
Brochure and Map

brochure Wood-Tikchik - Brochure and Map

Brochure and Map of Wood-Tikchik State Park (SP) in Alaska. Published by Alaska State Parks.

Welcome to Area History For More Information Yup’ik people have lived here for hundreds of years, thriving in an area that is renowned for its natural bounty and stunning beauty. Their ÀUVWFRQWDFWZLWK(XURSHDQH[SORUHUVKDSSHQHG around 1818 when the Korsakovsky expedition explored the mouths of the Nushagak and Wood rivers for the Russians. A Russian furtrading post was established in the area that survived until the U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 and salmon canneries became more important than fur hunting. Wood-Tikchik State Park and Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site: P.O. Box 1822 Dillingham, AK 99576 (907) 842-2641 wtsp@alaska.gov Wood-Tikchik State Park $WÀUVWWKH1DWLRQDO3DUN6HUYLFHSURSRVHG taking this area under their management EHFDXVHRILWV´PDJQLÀFHQFHµKRZHYHUWKH State of Alaska selected it as a state park. In June 1978, the Alaska State Legislature designated it as Wood-Tikchik State Park, creating the largest state park in the nation. Welcome Wood Tikchik State Park (SP) is the largest state park in the U.S. with nearly 1.6 million acres of some of the most remote and pristine mountains, rivers, glaciers, lakes, tundra, and wetlands in the nation. Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site (SRS) is on Dillingham’s road system and is a convenient access point to Wood-Tikchik SP as well as a GHVWLQDWLRQIRUUHOD[LQJDQGÀVKLQJ The Wood-Tikchik SP is named for its two systems of large interconnected lakes—the Wood River Lakes and the Tikchik system, which includes the upper Tikchik Lakes and Tikchik River. These ecosystems are biological treasure troves DQGWKHÀUVWFODVVÀVKLQJDWWUDFWVWURSK\VHHNLQJ anglers from the world over. This park’s natural beauty draws adventure seekers and those who simply want to experience the amiable solitude and musical sounds of Alaskan wilderness. It disappoints neither. www.alaskastateparks.org E P R D E A SO SK UR ALA CES Camping along Wind River in view of Kulik Spire Photo courtesy of Kyle Joly A RT ME NT OF NA R TU A L Winter camping in Denali State Park Photo courtesy of Jason Nielsen Top Five 1. 6SHQGDZHHNÁRDWLQJWKH:RRG5LYHU/DNHV Water Trail and camping in the shadow of the Wood River Mountains. 2. Row the tranquil Tikchik River for great ÀVKLQJVWXQQLQJVFHQHU\DQGH[KLODUDWLQJ hikes. 3. View the Lake Kulik ice caves, created by mountain streams eroding the winter’s snow pack along north-facing mountain slopes. 4. Fish for rainbow trout, voracious char, or KDUGÀJKWLQJVDOPRQLQRQHRIWKHÀQHVW VSRUWÀVKHULHVLQWKHZRUOG 5. Paddle Chikuminuk Lake, one of the quietest, most scenic and remote lakes in the park. Background photo courtesy of Kyle Joly Alaska State Parks Highlights Bird Viewing Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site Lake Aleknagik SRS is the gateway to WoodTikchik SP. This seven-acre parcel has a picnic shelter, toilets, a boat launch, and limited boat DQGÁRDWSODQHDFFRPPRGDWLRQV&RPHVSHQG DGD\ÀVKLQJ/DNH$OHNQDJLNDQGHQMR\DQLFH evening picnic, or launch your expedition into Wood-Tikchik SP. %LUG·V(\H9LHZ Air travel is one of the best ways to see the park. $LUFUDIWRIWHQSURYLGHH[FHOOHQWYLHZVDQGWHUULÀF opportunities to visit many remote areas. A number of air charter companies rent equipment and do drop offs in remote locations in the park. Helicopter landings are prohibited in the park. Woood-Tikchik SP is full of perfect “rest DUHDVµIRUELUGVGXULQJDQQXDOVSULQJDQGIDOO migrations. It also provides ideal nesting and rearing areas for a large variety of birds. Raptors, including eagles, ospreys and a variety of hawks, can be seen congregating near streams and ULYHUVSUH\LQJRQÀVK/RRQVVZDQVJHHVHDQG numerous species of ducks, gulls, shorebirds, owls, and a variety