ChugachGold Panning in the Chugach Valley |
A Guide to recreational goldpanning on the Kenai Peninsula, Chugach National Forest, Alaska. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).
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A Guide to recreational goldpanning
on the Kenai Peninsula, Chugach National Forest, Alaska
A guide to recreational gold panning on the Kenai Peninsula,
Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Written by
Carol Huber
Chugach National Forest, Anchorage, Alaska
Joseph Kurtak
Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage, Alaska
Technical assistance by
Nathan Rathbun
Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage, Alaska
(formerly with the U.S. Bureau of Mines)
Graphic design and editing by
David L. Allen & Charles Lindemuth
Chugach National Forest, Anchorage, Alaska
Graphic art by
Kathy Sarns
Chugach National Forest, Anchorage, Alaska
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Gold – Significance and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kenai Peninsula Mining – a History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mining Right & Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Geology of the Northern Kenai Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Equipment you will need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
For your safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Where to look for gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
How to pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Kenai Peninsula gold panning areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
map1: Panning sites on the Kenai Peninsula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Bertha Creek panning area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
map 2: Bertha Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Six Mile Creek panning area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
map 3: Sixmile Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Resurrection Creek panning area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
map 4: Resurrection Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Crescent Creek panning area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
map 5: Crescent Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How much gold have you found? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
A glossary of mining terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Further Reading… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
More Information… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Striking it rich! Finding the mother lode! ‘Tis the stuff of miners’
dreams. Unlike professional gold seekers, recreational gold panners benefit mostly from the adventure. The entire family can share
in the fun of prospecting and gold panning.
In this booklet, we explain basic gold panning techniques, how to
find gold, discuss mining rights and guidelines, and identify areas
available for recreational panning on the Chugach National Forest
portion of Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula.
Recreational gold panning on lands withdrawn from mineral entry
is not a mining activity—it is a privilege. Be aware that panning,
sluicing, and suction dredging can adversely affect water quality,
thereby impacting vegetation, fish, wildlife, and ultimately people.
During the process of separating soil from minerals, silt may be
washed into streams, creating turbid water. Fish, fish eggs, and the
aquatic insects have difficulty living in heavily silted water because
of its reduced oxygen supply.
Avoid washing soil and vegetation into streams, and do not dig in
stream banks. This increases silt in the stream and is also dangerous. Many banks are unstable and can slide without warning.
To reduce silt, dig only in active stream gravels. Return rocks or
boulders moved during your efforts to their original positions.
Aquatic insects, an important food source for salmon, often make
their homes under these rocks. A little care will help ensure a
healthy water ecosystem for both miners and anglers.
Good luck and good prospecting!
Gold – Significance and Use
The brightness and ornamental beauty of gold have fascinated humans for at least 5,500 years and still does. This most noble metal
takes its name from the Germanic “gulth,” meaning glowing or
shining metal. Gold is also a “precious metal” - this means that it is
rare with high economic value. In fact, it has often established the
standard by which wealth is measured.
Gold is sometimes found free in nature but it is generally found
in conjunction with silver. It is usually alloyed with other metals, such as silver, copper, platinum or palladium, to increase its
strength. Gold alloys are used to make jewelry, decorative items,
dental fillings and coins.
Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity and doesn’t tarnish
when it is exposed air, so it can be used to make electrical connectors and printed circuit boards. Gold is also a good reflector of
infrared radiation and can be used to help shield spacecraft and
skyscrapers from the sun’s heat. Gold coated mirrors can be used
to make telescopes that are sensitive to infrared light.
Gold is the most malleable and ductile (can be drawn into a very
thin wire) of all known metals. A single ounce of gold can be
beaten into a sheet measuring roughly 5 meters on a side.
Pure gold is soft. On a scale of 1 to 10, it has an average hardness
of 2.8; diamond is 10. Gold alloyed with other metals becomes
Gold has a specific gravity of 19.3, meaning it is more than 19
times heavier than an equal volume of water. This property is very
useful in the recovery of placer gold.
Gold has a rich yellow color or “kindly” appearance, turning paler
as its silver content increases. Gold is relatively easy to identify
when you know its properties, but novices can confuse it with
minerals such as pyrite and mica. Both can occur with gold. Pyrite,
or “fool’s gold,” is brassy light yellow, and brittle. Mica is light
yellow to bronzy, light weight, and has a platy appearance.
