Resurrection Bay Area

Brochure and Map

brochure Resurrection Bay Area - Brochure and Map

Brochure and Map of Alaska State Parks in the Resurrection Bay Area in Alaska. Published by Alaska State Parks.

For More Information Kenai/Prince William Sound Area Office PO Box 1247 Soldotna, AK 99669 (907) 262-5581 North Coastal District Office PO Box 1578 Seward, AK 99664 (907) 224-3434 Welcome to Resurrection Bay Area Alaska State Parks Welcome Resurrection Bay, with its tranquil turquoise or stormy gray waters, rocky islands, and the rugged mountains and glaciers that surround it, is a perfect example of Alaska’s coastal beauty. Many of Seward’s visitors only see the area’s state parks from a cruise ship, but they are missing out. To really enjoy all this area has to offer, we invite you to get up close and personal. Get your hiking boots, kayak, or boat ready and head out to one of the state park units in Resurrection Bay for an afternoon excursion or weekend adventure. There is a large state recreation area, a small state recreation site, and five state marine parks in Resurrection Bay. Area History The coves and inlets of Resurrection Bay sheltered generations of the Alutiiq-speaking people known as Unegkurmiut. In the late 18th century, many Native people were coerced into hunting valuable sea otters for the Russian-American Company. Soon, cultures blended, the Native population declined, and by the late 19th century most Native villages were abandoned. Since then, Resurrection Bay has been used by gold-seekers on their way to Turnagain, Nome, and Iditarod. Hundreds of railroad workers boosted Seward’s population by 1917. Then, Resurrection Bay experienced a flurry of activity during World War II when the U.S. military constructed fortifications at Caines Head and other points in the bay. Today, you can see glimpses of history from land or water in the Resurrection Bay Area State Parks. Panama gun mount at Rocky Point in Caines Head SRA Seward Harbormaster PO Box 167 Seward, AK 99664 (907) 224-3138 Marine VHF Channel 17 For emergencies call 911 Derby Cove Creek in Caines Head SRA Photo courtesy of Ben Hagedorn North Fork of Tonsina Creek in Caines Head SRA Photo courtesy of Alaska State Parks Area Highlights Wave Action Wildlife Boating is popular in Resurrection Bay and is the only way to reach the state marine parks. Most visitors kayak or take a water taxi to these parks, as only Caines Head SRA and Lowell Point State Recreation Site (SRS) have land access. There are no public mooring buoys or docking facilities. Small boats can be pulled up on shore, but should be secured above the high tide line to prevent losing them to tides or rough surf. Resurrection Bay provides important and varied bird habitat, attracting birders from around the world to see Tufted and Horned Puffins, Common Murres, Pigeon Guillemots, Bald Eagles, and Spruce Grouse. Black and brown bears and mountain goats also live in the Resurrection Bay area. Juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake Steller Sea Lions Photo courtesy of Carol Griswold r ’s ke Kaya Humpback Whale near Day Harbor Photo courtesy of Tom Kain Whale watching in Resurrection Bay can be very rewarding, too. Look for spouts and fins of humpback whales and orcas in the bay. Smaller marine mammals such as harbor and Dall’s porpoises, sea otters, and sea lions might upstage them by putting on a show. Varied Thrush (male) Photo courtesy