

brochure Chugach - Birds

Birds at Chugach National Forest (NF) in Alaska. Published by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

Chugach National Forest Bird checklist ❑ American Robin Cool Fact The American Robin is one of the most common birds in North America. The oldest recorded American Robin was 13 years and 11 months old Field Marks Medium-sized songbird • Black and white streaked throat • Rusty red breast and sides • Yellow bill (often with black tip) ❑ Black-capped Chickadee Cool Fact Chickadee calls are complex and language-like, communicating information on identity and recognition of other flocks as well as predator alarms and contact calls. The more dee notes in a chickadee-dee-dee call, the higher the threat level. Field Marks Small songbird • Black cap and throat • White cheek and nape • Buff or orangish sides • Brownish gray back ❑ Common Redpoll Cool Fact Common Redpolls can survive temperatures of -65° Fahrenheit. Field Marks Small, compact-bodied songbird • Small, conical yellow bill • Black on face at base of bill • Red cap with rosy tinge on breast of males ❑ Northern Shoveler Cool Fact When flushed off the nest, a female Northern Shoveler often defecates on its eggs, apparently to deter predators. Field Marks Medium-sized duck • Very long bill, wider at tip than at base • Male has iridescent green head, white chest and rusty sides ❑ Common Raven Cool Fact Common Ravens can mimic the calls of other bird species. They can even imitate human words. Field Marks Very large black bird • Long, shaggy throat feathers • Long, thick beak • Long feathers covering nostrils and base of bill ❑ Black-billed Magpie Cool Fact On their expedition, Lewis and Clark reported magpies boldly entering their tents to steal food. Field Marks Long and slender-bodied • Distinctive black and white plumage • White belly contrasts with head and chest ❑ Steller’s Jay Cool Fact The Steller’s Jay can mimic birds, squirrels, cats, dogs, chickens and some mechanical objects. Field Marks Large, stocky, songbird • Black upper body transitioning to deep, iridescent blue on wings and belly • Tall, spiky crest ❑ Bald Eagle Cool Fact Bald Eagles can live a long time, with a longevity record of 38 years in the wild. Field Marks Very large raptor with long, broad wings • White head and tail • Powerful yellow bill • Powerful talons ❑ Mew Gull Cool Fact The Mew Gull is the only “white-headed” gull that regularly uses trees for nesting. Field Marks Medium-sized to small gull • Unmarked yellow bill • Head and underparts white • Back medium gray • Wingtips black with white spots • Yellow legs ❑ Willow Ptarmigan Cool Fact It was named the official state bird of Alaska in 1955. The Willow Ptarmigan changes color from light brown in summer to snow white in winter for effective camouflage from predators. Field Marks Medium to large chicken-like bird • Thick bodied • Tail moderately short, rounded and black • Completely white in winter • Streaked rusty brown in summer photo credits: Milo Burcham, Alicia F. King, and the National Digital Library of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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