Sluice box operation on Lynx Creek in 1904. Goldbearing gravel from the stream cut on the right of
the photo was shoveled into the sluice box.
U.S. Geological Survey photo
Hydraulic mining on Juneau Creek in 1904. Note
hand-stacked boulders and
precarious wheel-barrow
U.S. Geological Survey photo
Kenai Peninsula Mining – a History
Crew members from the St. Peter, a Russian vessel commanded
by Vitus Bering, were the first Europeans to set foot in Russian
America (Alaska) in 1741. But it was not until 1848 that the Russians mounted an expedition solely to search for precious metals in
In 1848, Peter Doroshin, a Russian mining engineer, was sent by
the Russian-America Co. to prospect for precious metals on the
Kenai Peninsula. He found only a few ounces of placer gold in the
upper Kenai River (Figure 6) and his mining venture was abandoned. Doroshin was convinced, however, that large placer gold
deposits were present in the Kenai Mountains. Thirty-eight years
later, his hunch was proven correct.
In the late 1880s, after two seasons of prospecting along Turnagain
Arm, a miner named King was rewarded with four pokes of gold.
Looking for King’s discovery, other prospectors found gold on
Resurrection Creek and nearby streams in 1894.
As word spread of these discoveries, prospectors began to trickle
into the region. In 1895, claims were staked on Mills and Sixmile
Creeks and gold was discovered near Girdwood.
By 1896, a full-fledged gold rush was on! The first arrivals were
seasoned miners from the American west and Canada. Late comers tended to be inexperienced miners with grand dreams of easy
riches. Thousands of prospectors arrived in Cook Inlet during this
period to seek their fortunes. News of the district’s richness became exaggerated over time dooming many stampeders to bitter
A record amount of gold was produced in 1897. A second shortlived rush occurred in 1898—mainly due to an overflow of miners
from the Yukon gold rush in Canada.
Mining was simple—liberal use of a pick and shovel and a strong
back. Miners shoveled gold-bearing stream gravels into sluices
(long narrow wooden boxes through which water was run). Slats
lying crosswise in the bottom of the boxes caught the gold, and let
the gravel waste (tailings) wash through. Rich, shallow deposits
were soon worked out (Figure 1).
Later, hydraulicking was used (Figure 2). A high pressure water jet
broke up the gravels, which in turn were washed through a sluice
box. Large amounts of gravel could be processed in a shorter time,
allowing lower grade gravels to be mined at a profit. To get enough
water at the pressure needed, miners dug long ditches on hillsides
above their operations to collect water and funnel it down to the
mining area. One of these ditches stands out as a conspicuously
straight strip of alder brush on the mountainside east of Canyon
Creek. It can be seen from a pullout on the east side of the Seward
Highway, 3 miles south of the Hope Road junction. An interpretive
site at the pullout describes the mining history of the area.
In some streams, miners noticed milky-white quartz boulders with
small specks of gold in them. Curious prospectors, looking for the
source, discovered gold-rich quartz veins on Palmer, Bear, and
Sawmill Creeks in 1898.
Settlements at Hope and Sunrise sprang up along the shores of
Turnagain Arm. Both mining communities served as supply and
entertainment sources for thousands of people. Sunrise all but disappeared after nearby mining played out and fire destroyed much
of the town. Placer mining on nearby Resurrection Creek and lode
deposits in Palmer Creek kept Hope going. By 1931, only about
20 men were actively engaged in placer mining on local creeks.
Today, scant evidence exists of Sunrise, but Hope survives.
Almost 100 years of mining in the northern Kenai Peninsula has
produced about 133,800 oz. of placer gold. Hard rock mines produced an additional 30,000 oz. Suction dredging and sluicing are
currently the most common mining methods.
Mining Right & Guidelines
Here are a few simple rules and guidelines that all recreational gold
panners must know.
• Recreational gold panning on the Chugach National Forest consists of use of hand tools, panning, sluicing, and suction dredging with a 4-inch or smaller intake hose.
• Follow all national forest rules such as camping limits, discharge of firearms, use of trails, etc. These regulations are found
in Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), with general
prohibitions in part 261. Copies are available on the internet
and at Chugach National Forest offices in Anchorage, Girdwood,
Seward, and Moos Pass. Regulations may or may not be posted.