of Carol Griswold Background photo courtesy of Nicole Acevedo Historic World War II Fort and Garrison Fort McGilvray in Caines Head State Recreation Area (SRA) is the most accessible of Resurrection Bay’s WWII-era fixed defense installations. A short hike from North Beach will take you to these sites. You are welcome to explore the ammunition magazine, base-end station, gun emplacements, and a few other shelters; however, you will need a flashlight. Ruins of a “garrison ghost town” on Caines Head SRA’s South Beach are also accessible by trail, though some of the structures are just off the trail and somewhat hidden by the dense vegetation. These structural remains are dangerous and exploring them is strongly discouraged. If you are boating, you may also explore Rocky Point for remnants of another WWII-era fixed defense installation. ist: heckl rip C Day T Public-Use Cabins Camping in the Resurrection Bay area state parks is a rustic backcountry experience. Each of the five state marine parks allows for beach camping. To protect fragile beach rye grass, please avoid camping on vegetated areas. Thumb Cove SMP has a toilet for kayakers and campers located on the western end of the beach, about 250 feet east of the Porcupine Glacier public-use cabin. There are two public-use cabins (PUCs) in Caines Head SRA—Derby Cove and Callisto Canyon cabins. Both can be accessed by small personal boat, water taxi, or by hiking the Caines Head Trail. Thumb Cove SMP also has two PUCs, Porcupine Glacier and Spruce Glacier cabins, and can be reached by boat. Spruce Glacier PUC is accessed from the beach by a boardwalk. All four cabins have private toilets and nearby creeks provide fresh water. Drinking water must be treated or boiled. Camping at North Beach For more information or to make reservations, visit WWII structures can also be seen atop Chamberlain Point in Safety Cove State Marine Park (SMP), but access is difficult and not recommended. ed) asten and f ND device d e iz or SE erly s (prop r beacon cket to ja a c e if lo L y genc Emer dio ra F H V bags skirt float Spray covers or Hatch r, le mirro Padd paddle ares, es (fl Spare float ic v e gd le Padd s signalin s Distre ) le s and whist ump lothe p are c p Bilge s it f k et o aid First g with a s a r trip Dr y b l gear ter fo a d wa sur viv h food an t tr y a re-en g Enou een and h t exit and r e c s w of Sun ledge Know lan p t Floa Ghost Forest at Tonsina Point Background photo courtesy of Camping Other deserted WWII structures in the Resurrection Bay area include searchlight control stations at Topeka Point, including the Iron Door, and remnants of Fort Bulkley on Rugged Island. When boating in Resurrection Bay, take appropriate safety precautions. Make sure you are prepared for emergencies and file a float plan with the Seward Harbormaster, describing your trip plan, boat, gear, and size of party. Always wear a life jacket. 155mm gun at Rocky Point in Caines Head SRA (circa 1944) Caines Head State Recreation Area (SRA) provides three camping areas: Tonsina Point, North Beach, and South Beach. Toilets are available at each location, but there are no designated campsites. Campsites should be at least 150 feet away from the picnic shelter and 300 feet from the publicuse cabins. A food storage locker is located at North Beach under the picnic shelter. Camping is prohibited around Fort McGilvray to protect the historic resources. WWII-era dock at North Beach in Caines Head SRA Background photo courtesy of Jack Blackwell Callisto Canyon Public-Use Cabin Inside the Porcupine Glacier Public-Use Cabin in Thumb Cove SMP s Re n io ct re ur Park Descript Desc Descriptions ript p ion pt ionss r ve Ri Land La and Trail Descript Descriptions Descrip ptions pt ions C ines Ca es Head Tr T aill Bear Mountain 4003' Thumb Cove SMP WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨ:ƵƐƟŶtŚŽůĞLJ k 4. 