"Duncan Lake and Sturgeon River" by Lisa , public domain


Ayakulik River

brochure Kodiak - Ayakulik River

Ayakulik River in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Alaska. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Ayakulik River Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge The Ayakulik River is one of Kodiak Island’s two popular remote Chinook salmon sport fisheries. In recent years the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (responsible for managing the sport fishery) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (responsible for managing Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge) have heard public concerns over visitor satisfaction during this fishery, which have included issues such as prime fishing holes being monopolized by visitor camps, large groups staying for extended periods of time, garbage being left or buried along the river, and general overcrowding. In response to these concerns, during 2003 and 2004 both agencies, along the local Fish and Game Advisory Committee and other stakeholders, conducted a public process to determine what type of fishing experience visitors wanted and how these preferences could be accommodated. As a part of this process the advisory committee appointed a stake holder group charged with developing recommendations for implementation of a future management policy reflecting the interests of users. In order to survey visitor preferences and opinions and also document current visitation levels, during both years the agencies initiated a visitor census which was conducted between June 1 and July 7. Also during this time, the Fish and Wildlife Service established a series of voluntary camping closure zones to alleviate congestion around 7 popular fishing sites, including 2 areas frequented by brown bears. Results of the two year census indicated that presently overall visitor satisfaction during the fishery is high and that continuation of the voluntary camp closures is paramount to maintaining a high visitor satisfaction level. At this time the stakeholder workgroup remains active to periodically review updated information on social aspects of the fishery collected by the agencies, and during the future will consider any recommendations for regulating certain aspects of visitor use. As you leave the fishery this year, you may be asked to rate your experience in terms of your satisfaction level vs. pre-trip expectations. You will also have the opportunity to provide your ideas on future management policy. What you and other visitors say will be summarized and presented to the work group, which will use the summary as the basis for their recommendations. 4.) Pack It In – Pack It Out! 1.) To maintain visitor satisfaction levels, the agencies and work group agreed on the following measures for the 2006 fishery season: 1.) Voluntary camping closures around 7 popular fishing holes, including 2 areas frequented by brown bears are mapped on the reverse side of this brochure. Area closures will be posted at the up- and down-stream limits. All camping and fishing sites must be maintained in a neat and sanitary manner. All items transported to the Ayakulik River must be removed when you leave, including equipment, food and all garbage (burying garbage is prohibited). Leaving your trash behind is considered littering and you will be cited. Trash burning is allowed, but not recommended. The wet climate and lack of firewood make burning incomplete. Pick through the ashes for unburned metals, foil and plastic then pack these out on the plane. 2.) Also shown is the ADF&G weir, which has a boat gate for passage, and a marked 17b easement which allows camping, loading, and unloading (limited to a 24-hour stay) near the mouth of the river. Toilet paper is trash too. Pack it out or burn it when not using latrines. When at Bare Creek, use latrines provided by Kodiak Refuge. 3.) Store food and garbage in bear proof containers available from the Kodiak Refuge on a first come first serve basis. Aircraft pickups in the lagoon are made from this spot when conditions allow. Conditions are poor this year. 4.) Dispose of fish offal in the river in riffles, at the downstream end of pools and away from camps. 5.) Electric fences to protect food and personal property are helpful in deterring bears and foxes. 6.) To avoid bear problems or unintentional waste, we recommend you not retain fish until the last day of your departure. Never stake a live or cleaned fish in the river by your camp. 2.) During the peak of the king salmon fishery, June 1 – June 30, ADF&G and Kodiak Refuge recommend keeping your group size to 6 or fewer and your stay to 7 days or less. 3.) A survey of visitors exiting the fishery at Ayakulik Lagoon will be conducted by ADF&G to evaluate satisfaction levels and provide an opportunity for input on implementation of any future management measures. Visitor Guidelines: 1.) Disturbance of archaeological and historical sites is prohibited (16 USC 470aa) and is punishable by fines up to $100,000 and a year in jail. 2.) Monopolizing fishing areas is discouraged. 3.) Discharge of firearms is valid only for hunting or for defense of life or property. State of Alaska defense of life or property provisions (5AAC 92.410) must be followed when dealing with nuisance or threatening bears. For sportfishing and hunting regulations and the brochure “Bear Facts,” please contact: Alaska Department of Fish and Game 211 Mission Road, Kodiak, Alaska, 99615 tel. 907-486-1880 Email: doris_mesnch@fishgame.state.ak.us For Refuge information and “Leave No Trace” brochures, please contact: Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge 1390 Buskin River Road, Kodiak, Alaska, 99615 907-487-2600 (toll free, 888-408-3514) Email: Lecita_Monzon@fws.gov T33S T34S Lower Ayakulik River Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge & Vicinity Refuge Boundary 05 03 02 Private Land 04 w Fishing Hole r Electric Fence - temporary food & garbage storage Bear concentration area ( Fishing hole09 10 0 2 0.5 17 1 1.5 16 11 12 2.5 Miles 15 14 R33W R32W Voluntary Camping Closures 08 Red06 River 01 13 21 Gulf of Alaska 22 li u k ya A Oval Ê Mtn Ú 28 17b Site å Easement 27 # 33 r e v i kR 23 ADF&G Weir w w w # Bird Island 34 # 07 Bare Creek Ba w # w Lower Upper # w Guide Guide Catfish Area Area Oxbow 26 25 (Horseshoe) 19 # 08 09 re w w 04 #r # 24 w 05 USFWS ; camp 18 Mt. Ú Ê Myrtle 20 Red Lake River w w 17Cre ek 16 Guide 20 21 29 28 Swallow 30 Location of Map nd la s I k ia d Ko N W E S

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