Fort Abercrombie

Brochure and Map

brochure Fort Abercrombie - Brochure and Map

Brochure and Map of Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park (SHP) in Alaska. Published by Alaska State Parks.

Welcome to For More Information .RGLDN'LVWULFW2IÀFH $EHUFURPELH'ULYH Kodiak, AK 99615 (907)486-6339 ZZZDODVNDVWDWHSDUNVRUJ GQUSNVNRGLDN#DODVNDJRY Early History ´$ODVND6WDWH3DUNVµRQ)DFHERRN Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park 7KH.RGLDN$UFKLSHODJRKDVEHHQKRPHWR WKH$OXWLLTSHRSOHIRUDWOHDVW\HDUV $UFKDHRORJLVWVEUHDNWKHSUHKLVWRU\RIWKH .RGLDNUHJLRQLQWRWKUHHWUDGLWLRQVHDFK UHSUHVHQWLQJDGLVWLQFWZD\RIOLIH7KH2FHDQ %D\7UDGLWLRQ WR%3 LVFKDUDFWHUL]HG E\DPRELOHKXQWLQJDQGJDWKHULQJOLIHVW\OH 7KHSHRSOHRIWKH.DFKHPDN7UDGLWLRQ  WR%3 OHGDVHWWOHGYLOODJHOLIHZLWKDQ LQFUHDVHGHPSKDVLVRQÀVKLQJ)LQDOO\WKH .RQLDJ7UDGLWLRQ %3WR$' UDQNHG VRFLHWLHVZLWKKHUHGLWDU\FKLHIVZKRPDLQWDLQHG SRZHUWKURXJKWUDGHZDUIDUHDQGFHUHPRQ\ $GMDFHQWWRWKHSDUNDWWKH0RQDVKND%D\VLWH DSUHKLVWRULFVHWWOHPHQWUHYHDOHGDUWLIDFWVIURP ERWKWKH.DFKHPDNDQG.RQLDJ7UDGLWLRQV ,Q5XVVLDQWUDGHUVHVWDEOLVKHGWKHLUÀUVW SHUPDQHQWVHWWOHPHQWLQ$PHULFDDW7KUHH 6DLQWV%D\RQO\PLOHVVRXWKHDVWRIWKH SDUN%\WKHSDUNDUHDZDVLGHQWLÀHGRQ 5XVVLDQFKDUWVDV0\V0HOQLFKQR\RU0LOO&DSH $IWHUWKHWUDQVIHURI$ODVNDIURP5XVVLDWR WKH8QLWHG6WDWHV0LOOHU3RLQWFRQWLQXHGDVD SODFHQDPHIRUWKHDUHDDQDSSDUHQWWUDQVODWLRQ IURPWKH5XVVLDQQDPH Background photo: Rough waters off Miller Point Photo courtesy of Steve Neel View from Miller Point Photo courtesy of Steve Neel A Division of the Department of Natural Resources Alaska State Parks 8-inch gun barrel at Miller Point Photo courtesy of Wanda Scholze World War II Distant Electrical Control shelter Photo courtesy of Steve Neel Welcome 2IDOOWKHSODFHVLQ$ODVNDIHZKDYHWKH ZHDOWKRIZLOGOLIHVFHQHU\DQGKLVWRU\WKDW )RUW$EHUFURPELH6WDWH+LVWRULFDO3DUN 6+3  RIIHUV7KHUXLQVRID:RUOG:DU,,FRDVWDO GHIHQVHLQVWDOODWLRQFRXSOHGZLWKVWHHS VXUISRXQGHGFOLIIVGHHSVSUXFHIRUHVWV DQGZLOGÁRZHUODGHQPHDGRZVRIIHU\RXD XQLTXHRSSRUWXQLW\WROHDUQDERXWWKHHYHQWV RI:RUOG:DU,,ZKLOHHQMR\LQJWKHQDWXUDO EHDXW\RI.RGLDN,VODQG Background photo: Light, mist and trees at Fort Abercrombie Photo courtesy of Steve Neel $ODVND·VVWUDWHJLFORFDWLRQFDOOHGIRUWKH EXLOGXSRIFRDVWDOGHIHQVHVDWWKHRQVHWRI :RUOG:DU,,,Q3UHVLGHQW)UDQNOLQ 5RRVHYHOWVLJQHGDQH[HFXWLYHRUGHU HVWDEOLVKLQJDPLOLWDU\UHVHUYDWLRQLQWKHYLFLQLW\ RI0LOOHU3RLQW7KHREVHUYDWLRQSRVWZDV PDQQHGE\%DWWHU\$RIWKHth&RDVW$UWLOOHU\ 5HJLPHQWDQGHTXLSSHGZLWKDSDLURI HLJKWLQFK0DUN9,EDWWOHVKLSJXQVWRGHIHQG .RGLDN·VQDYDOLQVWDOODWLRQ3LHGPRQW3RLQW KRXVHGDQDGGLWLRQDOREVHUYDWLRQSRVWDQG D6&5UDGDUWRZHU³DFORVHO\JXDUGHG VHFUHWDWWKHWLPH7KHSRVWZDVQDPHG )RUW$EHUFURPELHDIWHU/W&RO:LOOLDP5 $EHUFURPELHDQGHYHQWXDOO\KRXVHG PHQLQ4XRQVHWKXWVDQGWHQWV 'HVSLWH-DSDQHVHDWWDFNVLQ'XWFK+DUERU DQGRFFXSDWLRQRI$WWXDQG.LVNDLVODQGV)RUW $EHUFURPELHQHYHUVDZHQHP\ÀUHDQGZDV DEDQGRQHGDIWHUWKHHQGRIWKHZDU $SDUNZDVHVWDEOLVKHGKHUHLQLQ UHFRJQLWLRQRILWVKLVWRULFDOUHVRXUFHVDQG VLQFHWKHQ)RUW$EHUFURPELHKDVEHFRPHDQ LUUHSODFHDEOHDVVHWWR.RGLDNDQGRQHRIRXU ÀQHVWVWDWHSDUNV Varileaf cinquefoil (Potentilla diversifolia) Photo courtesy of Lily Lewis Plant Life 7KHQRUWKHUQWHPSHUDWHUDLQIRUHVWRI)RUW $EHUFURPELHLVGRPLQDWHGE\6LWNDVSUXFH DQGDVKDGHWROHUDQWXQGHUVWRU\6KDGHG DQGOXVKO\JUHHQWKHIRUHVWLVDQLGHDO HQYLURQPHQWIRUWKHJURZWKRIPDQ\VSHFLHV RIPRVVHVWKDWDGRUQWKHWUHHWUXQNVDQG OLFKHQVWKDWKDQJIURPEUDQFKHV$ORQJWKH FRDVWDOZLOGÁRZHUPHDGRZVFKRFRODWHOLO\ ZLOGJHUDQLXPVKRRWLQJVWDUVURVHSXUSOH RUFKLG1RRWNDURVHDQGZLOGLULVDUHMXVWD VDPSOHRIWKHXQIRUJHWWDEOHDUUD\RIFRORU SDWWHUQVDQGWH[WXUHVWKDWPDNHXS´WKH (PHUDOG,VOHµ Chocolate lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis) Photo courtesy of Kerry Howard Stationed Wildlife Fort Abercrombie offers a multitude of wildlife viewing opportunities. Resident park mammals include the indigenous brown bat, short-tailed weasel, land otter, and tundra vole, as well as introduced species such as Sitka black-tailed deer, beaver, and muskrat. The famous Kodiak brown bear is occasionally seen, but the park is carefully managed to minimize bear and human conflicts. You can help by being mindful of your garbage and food at all times. There is exceptional whale watching from Miller Point, including humpback, fin, gray, and orca whales. Other aquatic mammals, such as harbor seals, sea lions, and sea otter are also frequently seen along the coastline. Birdwatchers should also take note: over 95 bird species inhabit the park and its shores throughout the year. A curious fox scans Photo courtesy of Phil Pringle Legend Restroom Photo courtesy of Jack Ransom Miller Point North Pacific Ocean N Parking A park naturalist teaches about wildlife in the intertidal zone. the landscape North Gun Mount Camping Walk-In Camping 3 Ranger Station Wildflower Meadow Information Multi-Use Trail 4 Monashka Bay Interpretive Trail South Gun Mount Shooting star (Dod Photo courtesy of Lisa Hupp ecatheon frigidum) Picnic Site Picnic Shelter Scenic View Beach Access Piedmont Point Lake Gertrude 5 Trail (Abercrombie Lake) Roads War Reserve Magazine Park Boundary 2 Historic Structure or Foundation Cliffs 4 CH 1 Aberc r om bi e Monashka Bay Road 2 Fishing The Alaska Department of Fish and Game stocks Lake Gertrude (Abercrombie Lake) annually with rainbow trout fingerlings that can grow to 4-6 inches in a year. When local fishery enhancement projects reach a surplus, coho salmon fry may be added to the lake’s stock as well, making it a haven for anglers. Check the latest fishing regulations at Mill Bay e Re z rive Fort Abercrombie SHP is home to the Kodiak State Parks Headquarters and Ranger Station, which hosts a variety of activities from tidepooling to wildflower photo scavenger hunts throughout the year. Check for more information about activities at Fort Abercrombie. riv of D an 1 Ranger Station D sid k Par ive r eD 3 Kodiak Military History Museum From 1941 to 1945, 150-200 soldiers manned the radar, searchlights, communications, and artillery at Fort Abercrombie to defend the northern approaches to Kodiak’s harbors from Japanese attack. Artifacts from this era can be seen throughout the park, including a pair of 8-inch guns and the former Emplacement Magazine, which is now home to the Kodiak Military History Museum. The museum is open anytime for WWII Veterans or groups by appointment. Check for the latest museum hours or call (907)486-7015 to make an appointment. 4 Camping Attention campers! Fort Abercrombie has options for troops arriving by personal vehicle or marching in by foot. Five campsites are outfitted for drive-in camping in the southwest corner of the park. Another four walk-in sites are stationed near Miller Point, offering a definite strategic advantage. So take your pick, soldier. At ease! 5 Group Site The group recreation area is equipped with a large fire pit, barbecue grills, and a pavilion that can be reserved for events. Horseshoe stakes, a volleyball court, and an open field offer a great way to get over your post-picnic lethargy. Contact Kodiak State Parks Headquarters for reservations.

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