Willow Flycatcher ___Hammond’s Flycatcher ___Gray Flycatcher ___Dusky Flycatcher ___Pacific-slope Flycatcher ___**Black Phoebe ___Eastern Phoebe ___*Say’s Phoebe ___**Vermilion Flycatcher ___Dusky-capped Flycatcher ___*Ash-throated Flycatcher ___*Brown-crested Flycatcher ___**Tropical Kingbird ___Cassin’s Kingbird ___*Western Kingbird ___Eastern Kingbird Shrikes ___*Loggerhead Shrike ___Northern Shrike Vireos ___White-eyed Vireo ___*Bell’s Vireo ___Gray Vireo ___Plumbeous Vireo ___Cassin’s Vireo ___Warbling Vireo Crows and Jays ___Pinyon Jay ___Steller’s Jay ___Western Scrub-Jay ___Clark’s Nutcracker ___American Crow ___*Common Raven Larks ___Horned Lark Swallows ___Purple Martin ___Tree Swallow ___Violet-green Swallow ___*No. Rough-winged Swallow ___Bank Swallow ___*Cliff Swallow ___Barn Swallow Verdins ___*Verdin S O O C U C O R C C U U C O U O C U C U X X C F U O C X C U O O R C C R C O O X X U W X R O R C R C U X R X C C C U X O U C U X U O U U C C C X R O X R C U U U R A C C O C U U U C O C R R A U C O O C X C C C C R R C X X R R R O R C U A O O Sp Bushtits ___Bushtit Nuthatches ___Red-breasted Nuthatch ___White-breasted Nuthatch Creeper ___Brown Creeper Wrens ___*Cactus Wren ___*Rock Wren ___*Canyon Wren ___*Bewick’s Wren ___House Wren ___Pacific Wren ___*Marsh Wren Gnatcatchers ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ___*Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Kinglets ___Golden-crowned Kinglet ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet Thrushes ___Western Bluebird ___Mountain Bluebird ___Townsend’s Solitaire ___Swainson’s Thrush ___Hermit Thrush ___Rufous-backed Robin ___American Robin ___Varied Thrush Mockingbirds and Thrashers ___*Northern Mockingbird ___Sage Thrasher ___Bendire’s Thrasher ___Curve-billed Thrasher ___*Crissal Thrasher Starlings ___*European Starling Pipits ___American Pipit ___Sprague’s Pipit Waxwings ___Bohemian Waxwing ___Cedar Waxwing Silky-flycatchers ___*Phainopepla Longspurs ___Chestnut–collared Longspur S R F W R R R X R U U C U U O C U C U O C U C U C C U C O C U C C C C O C C U C U C R C R A O O O O O O U U X O R C O O U O C U R X C C O R C R X C C U R X C C O U C C C X C X U C R X X R O C O U C R Sp Wood-Warblers ___Northern Waterthrush ___Black-and-white Warbler ___Orange-crowned Warbler ___*Lucy’s Warbler ___Nashville Warbler ___Virginia’s Warbler ___MacGillivray’s Warbler ___*Common Yellowthroat ___American Redstart ___Northern Parula ___Magnolia Warbler ___*Yellow Warbler ___Blackpoll Warbler ___Yellow-rumped Warbler ___“Myrtle” ___“Audubon’s” ___Black-throated Gray Warbler ___Townsend’s Warbler ___Hermit Warbler ___Wilson’s Warbler ___*Yellow-breasted Chat Towhees, Sparrows, and Allies ___Green-tailed Towhee ___Spotted Towhee ___*Abert’s Towhee ___Cassin’s Sparrow ___Chipping Sparrow ___Clay-colored Sparrow ___Brewer’s Sparrow ___Black-chinned Sparrow ___Vesper Sparrow ___Lark Sparrow ___*Black-throated Sparrow ___Sage Sparrow ___Lark Bunting ___Savannah Sparrow ___Grasshopper Sparrow ___LeConte’s Sparrow ___Fox Sparrow ___*Song Sparrow ___Lincoln’s Sparrow ___Swamp Sparrow ___White-throated Sparrow ___Harris’s Sparrow ___White-crowned Sparrow ___Golden-crowned Sparrow ___Dark-eyed Junco ___“Oregon” ___“Slate-colored” ___“Gray-headed” R C C U R C C R X C X U C U U U C C S F W X X R C R C C O U R C C R X X C O A C U C U U O C U U U C X U X C U O C X C U O C C U O C X U O C O C U O C U R C R C C R X R C C O C U R X R U C U O C C C X C R C R R C C O R X A O O U O R U R R C Tanagers ___*Summer Tanager ___Western Tanager Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings ___Rose–breasted Grosbeak ___Black-headed Grosbeak ___*Blue Grosbeak ___Lazuli Bunting ___*Indigo Bunting ___Dickcissel Blackbirds ___Bobolink ___*Red-winged Blackbird ___Western Meadowlark ___*Yellow-headed Blackbird ___Rusty Blackbird ___Brewer’s Blackbird ___*Great-tailed Grackle ___*Brown-headed Cowbird ___Orchard Oriole ___*Hooded Oriole ___*Bullock’s Oriole ___Baltimore Oriole Finches and Allies ___Purple Finch ___*House Finch ___Pine Siskin ___*Lesser Goldfinch ___Lawrence’s Goldfinch ___American Goldfinch ___Evening Grosbeak Old World Sparrows ___*House Sparrow Sp S F C C C U C U R C C U O R U C C U U A U C U C C C C O C C C C O U R O C U C O U O X A C C C C O X O U X W X X C C X C U R U X C O U O O R X C O U O O U U U Costa’s hummingbird. © John West Havasu National Wildlife Refuge 317 Mesquite Avenue Needles, California 92363 760/326-3853 760/326-5745 Fax Visit us on our social media websites U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service www.fws.gov/southwest/ For Refuge Information 1 800/344-9453 (WILD) For relay service, please dial 711 Loggerhead shrike © John West February 2012

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