5 m Derby Cove i. Thumb Cove State Marine Park Spruce Glacier 93 = = Public-Use Cabin 4 mi. 2.3 mi. 2 Callisto Peak 3657' = The Iron Door South Beach WWII 3m WWII i. Hat I. yC u la 2 mi. 9 9m Hive I. Tonsin To nssin ina a Po oin int: t:: Th hiis is a pop o ular ar desti esstin nati tion forr hiike kers and d kay aya ay yakerrs. Ton nsi s na n Creekk emp mpti tie es intto Resu Re esu surr rre rr ection on n Bayy at this is poi o nt cre reat attin ing wa wave v s up ve p to ha f a mile half ille offsho hore ho e. Gi G ve e yours ourrssellf pl ou plent enty of di en dist s ance st f om the fr he e fan anne ne ed de delt ltta wh wh n pad when add dling dlin ng ar arou o nd it ou an nd tu urrn n bacck towa ward rd d the e sho hore e once yo ou re reac ach h ca alm merr watter e s. Man ny ka aya yake kers rs and d boa ate t rs r cam mp in the woo ods ds orr on the he bea ach. ch h To oililet etts an nd a pi picn cn nic shelte sh er ar are re av avaiila ablle. The here her re are re e landi ding di g opp ppor ortunitties es betw ween n Tonsin ina a Poin nt an nd North Beacch h,, inc n ludi d ng g beac ach accce cess s to Ca Callllissto o Canyon and Derb by Co ove ve pu p ubl blic icc-u -us use cab abi bin ins. ins North Beach: One of the mos N o t popular camp mping mp g spot sp ots in the recreation arrea ot a, No North Beach h pr prov prov ovid ides e es access to a 12-mile trrai ac acc aill syyst s em. Food stora age loc ocke kerr,r, ke toilets, and an inte te erm rmit ittte tently occupied rra ang nger er sta tati tion on n are available here re e. Do o not attempt to tie e off offf to the he old WWII-era dock; k ; it is unsafe and k; d yo ou co c ul uld d lo ose s your boat. South Be eac a h: South Beach offe offe ers an op oppo port rtun u it un ity to experrie enc n e the ocean sw wel e l and d sc scen nicc vis ista ta as of of the ba barrrie er is i lands and th he Re Resu surr rre ecti tion on Pen enin i sul in su ula. Kaya yakkiing ya n around Caine es Hea es ad to South h Bea each h requires ess intermediate pa e add dlilng g and d sel elff--re resscu scue ue skillss as rebounding wave ves oftte ten oc ten occu curr at thiis pr cu prom om min ine entt KHDGODQG,WLVGL GLIÀ GL I FX IÀ F OWW WR R OD O QG G D ND\\DN RU U YH HVVVVHO HOKHU HUUH H due to the stee ep, ro ep rockky be beac each h and d hi high gh h sur urff. Resu rrecƟ Rocky Poin in nt: t: On On the h south ther th ern n en nd of of the recreatio io ion on area, Rocky Point is only nly ac acce ce esssible ib e by water. It offfer ib fers a more protected lan nding diing g than han Sou Sout uth Beach, thou ugh ug ODQGLQJFDQVWLOOEHGLI LIIÀF ÀFXO XOW OWDW DW WLP LP LPHV::,,UHPQD DQWVV can also be found here, including an ammunition n magazine, gun emplacements, power houses for the submarine loop station, and a searchlight station. Sun Su Sunn nn ny Co Covve State ta ate e Mar a ine Pa ark rk The sso The outth he ernmo mo m ost sta tate te marin ne park park r wit ithi hin n Resu Re