Fort AbercrombieMarine Life |
Guide to Marine Life at Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park (SHP) in Alaska. Published by Alaska State Parks.
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Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Mollusca
Acorn Barnacle Balanus glandulus
~ 6 smooth plated sides
~ diameter usually less than 1.5 cm
~ stays moist by staying closed
~ opens up and feeds when under water
Other Phyla
Black Katy Chiton Katharina tunicata
~ has 8 shell plates
~ butterfly-shaped plates are often left
by birds in the woods
~ a food source for native Alaskans
Beach Hopper Traskorchestia traskiana
~ sometimes called sand fleas
~ length less than 1.8 cm
~ has 14 legs and looks like a shrimp
~ found at high tide line under algae
Isopod Idotea spp.
~ various species
~ 1.5 cm, flattened body
~ lives under rocks
~ scavenger
Shield Limpet Collisella pelta
~ snail with a cone-shaped shell
~ uses a muscular foot to attach to rocks
~ rasps food from rocks with file-like
tongue called a radula
Hermit Crab Pagurus spp.
~ 28 Species in Alaska
~ lives in a snail shell for protection
~ fight among selves for food and shells
~ not true crabs
Sitka Periwinkle Littorina sitkana
~ round spiral shell, up to 1.5 cm long
~ most are brown or gray
~ some have lighter bands
Pygmy Rock Crab Cancer oregonensis
~ heavy-looking, claws have black tips
~ adults are reddish brown
~ legs covered with small hairs `
~ up to 5 cm wide
Calcareous Tube Worm
Phylum Annelida
~ tubes formed from calcium
carbonate found in sea water
~ crown serves the dual purpose of
respiration and filter feeding
Seaslug Nudibranch
~ Latin: nudus, naked + brankhia, gills
~ breaths through feathery gills
~ sheds its shell after its larval stage
Thatched Barnacle Semibalanus cariosus
~ 6 wall plates composed of vertical
tube-like ribs giving a thatched look
~ eats by kicking food into its mouth
~ lives up to 15 years
Graceful Kelp Crab Pugettia gracilis
~ carapace resembles a sheriff’s badge
~ length about 5 cm
~ found living on and eating kelp
~ often attaches kelp to carapace
Yellow-Green Encrusting Sponge
Halichondria panicea Phylum Porifera
~ simplest multi-cellular organism
~ no organs; body acts as a filter for
Blue Mussel Mytilus trossulus
~ smooth shell with growth lines
~ attaches to rocks with byssal threads
~ a favorite food of sea stars
Snails and Welks
~ protected by a hard calcium shell
~ has plume-like gills and eyes on tentacles
~ has a single muscular foot with a cover called an operculum
which protects it from predators and water loss
Hairy Triton
Dire Welk
Clam Worm Nereis vexillosa
Phylum Annelida
~ can grow to 30 cm
~ secretes an acid that it uses to
burrow through clam shells
~ important food source for birds
Gunnels and Pricklebacks
Phylum Chordata
~ many members of these two
families look similar
~ lives under rocks
Tide Pool Sculpin Oligocottus maculosus
Phylum Chordata
~ big head and tapering body
~ large pectoral fins
~ can change color to blend in
Sea Anemone
Phylum Cnidaria
~ cylindrical shape with an oral disk at the top
~ tentacles have stinging cells called nematocysts
~ tentacles fold in to capture prey
Nucella lima
Urticina crassicornis
Anthopleura artemisia
Urticina piscivora
Marine Algae
Phylum Echinodermata
Sea Lettuce Ulva spp.
~ at least 11 different species
~ thin, transparent blade consisting of
two cell layers
~ edible
Black Pine Algae Neorhodomela larix
~ color is brownish-black to black
~ looks like “dreadlocks”
~ often has Sea Cauliflower attached
Sea Sac Halosaccion glandiforme
~ sometimes called “deadman’s fingers”
~ water-filled sacs make good squirt
guns when gently squeezed
Green Sea Urchin
Stronglocentrotus droebachiensis
~ can be red, purple, green or white
~ has 5 teeth operated by a jaw
structure called an Aristotle’s lantern
Pisaster ochraceus
Sea Star
~ Class Asteroidea
~ has a water vascular system
that operates its tube feet
~ can regenerate lost limbs
Orthasterias koehleri
Blood Star
Six-Rayed Star Sunflower Star
Mottled Star
Common Star
Henricia leviuscula
Crustose Corallines Clathromorphum,
Lithothamnion, Melobesia, and Mesophyllum
~ exact species hard to identify
~ calcium carbonate in cell walls
~ contain chlorophyll
~ are photosynthetic
Sea Cauliflower Leathesia marina
~ thick, convoluted outer layer
~ very slimy when torn
~ often attaches to Black Pine Algae
Rock Weed or Pop Weed Fucus distichus
~ can reach lengths of 25 cm
~ fronds have air bladders on tips that
contain reproductive structures
~ provides shelter for other organisms
Bull Kelp Nereocysitis luetkeana
~ holdfast attaches alga to ocean floor
~ stalk ends in round bulb-shaped float
~ bulb has flat blades attached
~ bulb used for containers by native
Leptasterias hexactis
Pycnopodia helianthoides
Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park
Guide to Marine Life
Rainbow Star
Evasterias troschelii
Intertidal Zone The intertidal zone is the area between the
highest high tide and the lowest low tide of the year. It is
broken up into zones based upon vertical height and tide
coverage. Intertidal animals are adapted to life in specific
Zone One The splash zone of life extends from the highest splash of
ocean spray and storm waves to the average of all high tides. Most of
these organisms are land dwellers that can withstand exposure to
salt water and air that can dry them out.
Zone Two The high intertidal zone extends from the average high
tide mark to mean sea level. Most of the animals of Zone Two are
accustomed to tolerating air exposure.
Zone Three This zone is below mean sea level. It is uncovered by
most low tides and covered by most high tides. There are a variety
of different habitats in this zone.
Zone Four This zone is only uncovered during minus tides. Only a
few animals are exposed to wave action, sun and wind. This zone
has the greatest diversity of intertidal life.
Images and documentation compiled for
Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park
by volunteers, Nancy & Melissa Meitle, Summer 2011.
This document is available at