• Gold pans and hand tools-fed sluice boxes are allowed yearround in streams listed in this booklet. Four-inch or smaller suction dredges are allowed in salmon streams from May 15 to July
15 but only with a permit from the Alaska Department of Fish
and Game. The permit is free.
• No hydraulic mining or use of earth moving equipment is allowed.
• Work only the active stream channel or unvegetated gravel bars.
Do not dig in stream banks!
• You are not allowed to build structures, cut trees or dig up archaeological, historical, or paleontological objects, nor are you
allowed to obstruct others in their recreational pursuits.
Mining law and mining claims. The 1872 Mining Law allows a
person to locate a mining claim on federal land and to mine that
claim. However, when certain lands are withdrawn from mineral entry, no claims can be located there (although there may be
preexisting claims). The four designated areas in this publication
are withdrawn from mineral entry and have no mining claims. Any
other federal lands in the Chugach National Forest not covered by
claims are available for recreational panning. Remote areas are less
likely to have mining claims. As a recreational panner, you do not
operate under the Mining Law.
You can hike, fish, hunt, and recreate on a federal mining claim,
but you must respect the claimant’s equipment and operations. The
claim owner has an exclusive right to mine his/her claim. You must
have permission from the claimant to pan on his/her claim.
If you wish to file a claim, or want to know the location, owners,
and status of legal claims, do the following:
• Establish the area in which you are interested. (U.S. Bureau of
Mines and U.S. Geological Survey publications identify goldbearing streams.)
• Locate the area on a topographic map, and determine section,
township, and range.
• With this information, check with the Bureau of Land Management which keeps current records for all mining claims on federal lands (see More information section).
• Mark claim locations on your topographic map, and go out and
look for markers in the field.
A placer mining claim is normally 20 acres, generally measuring
660 by 1,320 feet. The long direction of the claim is usually oriented parallel to the stream. Be aware that claims may exist with
no visible markers. If there is an error in the location description,
the marker on the ground rules.
Geology of the Northern Kenai Peninsula
The rocky peaks of the Kenai Mountains have their origin in sands
and muds deposited on the seafloor about 65 million years ago.
They created large submarine alluvial fans streaming into the sea at
the then western edge of the North American continent, piling up
to form sedimentary deposits at least a mile thick.
The tremendous weight of this great thickness of sediment generated high internal pressures and temperatures which baked the muck
to form siltstone and sandstone. Later hot silica-rich fluids, coming
from depth, penetrated these rocks along faults and fractures. Upon
cooling the fluids crystallized to form milky white quartz veins.
If conditions were right, the hot fluids may have contained gold
and silver which became frozen in the veins during crystallization, forming lode deposits. Excellent examples of quartz veins are
exposed along the Seward Highway, 2.7 miles north of the westside rest area in Turnagain Pass. Subsequent weathering of the
veins released the gold to mix with stream gravels. Due to its high
specific gravity, the gold was concentrated by the action of water to
form placer deposits.
Beginning about 2 million years ago, climatic cooling and heavy
precipitation resulted in the formation of large glaciers on the Kenai Peninsula. Like giant bulldozers, the advancing glaciers pushed
gravel ahead of them, dispersing the placer gold. A warming trend,
beginning about 12,000 years ago, caused the glaciers to retreat,
leaving behind gravel-filled U-shaped valleys. Knolls and ridges
in the Turnagain Pass area are composed of gravels left behind by
glaciers that filled the valley to a depth of at least 2,000 feet.
Braided stream channels from the melting glaciers reworked the
gravels concentrating the dispersed placer gold. Rapid down cutting by streams during the mountain building process left deposits
behind as bench placers, perched above the present valley floors.
This down cutting concentrated the gold further, forming gulch
placers in the stream bottoms. Most of the gold on the Kenai Peninsula has been produced from placer deposits along Crow, Canyon, Resurrection, Lynx, Bear, Mills, Gulch, and Sixmile Creeks.
Equipment you will need
The basic equipment is quite simple and requires only a minimum
investment. A gold pan is most important. Metal pans were used
by early prospectors; modern versions are plastic with built-in
riffles. In a pinch, frying pans and even hub caps will work. New
metal pans generally come with a coating of grease and should be
cleaned thoroughly by heating over an open fire. The pan will rust,
but some rust is beneficial for collecting fine gold.
Suggested equipment.