of songbirds keep birders on their toes with binoculars on their nose. Preparation is Key Low-Impact Camping File a trip plan with a friend, your air taxi, or with the Wood-Tikchik SP ranger station. Include all names of those traveling, route, destination, and expected return date. Don’t forget to close the trip plan when you return safely. Camping facilities in Wood-Tikchik are rustic and few, with great emphasis placed on lowimpact camping and ethics. Use established FDPSVLWHVPLQLPL]HFDPSÀUHLPSDFWVDQG properly dispose of waste. • Camp on gravel beaches rather than WKHVHQVLWLYHIRUHVWÁRRUFRYHULQJ • Use gas stoves for cooking, rather than ÀUHZRRG • Deposit solid human waste into sixto eight-inch deep catholes at least 200 feet from any water body. Pack out toilet paper, sanitation wipes, and hygiene products. • Pack out all trash, leftover food, and litter left by others. Bears and other wildlife have an excellent sense of smell and are attracted to garbage. • Leave no visual impact. Disassemble ÀUHULQJVDQGVFDWWHUFROGDVKHVDQG carefully inspect your campsite for litter before leaving. A survival kit is highly recommended for backcountry travelers. Always include a GPS device or compass and USGS topographical PDSÀUHVWDUWHUVVLJQDOLQJGHYLFHVVKHOWHUUDLQ JHDUZDWHUÀOWUDWLRQDQGÀUVWDLGHTXLSPHQW in your kit. Be sure to have plenty of extra food and water for an extended stay as bad weather can limit air travel. For winter travel, also include snowshoes, extra clothing, a small cook stove, and a metal cup to melt snow. Osprey Photo courtesy of Robert Burton, USFW Play it Safe Bear Safety Rainbow trout Fishing This park sustains some of the most productive VSRUWÀVKHULHVLQWKHZRUOGDQGLVUHQRZQHG IRUWKHVDOPRQDQGUDLQERZWURXWÀVKLQJWKDW attracts anglers from all over the world. The Agulowak and Agulukpak, two shallow and relatively short clear-water rivers, inspire Wood7LNFKLN·VVWDWXVDVDZRUOGFODVVVSRUWÀVKHU\ Several lodges operate within the park from HDUO\-XQHXQWLOHDUO\2FWREHUDQGSURYLGHÀVKLQJ guides for their customers. Unguided visitors FDQFDPSLQWKHSDUNRUDFFHVVÀVKLQJIURP/DNH Aleknagik SRS. Hunting, Trapping, and Photography Moose, brown bear, and caribou are found throughout this park and are popular with biggame hunters. Black bears can be seen in the northern and eastern portions of the park and are also sought by hunters. Small game hunted and trapped for meat or fur include beaver, muskrat, river otter, fox, wolverine, mink, porcupine, ground squirrel, and marten. Hunters must carry all hunting licenses, tags, and permits while hunting and must abide by all park and hunting regulations. If you are ´KXQWLQJµZLWK\RXUFDPHUDGRQ·WIRUJHWWR keep a safe distance from the wildlife you are ´VKRRWLQJµ Graylin Photo courtesy of Fishing Bear Lodge g Always be aware of your surroundings and do your best to avoid bears, but be prepared for encounters. Choose a campsite away from salmon spawning streams. Take precautions. Store scented items, including food, toothpaste, and lotion, away from your tent and hang them if possible. %HDUVIUHTXHQWO\ELWHLQÁDWDEOHERDWVIXHOFDQV and anything scented or malleable. To help protect your gear, store fuel cans in your boat and WKRURXJKO\ULQVHDOOÀVKVOLPHRIIHTXLSPHQW Make plenty of noise to warn bears of your presence, but if you do meet a bear, give it the right of way and make a lot of noise. For more information about traveling in bear country go to www.adfg.alaska.gov and search for “Living ZLWK:LOGOLIHµ Boating Wood-Tikchik SP has 12 large lakes, many connected by shallow clear-water rivers. Power boats, kayaks, and canoes offer an intimate view of the vast waters and lands of the park. Visitors are often rewarded with spectacular views and H[FHOOHQWÀVKLQJ The entire park is open to camping. However, SHUPLWVDUHUHTXLUHGWRÁRDWWKH7LNFKLN River and to camp at Nishlik, Slate, Upnuk, and Chikuminuk