surr r ec rr ecttio tion Bay ayy offfers interm med dia iate pad ddler dlerss th the the oppo op p rt po rtun un nit ity to feel the ocea ity ocea oc ean n swel elll on o the sou outhern th h end en d of Fox o Island, d, while d, e bei eing ng able ble to ret e re et eat to a se sem mi-p prote ro ote tect ct d bea ct cted e ch h in Su Sunn n y Co nn C ve ve.. Th her ere e are no o bea ach ch lan nding ingss on n the he east astern tern r sid de of Fo oxx Island Is nd unt ntili you rea ach h the nor ortther th rn sh shor orrel o rel elin i e off th the he Sa Sand dsp pit Point SMP MP. P. Be B cau a tious ti s of williliiwaws (str (s tron on ong ng do d wn n-dri -drift -d fttin ing wi ing w nds) with ea e ster erlyy win inds ind ds c mi co m ng g ove er th the e mo moun unta un tain inss. s. Thiss pa park r sta tand nd n ds ou ds outt forr it fo i s uniique roc occk fo f rm rmat a ion at ions inc ncclu n clu lud diing in ng g sea arc rche hess and a sea ca an ave ve. Ad A dva anc nce ed paddl ed ad ddl dle ers r an nd boat atter erss ma may expl exp ore the oute terr ba barrr rrie er issla land ndss in nd includ din ng Hive and nd Rug ugge ged d isla is land nd ds wh w en en con o diiti tion ons pe perm rm mit it. Li Limiited la land ndin ing in g oppo porrttun u itties ies ex exis istt on the h se e isl slan a ds and vary arr y d pe de pendin pend nd din ing g on the tide. e. If th he we eat athe herr co ooper operat erates ess, viisito ito ors rs mig ght get vie ewss of Be B ar Gla laci cier err, Call Callllis Ca issto o Head He ad d, an and tth he Aialilik Pen eninsu en s la su la. Iff you u deccide iid de to t pad ddl dle e arrou o nd nd Rug ugge ged Is Isla land nd, look up Th up up. The ruin ins off WWI W II-er era FFo er era ort r Bu ullkleyy are perrch ched d near the top nea p—a an im mprres essi sive e eng ngin neeri ee eri ring n fea ng eat. t. Drrif D i tw two ood Ba ay S Sttatte Ma Mari r ne ne Par ak Getttin ing to to this park takes pad dd dller erss ac a rosss 13 mile es of exposed seas and onlyy exp xper errt pa padd ddle dd lers rss sh hou ould attempt to round Cape e Resur urrrectio ion. Dryy suits are recommended. This pa su parkk off ffe ers liltttle protection from bad weather an nd is is gen e er eral a lyy not recommended for anchoring. How wev ever er, wa er, wate terf erf rfa alls, pillow basalt rock formations, lush ve veg ge etati tion o , an and d wildlife viewing make the grueling tri riip w wo ort r h itt. Safetyy Cove State Marine Park Thumb Cove SMP This is a popular and particularly scenic anchorage with protected waters, impressive glaciers, and wate wa terf rfal alls ls cas ascading g down steep p rock faces. Caution is advised when boating; there are no public mooring bouys and there can be a lot of varied boat WUDIÀF9LVLWRUVDUHLQYLWHGWRFDPSRQWKHEHDFK or reserve one of this park’s two public-use cabins. A toilet is available to boaters and campers on the west end of the beach. 