• gold pan (plastic with riffles or metal); 14” size is best.
• shovel to loosen gravel from creek bottom.
• grizzly pan with 1⁄2–inch holes in bottom; this pan helps separate coarse gravel, speeding up the panning process.
• magnifying lens (at least 10X power) to identify minerals.
• sluice box, approximately 3 feet long; (construct or obtain commercially; aluminum version is available.)
• tweezers for picking up gold; a dry finger will also work.
• small magnet for separating out magnetic black sands.
• small glass vials to hold gold.
• rubber gloves to protect hands from cold water.
• rubber boots to keep feet dry while wading in creeks.
• Most of these items are available at local miners’ and prospectors’ supply houses, sporting goods stores, and some hardware
For your safety
The Chugach National Forest is one of the most diverse and beautiful of the nation’s 155 national forests. Its spectacular mountains,
marine shorelines, wetlands, and wildlife lure visitors from around
the world.
A place as wild as the Chugach has its dangers, however. A little
knowledge and good judgment can help ensure a safe outdoor
Here are a few tips.
• The Kenai Peninsula is home to brown and
black bears. They have roamed here for thousands of years. They are wild animals and can
be very dangerous. You will be panning in the
stream channel, home of a bear’s favorite dinner—salmon. Stay alert and avoid bears whenever possible. Get a copy of Bear Facts from the
Forest Service for more information.
• We also have some of the world’s largest
moose. Although they are herbivores, they can
still be dangerous— any critter that weighs
1,000 pounds can be dangerous. Moose get
especially cranky if they feel their young are in
danger. Watch them from a distance.
• The water up here is cold and you can expect to
get wet—after all, the gold is in the water. Wear
insulated waterproof boots and gloves. Wool
clothing can keep you warm even when wet.
Bring extra clothing and dress in layers.
• Mine only in the active stream channel—not
along the shore or in cut banks. Undercutting
stream banks and trees is an extremely dangerous activity. These banks tend to be very unstable. Heavy boulders and trees can fall on you
if the bank should collapse.
Where to look for gold
Water is the primary agent in the formation of most placer deposits.
Moving water can transport large amounts of material, from fine
silt to large boulders, especially during runoff periods. When freed
from the rock by weathering, gold is added to stream waters along
with rock debris, and is carried along by the stream. Where streams
meander, go over falls, or are deflected around boulders, a drop in
water velocity occurs, and the gold drops out. Continued agitation
by water causes gold to settle down through the gravel until reaching bedrock or an impermeable clay layer. These concentrations
are called pay streaks.
The best places to find gold exist where turbulence changes to
slower-moving water flow. Check out slower water below rapids
and waterfalls, deep pools, and the downstream side of boulders.
Inside bends of meanders, upstream ends of sand or “point” bars
are good places to pan fine gold, which is renewed yearly during
runoff. Bedrock crevices or pockets acting as natural riffles can
collect gold. Scoop out and pan material from these spots. Spring,
early summer, and just before freeze up in the fall are good times
of the year for panning. Water is low and gold-bearing gravel is
exposed. To minimize resource damage, confine digging to active,
unvegetated stream gravels.
How to pan
The key to recovering placer gold from gravel is the weight difference between ordinary gravel and gold. This difference allows
gold to move downward (concentrate) when agitated. The simplest
placer mining tool for this purpose is the pan. So grab your gold
pan, grizzly, and shovel, and let’s begin
Shovel gravels into a grizzly positioned over the gold pan.
grizzly pan
gold pan
A grizzly (a pan with holes in the
bottom) is used to separate larger
rocks from the finer material.
Pan cross-section. After the rocks
caught in the grizzly are examined
for gold, they may be discarded.
Agitate the material through the grizzly.
With the pan’s riffles pointed away from you, alternate underwater
dipping and swirling, until the lighter, finer material is washed away and
the heavier material remains in the bottom of the pan.
Check the over-sized material for nuggets, and then toss. Totally
submerge your ½-full pan in water. Panning may be done from a
squatting or sitting position at the stream edge, in gently moving
water, holding the pan between the knees.
Keep pan riffles pointed away from you to catch any gold that
might slip over the lip. Liberal water, agitation, and patience are
required to persuade gold to settle to the bottom of the pan. While
the pan is submerged, break up any clots of dirt and wash any
cobbles that may have clay that can trap placer gold. The clay
has been removed when the water in the pan starts to clear. Pick
pebbles from the pan to get them out of the way. Look for heavy
pieces with unusual color or shape. You might find a gold nugget or
a gold-bearing piece of vein quartz.
