Campbell Tract

Trail Map

brochure Campbell Tract - Trail Map

Trail Map of Campbell Map Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) in Anchorage in Alaska. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

(CT), managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the heart of Anchorage! The CT trails provide over 12 miles of nonmotorized fun during all four seasons! TRAIL ETIQUETTE More than 120,000 people and an estimated 40,000 dog visits are logged on these trails annually, so please remember to be courteous on the trails. Keep right, except to pass, use safe speeds, use your voice or bell when passing, and yield to other trail users as suggested below: WINTER ETIQUETTE SUMMER ETIQUETTE YI EL D Dog waste bags are available at each trailhead. Do your part to ensure the waste makes it into the garbage receptacle and fecal coliform stays out of our streams! In the winter, some trails are open only to dog mushing (refer to the map). These mushing trails support world-class races. Dog teams are fast, quiet, and hard to slow down; so please look and listen carefully near mushing trail intersections. Thank you for visiting Campbell Tract. The following help keep other trail users safe, protect our natural resources, and protect your privilege as a trail user: Campbell Tract • no off-leash dogs; physical restraints required (no electronic collars) • no access allowed on airstrip • no motorized vehicles • no camping or fires • no salmon fishing • no tree cutting or collecting vegetation • no harassing wildlife • no alcohol consumption • no use of firearms or paintball guns • no disturbing or removal of historic artifacts WILDLIFE Campbell Tract is home to moose, porcupine, lynx, fox, coyote, snowshoe hare, red squirrel, and black and brown bear. King and silver salmon are commonly seen from Salmon Run Trail. For your safety, always give moose a wide berth and run if a moose charges. Make noise to avoid a bear encounter and NEVER run from a bear. Go to for more information on keeping safe in bear country. Please report any bear sightings to 267-1246 and include location, direction of travel, time, type of bear, and number of cubs. Anchorage Field Office YI EL D GENERAL RULES BLM W ELCOME to your 730-acre Campbell Tract In the event of an emergency, call 911 or BLM Ranger at 267-1436. To learn more about your BLM public lands and the Anchorage Field Office, please visit: Please respect and enjoy your public lands! Bureau of Land Management Campbell Tract Facility Campbell Tract Trails BLM/AK/MA-03/014+8350+040 REV 2012 N to Tudor Road Homecoming Trail (6, 8,12, and 16 Old R Mile Loops) ond y Trail to Tudor Road Fork C i P Tra ck T Wo o d way Trail Campbell Creek Science Center Tr a i l wp 4 mile loop P-38 Lightning Trail Ho Inne rL r a il Tra i Ho st me ea d Abbott Loop Community Park a il ote Tr 1.8 mile loop Ho me ste ad Tra il Black B ea tle Campbell Creek k Lit r o F rth o N to Service High School rail rT l i wpoint Trail Vie C oy ad T Ro Birch Meadow Trail un Tra il) d 3 mile loop Mo ose Me ado w Tr ail oa p pR A tri Ly n x Vi e irs Elmore Road rail ll A to se ed U os on Cl reati c Re ( c re R Ca ip tr irs d se clo to il be s Air ll be l i Tra trip n tio a re e us mp 2.5 mile loop Tr a ers ov y (R Wa en’s Mell re Heritage Land Bank Ca ail p Tr oo m Lynx Trail Far North Bicentennial Park .8 mile loop b Lo Abbott Loop P Trailhead ur ) l ad Lore Road ing Trail com me i Tra Ro BLM Anchorage Field Office Bureau of Land Management i Campbell Airstrip Trailhead no M BL C o y ote iP Run Trail hK Smokejumper r ail Trailhead Moose Track T Sp Land Ownership P B ir c E. 68th Ave. CC ad Ro Salm on CCS C l rai Moo s e SC a mpbell C ree k oint T Dowling Rd. Sou th Trail Legend Winter Dog Mushing Only Trail Summer Multiple Use Trail Handicapped Access Trail Multiple Use Trail All trails become multiple use during snow-free season 0 .05 .1 .2 Bridge i Information Kiosks P Trailhead Parking Lot Tower .3 .4 .5 Miles to Bivouac Trailheads to BLM Ridge Trail

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