9 Ka kers Kayake rs acc cces esssi sing sing ng this park sho h ul ho u d ha ave inte in term te r ed rm edia i te ia te pad ddl dlin in ing ng sk s ills and get etti tn ti ng g herre requ quir ires es paddl ad ddler dler erss an a d bo boat a erss to at o cro ross s thr h ough gh g h DQ Q DUH UHD RI KLJ LJK K VXPP PP PHU WUDIÀ IÀFF,W· IÀ W··VD D JR JRRGLGH HD WR anno no oun u ce on ma mari rine ne VHF HF cha hann n el 16 th nn t at you are re e cro ossing ing.. T Th he an a ch cho orage near the sp piit iss ge p en neral erral a lyy po poor oorr due u to its ex expo posure re to th he no nort ort r h wi win nd and nd nd land ndin ing on the e south t er th e n si s de e of th he sp pit iss no not ot r co re omm men nde ded d du d e to o ocean a sw an we elllls. s s. 7KLVSDUNLVDOVRGLIÀFXOWWRSDGGOHWRDVND D\\D DNNH HUV U  PXVWÀUVWPDNHWKHGLIÀFXOWWULSDURXQG&DSH SH Resurrection. Safety Cove offers somewhat bett ttterr anchorage than Driftwood Bay. Wildlife viewing in the park is excellent and, on clear days, visitors may be treated to views of Ellsworth Glacier as they enter and leave the park. A three-acre lake at the head of the cove incites further exploration of this state marine park and allows for additional re ecr c ea eation o al a opp ppor o tu unities es. Driftwood Bay State Marine Park i. d So un ec rr su Kayaking near Callisto Canyon Public-Use Cabin Photo courtesy of Kim Kruse B l yi Legend 1 mi. Water Trail/Mileage Trailhead Hiking Trail Hiking Road Campsites State Park Unit Picnic Shelter Kenai Fjords National Park Public-Use Cabin Parking Toilet World War II Historic Site Ranger Station Ø Mary's Bay >ŽǁĞůůWŽŝŶƚ^Z^ Unloading gear at Callisto Canyon Public-Use Cabin Photo courtesy of Kim Kruse Ø ve Barwell I. WWII Re u Co . rc ne ĂƉĞZĞƐƵƌƌĞĐƟŽŶ mi Po pi Rugged Island 11 tio n Peni ns i. Sunny Cove State Marine Park ove Eld or nn ad o Narrows i. 3.5 m y Ba Su 5m Callisto Head Fox Island Cainess Head Cain Ca ea d S Sttat ate e Re ecr creati tion tion o Are rea a By December,r,, 194 942, 2, Sou uth Bea each ch boa oast sted st ed four ed EDUUDFNV FDS D DE DEOH OH RI I KRXV KR RXV X LQ LQJ J   PHQ HD DFFK K RIÀ ÀFH FHUV· quarters, a me m ss hal a l,, and d mor o e. Rem ma aiins of th he garrison ca an stillll be seen an en,, bu butt th they hey are re colla la apsing, so exploring them is strong ng glyy dissco cour urag ur aged ag ed. Bay Killer on 1m i. Sandspit Point State Marine 9 Park Bear Glacier Point lik p m Hu o v e C y . Safety Cove State Marine Park 9 6 mi. 1.5 mi WWII Aia Porcupine Glacier Public-Use Cabin Fort McGilvray Caines Head State Recreation Rocky 9 Area Point Kenai Fjords National Park 9 WWII 0.5 mi. A ce Ac cesss: S So outth B Be eacch or th eac he e Alp lpin i e Trail Trrav avel el Mea e ns ns:: Foo oot ot Diist D stan an ance nce:: 2.3 3 miles on ne e way from South Beach to the th e Al Alpin ne Trail Elev Elev El evat a io on C Ch han a ge e: 867 feet The Alpine Trail leads hikers above tree line on a s ort but steep set of switchbacks to the alpine sh arre area ea a below Callisto Peak. Weather permitting, swee sw e pi pn ng g views of Resurrection Bay and Bear G acier re Gl ewa ard r hikers for their efforts. BOATERS BEWARE: There are no public mooring buoys and few good all-weather anchorages. Weather conditions can change quickly and dramatically North Beach Derby Cove Public-Use Cabin Loop Lo p Tra railil Access: Cai a ne ness He Head ad d Trail 0.4 miles south of Derby Cove, or frro om So Sout u h Beach at the northern end of ut Loop Trail Travel Mea ans n : Foo oott Distance: 3.8 8 milile es one way from Caines Head Trail Elevation Change: 1,635.5 feet T is undevvelo Th elop oped sta ate te mar arin i e park in pa ark rk is lo l ca ated d on Fo ox Island nd abo out 12 miile les from les from fr om Sew warrd. d The e north siide of th the e spit, wh hich h is a glaci cial ci a morrra al r ine,, off ffer es er boate ers an nd pa