Hold the pan level under water and shake it with a sideways or circular motion. The gold will settle to the pan bottom. Occasionally
tilt the pan, to let the sand-sized material wash out.
Dip the pan in and out of the water.
When dark sands (heavy mineral grains) are all that is left (except for
the gold, of course), you are panning correctly. Hopefully, your pan
will look like this when you are finished.
Using a slightly forward motion with the pan tilted, wash lighter
material away. Alternate underwater swirling and dipping until
only a few spoonfuls of heavy minerals remain. When dark, heavy
mineral grains (black sands) are present, the panning is being done
Black sands may be a variety of heavy minerals including magnetite, garnet, scheelite, zircon, cassiterite, and platinum. Precious
and semi-precious stones are uncommon in Kenai Peninsula placers, but keep an eye out for them. If it’s heavy, keep it and seek
identification from a geologist or miner.
Beginners are often impatient to find gold quickly. Take your time.
During the panning motion, black sand and other fines concentrate
in the crease or riffles of the pan. Gold can be separated from black
sands by rolling water in the pan with a combination swirling and
rocking motion. Lighter material moves to one side, gold stays put.
For safety, do the final panning over another container to keep gold
from being lost. Dry the fines. Use a magnet to separate magnetic
grains and tweezers, a knife blade, or a dry finger to pick up small
gold pieces. Save the gold in a water-filled vial.
Examine your gold. Rough, nugget gold is near its source. Gold
that is flat and smooth has traveled some distance from its point
of origin. Flour gold has been flattened to a few microns thickness
and will float on water. Panning is a relatively slow method for
recovering gold. Experienced panners can process about 10 large
pans per hour. A sluice or suction dredge can increase productivity.
Suction dredges
A free EPA permit is required for all suction dredging in Alaska. Also, regulations for suction dredges are imposed on some
streams by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G).
A free ADF&G permit is required to dredge streams that are important for salmon spawning habitat. For information on permits,
contact the EPA and ADF&G. If you first secure an ADF&G
permit, you will not need to apply for an EPA permit.
The Chugach National Forest considers a suction dredge, 4–inch
diameter or less, operated within the active stream channel, a
recreational activity.
Kenai Peninsula gold panning areas
There is still gold “in them thar hills,” and we would like you
to find some of it. We doubt that you will get rich panning gold
recreationally, but you might find some color—and have a great
time doing it. We have selected four sites on the Kenai Peninsula
portion of the Chugach National Forest that we feel would have the
best potential for yielding gold (map 1).
These sites are all within two hour’s driving time from Anchorage via the Seward and Sterling Highways. The following pages
describe the four sites in detail. We hope that our descriptions will
help you find success in your panning endeavors. Good luck.
map1: Panning sites on the Kenai Peninsula
on Cr.
Sixmile Creek
A r m
e Hig ay
lmer Creek
a g
a i
n Cr.
Berth Cr.
a Cr
kane .
rtz C
Sterling Hwy.
gold panning areas
Crescent Lake
national forest trail
on R
cent Cr.
Kenai R
Bertha Creek panning area
An early prospector named this stream after his daughter. Hand
placer and hydraulic mining began in1902 and may have yielded
up to 600 oz. of gold. Most gold came from the alluvial fan below
the canyon.
Bertha Creek crosses the Seward Highway 2.6 miles south of
Turnagain Pass. Lower Bertha Creek lies within a withdrawal that
extends for 1,300 feet on either side of the Seward Highway from
Turnagain Pass south to Petes Creek. Bertha Creek is available for
recreational panning from its junction with Granite Creek upstream to the powerline crossing (map 2). Granite Creek, however,
is closed to recreational mining because of its salmon spawning
The upper portion of Bertha Creek flows through a glacier-carved
valley. Slate bedrock is sporadically exposed for 850 feet along the
creek beginning 150 feet above the Seward Highway Bertha Creek
bridge. A rough trail can be followed up the east side of the creek.
