Guide to
Alpine Ridge Trail
Trail Description:
in Kachemak Bay State Park
A popular, quick route to alpine areas, this trail begins near the high point on the Saddle Trail and steeply
follows a ridge through spruce and alder to alpine tundra, ending on a treeless knoll (near 2100 feet), with
spectacular views of Grewingk Glacier and a deep glacial valley. Alpine tundra above treeline invites further
exploration of the ridge.
Park Access:
Kachemak Bay State Park is
accessed via boat from the
Homer Harbor. Local water
taxis can provide transportation to most park trailheads.
Trail Access: Saddle Trailhead: Saddle Trail to
Lagoon Trail
Allowable Uses: Hiking
Distance: 1.9 miles
Elevation Gain: 1600 feet
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult;
long, steep climbs
Hiking Time: 2 hours (to treeline)
No campsites at or near trailhead; no developed sites,
backcountry camping above
timberline. Alpine areas are
practice no trace camping, no
Water Availability:
Limited water, no streams;
seasonal pools beyond trail
end. Use water purification
techniques for drinking water
to avoid contracting Giardiasis (beaver fever).
Park Rules: Visit for a complete set of park rules.
Alaska State Parks, Kenai Area Office
PO Box 1247
Soldotna, AK
(907) 262 - 5581