padd ddle lers a nic i e be b ach h la and din i g an and d camp ca pin ing. g. Exploring Resurrection Bay from the water is one of the best ways to see all that this ruggedly beautiful area has to offer. Kayaks, inflatable boats, small skiffs, and other small watercraft can be pulled up on shore and secured above the high tide mark. Lowell Point State Recreation Site Callisto Canyon yon Public-Use Cabin South Beach in Caines Head SRA WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨ:ƵƐƟŶtŚŽůĞLJ Alpi piine p ne n e Tra r il This Th hiss re eccre rea ation atio n si site te is a po te popu pula ar day-use e area area that is c ose cl e to o Seward ard an and d ha hass road d access. Enj njoy jo oyy a stroll o th on he san he andy dyy bea ach or launch your kay ka ayak frrom om Low Lo we ellll Poi oint n to ex expl plor ore e the Resurrectio on Bay Mar arine e Trrai ail. Hik ike e frrom om the tra raililhe ilhead e at the up pper per pa ark rkin kin ng lo ot to Tonsi sina na a Poi oint nt,, th nt the public-use cab ab abin bin ns, s or C Ca ain nes Head d. Ca Campin ng is pro rohi hibi ib ted here, bu butt th here ar are e privvatte ca camp mp m pgr gro ound ds near ne ear a by b . Fo or m mo ore infor o ma or mati mati t on n see “Ka Kaya ya ake k r’s Guid de to o the e Resu Re su urrec rrecti tion on n Bay Mar arin i e Trrail”” att ww w w ww w.dn w.d w. dnr.alas dnr alla a asskka a.g go ovv/p parrks k //u uni nits ts/c /ccai ain in ne e eshd. htm. m ek Cre a n i ns To T iss tra Th r il fol o lo ows ano noth th he err mililliittarr y ro oa ad d throu ough gh the lu th ush coa o stal a rai a nf no orres e t, past ruins off the Sou outh th Beach acch Ga Garrrrison r n, to o So ou uth Beach, a small ston ny be each wi with th lot otss of o wave action. South Beach iss a grea eat sp spo ot forr pit itch cch hin i g a tent if you want a so ome m wh hat iso sollate ted d ex expe perience with great views of pe o i land is nd ds an and th the Gu G lf of Alaska. The old, rusty steel ell b ildi bu diin ng g gss ar are no ot sa safe fe e to explore. Th hiss foo oot tr trai ail wi wind nd ds up and down through the mo osssy fo f re rest est s passt waterfalls and creeks, connecting the th e Al Alpi pin ne Trail to ne o South Beach and creating an eigh ei gh htt an and d-ad-aa ha half l -m mile loop that starts and ends at No ort rth h Be eac ach h. This iss a primitive trail that requires so ome atten tten nti tion to trrail markers. tion F 93 ie r ac Gl Acce cess ce sss: Cai a ne n s He Head Tra ail 1..1 1 mile e so sout sout u h of North h Beacch Travel Mea anss: Foo ot Distan nce c : 2. 2 7 mi miile less on le ne wa w y from from fr m Ca aiine ine n s He Head Tra railil j ncction ju on Elev vat atio on Ch C an nge g : 363 6 fee e t Access: Sewar eward Sm S a alll Boat Harborr an a d be beach at Lo owe wellll Poi ointt SRS RS (limi liim ted parking) Tra Tr avel el Mea ea ans ns: Bo ns: Boat Popu pula lar La L ndin ndi gss: To nd Tonssin ina a Point, Norrth t Beach, Thum Th mb Co C ve ve, no nort rth h si side de e of sp s it it in Sa and ndsp s it i Pointt SMP, SM P, Sun nny Cove, Dri rift ftwo wood od Bayy, Sa Safe afe f ty Cove Dist Di stan an nce c : Abo out ut 59. 