Lakes. Permits are limited and require a fee. Please call the Dillingham 3DUNV2IÀFHDW  IRUDGGLWLRQDO information and permit availability. However, some boating restrictions apply: • Airboats are prohibited. • Personal watercraft are allowed only on Lake Aleknagik. • Motorized boats are prohibited on Chikuminuk Lake and on the Agulowak River. For more on boating regulations, visit: http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/units/wtc/ Be prepared for an extended stay and always ZHDUDOLIHMDFNHW View from Bumyok Ridge Float Trips Floating through Wood-Tikchik SP is great way to see the park and make memories that will last a lifetime. However, before you head out, make sure you know what to expect and are prepared for the unexpected. Wood River Lakes Water Trail 7KH:RRG5LYHU/DNHV:DWHU7UDLOERDVWVRYHUPLOHVRIVFHQLFZDWHUVLQFOXGLQJÀYHODNHV varying from 20 to 45 miles in length interconnected by relatively short, shallow, and swift rivers. ,WRIWHQWDNHVÀYHWRGD\VWRFRPSOHWH7KHVXUURXQGLQJWHUUDLQLQFOXGHVVSLUHG:RRG5LYHU 0RXQWDLQVUROOLQJPL[HGXSODQGIRUHVWDQGODUJHRSHQWXQGUDÀHOGV6KRUWVWUHWFKHVRI&ODVV,, whitewater exist on several of the rivers. The trail ends at Aleknagik. Nishlik Lake Tikchik River Water Trail 7KH7LNFKLN5LYHUFDQEHÁRDWHGIURP1LVKOLNRU8SQXNODNHV,WÁRZVDERXWPLOHVWR7LNFKLN Lake through a few Class II-III rapids. Both crystal-clear lakes are above tree line amongst the UXJJHG:RRG5LYHU0RXQWDLQVDQGSURYLGHVZLIW&ODVV,ERDWLQJXQWLOWKH\MRLQDSSUR[LPDWHO\ river miles below Upnuk Lake. Numerous large granite domes, rising up to 1,000 feet in sheer cliffs from Tikchik Lake’s southern shore, make the trail’s terminus as exciting as its beginning. Slate Lake Upnuk Lake Tikchik River ik Tikch Allen River Water Trail The Allen River cuts a swift, snaky course through mixed forest and tundra, draining Chikuminuk Lake into Lake Chauekuktuli. Severe rapids, especially near its outlet at Lake Chauekuktuli, discourage PRVWERDWHUVIURPÁRDWLQJWKLVULYHU7KHXSSHUUDSLGVDUHGLIÀFXOW the lower rapids may be impassable. It is highly recommended to portage several Class V+ rapids if you choose to boat on this river. Rive r Nuyakuk River Water Trail Chikuminuk Lake 7KH1X\DNXN5LYHUÁRZVIURP7LNFKLN/DNHDQGFRQWLQXHVRXWRIWKH SDUN$&ODVV,,UDSLGLVORFDWHGMXVWEHORZWKHRXWOHWIURP7LNFKLN /DNH7KH1X\DNXN5LYHU)DOOV&ODVV,9DQG&ODVV9UDSLGVLVÀYHPLOHV downstream of the outlet. Portage is highly recommended for this H[WUHPHO\GLIÀFXOWVWUHWFKRIULYHU8VHWKHSRUWDJHWUDLOORFDWHGRQ the river right to hike downstream around the rapids to the beach. 7KHUHVWRIWKHULYHULVDVXLWDEOHÁRDWIRUIDPLOLHVDQGQRYLFHVZLWK SRUWDJLQJH[SHULHQFHDQGWKHÀVKLQJLVH[FHOOHQW Wood-Tikchik State Park A n lle River Lake Chauekuktuli Tikchik Mts. Tikchik Lake Grant River Falls ge rta Po m Ar Nuyakuk Lake Mirror Bay Nuyakuk River Eagle Mt. Lake Kulik (Fifth Lake) Grant Lake Nuyakuk River Falls Wind River Mt. Waskey Mikchalk Lake Legend (Fourth Lake) Go lde Ice cave at Lake Kulik nH orn Silver Horn Aleknagik Natives Limited &RQVHUYDWLRQ(DVHPHQW Lake Beverley Road (Third Lake) m Ar uk ke k ak La ia va Am og El eT e ttl ak Li L Water Trail Akuluktok Peak Horn at Silver Summer e hin ns Su alley V Fishing Agulukpak River Photo courtesy of Fishing Bear Lodge State Park Boundary Peace River Camping Picnic Site Agulukpak River Campground Lake Nerka Agulukpak River (Second Lake) Ranger Station Toilet Hiking Trail Frog Mou ntai ns Fishing Boat Launch 3OHDVHEHDGYLVHGWKDWLQDGGLWLRQWRWKH$OHNQDJLN1DWLYHV /LPLWHG&RQVHUYDWLRQ(DVHPHQWWKHUHDUHPDQ\LQKROGLQJV private and otherwise, within the Wood-Tikchik State Park boundaries. Treat all property with respect. Agulowak River Lake Nerka (Second Lake) Wood-Tikchik State Park Aleknagik Dillingham Lake Aleknagik Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Site (First Lake) Bristol Bay Nunavaugaluk Lake Aleknagik

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