The tan-colored clay layer on bedrock is a good bet for gold that
ranges from flaky to nuggety. Single pans have produced pieces
up to ¼ inch long. The rust-colored quartz float in the stream bed
occasionally contains pyrite cubes and may be the placer gold
source. Another trail which leaves the highway 250 feet north of
the bridge, leads up the northwest side of the creek. At mile 0.2, it
passes a bluff overlooking the site where Bertha Creek exits from
a narrow steep-walled canyon. Good colors can be obtained from
stream gravel and fractured bedrock in this area.
Gold can also be obtained from nearby Spokane, Lyon, and Tincan
creeks (Figure 8); the withdrawal includes the lower portions that
are therefore open to recreational panning. An informal pull-off
where the Seward Highway crosses Spokane Creek provides parking for one or two vehicles. Lyon and Tincan creeks are accessed
from the Turnagain Pass rest area. Parking, camping, and picnic
sites are available at the Bertha Creek Campground. Motorized
vehicles are restricted to established roadways in this area.
map 2: Bertha Creek
Turnagain Pass
2 miles
Be r
MP 65.3
gold panning sites
Granite Creek
mineral withdrawal
to recreat
l mining*
Hope Junction
9.3 miles
dirt/gravel road
Spokane C
Bertha Creek Campground
MP 65.3 milepost Seward Highway
Six Mile Creek panning area
Sixmile Creek was named by early prospectors who determined
Sixmile Creek was named by early prospectors who determined
it to be six miles up Turnagain Arm from Cook Inlet. Gold was
discovered in Sixmile Creek in 1895. Hydraulic mining was attempted in the 1930s and several small suction dredge operations
have gone on in recent years. Up to 2,000 oz. of gold have been
produced from the creek, mainly in the area just below the confluence of Sixmile and Canyon creeks. A withdrawal, bounded by the
east bank of Sixmile Creek and a line 200 ft. west of the center line
of the Hope Road, is available for recreational panning—0.7 miles
to 5 miles north of the Hope Junction (map 3).
Sixmile Creek flows through a broad glacial valley with numerous
gravel bars and some bedrock exposures. At mile 2.4 on the Hope
Road, park at the pullout on the east side and follow a steep trail
down the road embankment to Sixmile Creek (Figure 9). Gravel
bars along this stretch of creek contain flat flour gold and occasional small flakes. Pans have produced 15–20 fine colors of flat,
well-worn gold. The south end of the gravel bar nearest the road
is best, especially on the downstream side of larger rocks. Panning
gravel on bedrock located downstream from the bar can also produce gold. A rough trail leading from the north end of the parking
lot will reach these sites that are best accessed during low water.
Rusty-colored quartz float along the creek sometimes contains
pyrite (fool’s gold).
Suction dredges (4-inch or smaller) are only allowed from May 15
to July 15 with a permit from ADF&G.
Good panning can be found at mile 4.3 on the Hope Road (not
shown on map). Pull off on a short side road into the trees and follow the trail to Sixmile Creek. Gold occurs on point bars to the east
and old channels next to the creek.
map 3: Sixmile Creek
gold panning sites
mineral withdrawal
Al d
MP 2.4 milepost Hope Highway
MP 2.4
k (main c
r ee
igh wate
r ch
ile Cre ek (h
ver D
Hope Junction 2.0 miles
Resurrection Creek panning area
The second discovery of gold on the Kenai Peninsula was on
Resurrection Creek in about 1888. The creek has produced an
estimated 30,000 to 40,000 oz. of gold since 1895. Below Palmer
Creek, Resurrection Creek flows through a 1,000 foot-wide alluvial
flood plain. Creek gravels rest on a tan to yellow clay hard-pan
with streaks of blue clay present. Bench gravels are exposed on
both sides of the creek. Gold is disseminated throughout the gravel,
but is concentrated on clay and bedrock.
A half mile stretch of Resurrection Creek lies within a withdrawal
and is available for recreational gold panning. This area is a favorite site for recreational mining. Suction dredges (4-inch or
smaller) are permitted from May 15 to July 15 with a permit from
the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Access is by the Palmer
Creek Road out of Hope. The mining area begins at the Resurrection Pass Trail footbridge 4.5 miles from Hope and continues
upstream for 0.5 miles to a patented (private land) claim (map 4).
The claim boundary is marked with a gate.
Fine gold can be panned from gravels all along the creek. Try for
fine, flat gold near the campsite 0.25 mile above the footbridge
and along the