9.5 5 mi mile le es to ota al on one e wa w y. 3D DGG GGOL OLQJ QJ 'LIIÀFXOOW\ \ Va Vari riies ries e by traiil se segm gment and d weathe er. May a req e uiire int n er erme me edi d ate e or advvan a ce ed padd pa dd dliling g and nd self-re resc scue ue ski k lls. s. C rt h ou Tonsina Point Ø ar Be So outh Be eac a h Trail ee Cr Ø ce ru Sp Th he po ort r ion n off the h tra ail bettwe w en To on nsi sina n Poiint and d 'H HUE E\ \&R &R RYH YHLV V WLLGD G OO\ \ LQÁX Á HQFH FFH HG G DQ QG FD DQ RQ R O\EH hike ked d du d riing n a low o tid de of 3.0 0 fe ee et et or les ess. s. Dur u in ng high tid hi ide, ste t ep p cliffs block pa pass sssssag ag ge at at two pin incch in h p in po nts ts. Hike ers sho h uld le eavve th the e tr t aiilh hea e d att Lo ow wel el Poin Po i t SR SRS tw t o ho h ur urss be befo f re re the e low tid i e to o avoid vo o ge g etttin ng sttra rand nded nd ed by th th he e in nco c mi m ng g tid i e. To o hi hike fro hike om N rt No rth h Be B ach, acch, leave e att le easst on ne ho hour beffore a lo low w tide of 3.0 0 fe feet orr lo l we er.r From om m Der erby by Cove, e a hal alff-mi mil swi mi mile w ttcchb hback ack tr ac trai al le ead adss to o the h Nor o th or h Bea ach cam amp am ping area. An old pi d army m roa my ad le ead ads hi h ke ers r from No ortth B Be eacch thro ough a ma m ture e spr p ucce fore est s to th he WW WIII ruiins ns of FFo ort M Gi Mc G lvvra ay loca ated d hi high g on gh n Ca C in nes Hea e d. Hik iker erss ar er are reward rded ed wit i h sw weepi p ng n viewss off Re Resu surr su rrrec e ti t on o Bayy an nd a ch han a ce to ex explore e ma m nyy of th t e old bu buili ding ding di ngs. s 0DNH 0D N VXUUH\RXWDNH H D FDP PHU HUD D DQG G D D ÁD ÁDVK VKOLOLOLJK JK KW W WR WR e plor ex o e, but u leave histori r c arti ri t fa ti f ct c s ass they arre so o othe erss can enj n oyy the h m m,, too. k Bay Frrom o Low owell Point SRS, SR R this traill will lea e d yo ou thro th ro ough ug gh lu ush h tem em mpe perate e rainfores estt an es nd acro oss ss Tonsina Cr To Tons Cree eekk to ee o a pop opular cam mping g, dayy-us yu e a ea ar e , an nd be b ac a h at a Ton nsi s na Point n . In I Augus u t and d S pt Se ptem embe be er, you u can wattch c pin in nk an and ch c um u salmon n sp paw wn in i Ton o sina Cre r ek, bu butt av avoid dist s ur urbing n them. Plea ase s resspe pect c priva ate e prope p rt pe rty an and stay on the e de esi sign g atted tra r il. Lo w e l l C r e e Seward Sa andsp pitt Poiint nt Sta tate te Marrin te ine P Pa arkk Peninsul a Thumb Cove SMP WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨ:ƵƐƟŶtŚŽůĞLJ Race Point 2923' Lowe Lo we ellll Point nt Sta nt ate e Rec e reation Site e 6.7 mi. Marathon Mountain 4459' ction urre Res Accce ess s : Low wel e l Po P in nt SR SRS, S, ab bo out 2.5 5 miles es sou uth h of down w to wn town wn Sew wn war a d at at end n off Lo L we elll Point nt Rd. d T av Tr vel Mea e ns ns:: Foo oo ot D st Di stan an nce c : Appro oxi x mate ely ly 7.8 8 miles e one es n way a to Fo ort r McGi Mc G lvra ay (2 2.3 miille ess fro ro Lo rom owe w ll Poi oint to o To Tons n in ns na Point, Po t, 3.4 miles e fro om To Tonsina Po Poin o nt to Nor o th t Bea each, a d 2 mi an mile es fr f om m Nor orth h Bea e ch c to Fo ort r McG c ilvrray cG ay) E evat El atio io on Ch Change ge: 249 ge 49 9.2 . fee et Lo owe w ll Po oiin ntt to Tons nsin ns na Po oint; 156 5 .9 fee e t Tonssin na Poin Po oi t to o North th h Be eac a h; 670 70.9 feet No Nort r h Beac a h to Fort MccGi ac G lvvra ay R surrection Re on Bay Marriin ne Traiil g n WWII WWII

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