
Boating and Fishing

brochure Cibola - Boating and Fishing

Boating and Fishing at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Arizona. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

LD Boating and Fishing U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Cibola National Wildlife Refuge Cibola National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1964 as mitigation for the loss of fish and wildlife habitat due to dam construction and channelization of the Lower Colorado River. Cibola National Wildlife Refuge is working to restore and conserve historic fish and wildlife habitat and provide opportunities for compatible wildlifeoriented recreational activities. Fishing and boating are permitted in designated areas during specific times of the year subject to the regulations provided in this brochure, the Refuge’s general brochure, and Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and state fishing regulations. Individuals utilizing the Refuge are subject to inspection of permits, licenses, fishing equipment, bag and creel, vehicles and boats (and their content) by refuge officers. To ensure your safety and enjoyment while visiting Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, please take time to become familiar with the following regulations. General Regulations Fishing and boating regulations are designed to protect fish and wildlife populations while allowing use of a renewable natural resources. The regulations below supplement the general regulations governing public use of national wildlife refuges as set forth in 50 CFR. Fishing and boating are permitted in the following areas in accordance with all applicable Federal and State fishing and boating laws and regulations unless otherwise specified in this brochure. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on national wildlife refuges must comply with all provisions of federal, state, and local law Cibola Lake Fishing and boating area permitted in Cibola Lake from one-half hour before sunrise March 15 through Labor Day. Cibola Lake is a no wake zone and only electric trolling motor or manually powered vessels may be used. Main Channel of the Colorado River Fishing and boating are permitted year-round, except that fishing from the east shore south of the tie-back levee is prohibited from the day after Labor Day until 6:00 a.m. MST March 15. Hart Mine Marsh/Arnett Ditch Fishing and boating are permitted from one half hour before sunrise MST March 15 through Labor day. The rest of the year, fishing and boating are permitted 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. MST. Some areas are walk-in access only. Hart Mine Marsh is a no wake zone. High Levee Pond Fishing and boating are prohibited yearround. Old Colorado River Channel and Palo Verde Outfall Drain Fishing and boating are permitted yearround. The old Colorado River channel and Palo Verde outfall drain are no wake zone. Pretty Water Fishing and boating are permitted yearround, except that all entry (including fishing and boating) is prohibited from 3:00 p.m.–4:30 a.m. MST during waterfowl season. Pretty Water is a no wake zone. Three Fingers Lake Fishing and boating are permitted yearround. Three Fingers Lake is a No Wake zone and only electric trolling motor or manually powered vessels may be used. Water Skiing Waterskiing and general boating are permitted on the Main Channel of the Colorado River. All other waters on Cibola National Wildlife Refuge are no wake zone. Motor Vehicles All operators and vehicles must be licensed, registered, and insured for highway use to be operated on refuge roads. Motor vehicle traffic is limited to designated roads and parking areas (see map). The refuge-wide speed limit is 25 mph. Other State and local traffic laws apply. Watercraft can only be launched at designated boat ramps. Prohibited Activities The following activities are prohibited at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge: Littering, Camping, Fires, Taking of wildlife or plants (including cutting trees or brush) unless specified in this or the refuge’s hunting brochure or the state hunting and fishing regulations, Digging up bait, Searching for, damaging, or removing rocks, minerals, or objects of antiquity, Overnight mooring of any watercraft and mooring of any watercraft to vegetation, Fishing by means other than a pole, Fishing or boating in waters not listed in this brochure. For Additional Information Cibola National Wildlife Refuge 66600 Cibola Lake Road Route 2, Box 1 Cibola, AZ 85328 928/857-3253 928/857-3420 Fax December 2017 Ca 5 ay 9 hw Hig n Auto Tour Refuge Headquarters C A N 78 q Cibola Road ai Dr Colorado River d to Nature Trail a ll To I - 8 To Interstate 10 Farm Unit 1 u tf tO 54 Miles Baseline Road ric 78 Bridge Refuge Access Point o Colorad Cibola NWR La Pa na izo Ar a rni lifo Ca is t Palo Verde Irrigation D Palo Verde z Co. Oxbow Lake Colorado River Rive r Neighbour's Blvd. La P Ar az C izo o na . Ripley Riverside Co. Imperial Co. Farmer’s Bridge (Refuge Access) 78 Roa ia rn o lif ola 78 Cib 10 Palo Verde Neighbours Blvd. Riverside County Imperial County Blythe or ni a r a Unit 1 - South lif P W rett at y er Ca l i N z i o f Arizona Farm Unit 2 Farm Unit 3 er Riv n Mitchells Camp Island Road a Old r 78 n o Bridge Island Unit Cha i nne a l L a Pa z Co. Impe rial C o. Hart Mine Marsh Three Fingers Lake Tie-back Levee N N Walter's Camp N Cibola Lake N Legend Marsh State Boundary Refuge Boundary Paved Road Unimproved Road Levee Roads General Hunting Area Closed to Hunting Cibola Lake Overlook N SCALE SCALE 0 .5 0 0.5 1 1 2 0 3 3 4 MILES KILOMETERS Wi BLM lde rne ss

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